Stop factors: What prevents to become an entrepreneur?

Not everyone can and wants to be an entrepreneur. And it should not be a criterion for assessing the business success of a person. You can be piperazinyl salaried employee and receive the recognition of millions. I believe that nothing should interfere: if you have the desire to become an entrepreneur at any time.
The only stop factor for starting your own business is fear. Fear that something will not work, usual life will not change for the better that you will not be able to justify the confidence of the team that competitors are smarter, more talented and faster than you.
All I can advise is: believe in yourself, I mean, do it. And again, there's no "bad time to start your own business", any business, the company carries its capabilities.
Maxim Kraynov, CEO, Aviasales, CEOJetRadar my business that's not supposed to be doing. But, according to the experience of observation, stop-factor two: lack of understanding of the family, if any, and lack of drive. By the way, even from observations: the better performance of the startup, the more likely that the founders are not married, especially without kids. The reasons are clear: less relations, less commitment – more time for business – the better the result. It is also known that the appearance of a long-term relationship (started living together) or obligation (had children) in the short term hurts the performance of the employee. This is not discrimination, just like I have repeatedly noticed.
Bayram Annakov, CEO & Founder at App in the air I didn't thought about creating their own company, yet I saw the possibility of growth in VDI (later purchased by EPAM Systems). Then I quickly moved up the career ladder, there were interesting tasks and challenges. And in 2008, after much work with Western projects, I switched to Russian, and they told me "bent": clients treat contractors like fools, was a total disrespect. Lost the desire to move and to solve problems, to win. And then I realized that I had reached the ceiling in VDI (EPAM Systems then). I wanted to build a company to have fewer barriers, but more freedom, more challenges.
Dmitry Kalaev, Director of acceleration and educational programs FRII, managing partner, Red Button Capital , I believe that no one and nothing can prevent to become an entrepreneur. Imagine: you are most in life want to learn how to ride a bike. Even if the parents forbid it – at this desire you'll learn. I have my first experience of entrepreneurship was still in school, although back then it was inconsistent.
Stanislav Sazhin, CEO "Doctor at work" the First business I started at age 19. Before that bothered mom – she gave the money, and there was no reason to do something. When I moved away from my parents, everything changed.
Sergey Shalaev, General Director at Surfingbird never bothered, I just thought that first you need to gain experience, to find people with whom I want to do some projects or work. Mail.ru just appeared to me as a place to start. I worked for 4 years, graduated and then began to slowly go about their projects. One of them has become a company of Surfingbird, which now makes content recommendations to tens of millions of users.
Maria Podlesnova, CEO of Rusbase.vc I didn't believe in myself. It was a wild fear that I will fail. I was totally afraid to make a mistake. I'm still afraid to make a mistake. Wrong. And now more than ever, understand the value and importance of most of these errors.
Do not interfere, but rather stopped that it was difficult to assess the market and understand you believe in your product as much as you do, whether it is necessary for those for whom you created it. Speaking Russian, I was just afraid that I won't be able to sell.
And now I can confidently say: first of all you need to do what you fear most, and to always trust my instincts.
Dmitry Maslennikov, Co-Founder & CEO at MetaBeta Startup Accelerator to achieve something the people in the way they do: if a person wants something doing. So, personally, no one bothered me – I just acted. And those who otmazyvaetsya, often cited as an argument all sorts of stupid reasons and people around: mom, teachers, partners, circumstances, and God knows what else.
Ruslan Tugushev, CEO & FounderBoomstarter Nothing. I always have a clear perception of what you want it to be, and the purpose was always clear to me. And when a person has a goal, it is in principle difficult to stop something to stop him.
Ilya Sachkov, CEO of Group-IB prevented Me my kindness, faith in people and that people can change. Very often I stepped on a rake, when given a chance the person who did and made mistakes or lied.
I often spent a lot of time on those for our difficult work and sometimes do not even say thank you. Not immediately able to compute a manipulation when we are forced to do free work. I can't say that I have become meaner, or has ceased to believe in people. Now I'm just very hard and I believe only those who deserve it. The work.
Denis Kutergin, CEO of YouDo My main stop was a military Institute where I was trained. When I first became personally acquainted with Internet and thinking about entrepreneurship. I went to Golitsyn Institute of FSB of the Russian Federation in the course of Special communication and information. Second year, I signed a contract for 9 years, which obliged after graduation to serve another 5 years on distribution. In addition, according to the law on military status, we were forbidden to do business. Therefore, in the fifth year I decided to quit College and to terminate the contract, sacrificing the honors and the prospect of a military career. It was a very difficult decision that had to cook for more than a year, with a huge number of pitfalls and obstacles. So when I hear from some students that they did not get to do their own thing because of school or lack of time, I always smile.
Dmitry gorilovsky, CEO & Founder of Woodenshark Stop-factor is like a base jump after a picnic on top of the mountain. Prevented everything from Finance to incomplete understanding of what the company will do. I'm not sure about the accuracy of the metaphor – but this is the first baby born. First prevent everything, but then usually think: "why we did not do that before?"
Olga Suvorova, CEO & Founder"the Sky in diamonds" to Be an entrepreneur – energy intensive business. A lot of uncertainty and fears that must be addressed. Decide to start is difficult and the older you get – the harder, because you see all the more reason not to do it.
The first factor that has hurt and inspired fear, was the lack of experience in the field, where I planned to start a business. In the 2008-2009 year was not a good infrastructure, open knowledge portals and e-Commerce, had to step on a rake.
The second factor is the instability, first psychological and then financial. You daily have to make decisions, and sometimes it's difficult decisions. For example, once had to fire an employee with whom we have worked for a year together. When a company grows, there are people who don't grow as fast, and you have to choose what is more important – business or personal relationship.
The third factor is the difficulty of choosing a niche. When first starting a business, often trying on customers ' needs "over", forgetting that the audience is much broader. It is important to understand that you're in control and can always be a little "turn around" to find the right concept. This is normal, when the company evolyutsioniruet and changes over time.
Natalia Shkirtil, CEO babadu as well Before I became an entrepreneur, I had all the chances to make a brilliant corporate career. I worked in new York at the head office of Kraft Foods, was making some mad for Russia at that time money. But difficult was not the care of prospects and a good salary. It was most difficult to accept the fact that all your "status" and titles mean nothing in the field of entrepreneurship. Customers don't care how cool you got past career achievements and education – they either buy your product or not. And early more often "no" (smiling). The market gives a much tighter estimate than the corporate certification. I have about a year left to reshape the way of thinking from corporate to entrepreneurial. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: rusbase.vc/news/happy-entrepreneur-day/