The picture of the world: so we are for or against the Russian Jews?
Protesters, published in Ukrainian Lugansk under the Russian flag, began to chant: "Jews!»
Every Sunday for more than a month in the Russian-speaking cities in Southern and Eastern Ukraine held mass rallies and processions of people calling for it to Ukrainian southeast became Russia.
Today was no exception. Several thousand activists under the flags of Russia took to the streets of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kharkov, Odessa and several other Ukrainian cities.
Thus in Lugansk pro rally turned into anti-Semitic. According Luganskoe edition 0642.ua, man who introduced "a miner from the Red Ray", said: "In the state there was a nationalist coup, but you need to understand what the nation. Let's see who came to power. Timoshenko-Kapitelman, Tyagnibok-Frotman, Yatsenuk-Jew. This Zionist coup, all at Kiev! ».
The crowd chanted in response: "Jews!".
Besides Lugansk crowd to find near the building of the regional administration representatives of diplomatic missions of the United States and France, which these days are in Lugansk, power led them to the place of their meeting. The crowd surrounded the diplomats of solid ring and demanded the inclusion of Russian TV channels, disconnected from the Ukrainian cable networks.
That's who would doubt. I'm used when quilted jackets ajar here and start to whistle about the "Bendera-Nazis" flooded Kiev and moving in the power of "fascist junta." A one-two, well, a maximum of three commentaries begin hysteria something about "Jews, shit & b!". That's how they live such a picture of the world, who can explain?
Every Sunday for more than a month in the Russian-speaking cities in Southern and Eastern Ukraine held mass rallies and processions of people calling for it to Ukrainian southeast became Russia.
Today was no exception. Several thousand activists under the flags of Russia took to the streets of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kharkov, Odessa and several other Ukrainian cities.
Thus in Lugansk pro rally turned into anti-Semitic. According Luganskoe edition 0642.ua, man who introduced "a miner from the Red Ray", said: "In the state there was a nationalist coup, but you need to understand what the nation. Let's see who came to power. Timoshenko-Kapitelman, Tyagnibok-Frotman, Yatsenuk-Jew. This Zionist coup, all at Kiev! ».
The crowd chanted in response: "Jews!".
Besides Lugansk crowd to find near the building of the regional administration representatives of diplomatic missions of the United States and France, which these days are in Lugansk, power led them to the place of their meeting. The crowd surrounded the diplomats of solid ring and demanded the inclusion of Russian TV channels, disconnected from the Ukrainian cable networks.
That's who would doubt. I'm used when quilted jackets ajar here and start to whistle about the "Bendera-Nazis" flooded Kiev and moving in the power of "fascist junta." A one-two, well, a maximum of three commentaries begin hysteria something about "Jews, shit & b!". That's how they live such a picture of the world, who can explain?