Once a movie camera cockroach crawled. And he lived there for a week. It is known that he lived a week. Because all week on the movie camera filmed series. When the material is received, we saw that at the forefront of Rasfokus somebody moves the two whiskers and massive body moves.
Typically, the camera mechanics awe belong to the main film-making unit. When they bring the camera to the site, then shout to the whole crew: "Pass the nursing mother!" Mechanics of the camera, always referred to as the camera mother. [NEXT]
Probably, this time a cockroach was much rastoropnee kinospetsialista. While the film is charged, the animal has penetrated into the machine and got so deep to find it was not possible.
No one even suspected that a week is a shooting involving unplanned actor. Material group watched with great interest. I looked at the purple director, then rasfokusnogo cockroach. Someone from inside the cheek biting. Some could not stand and laugh spilling into the hallway. There's just smoked a green producer, counting the cost of a week of shooting.
While heroes passionately loved each other, lost and found children parted and met - played out against the backdrop of the real drama of the cockroach.
The movie camera is terrible, dark. Obturator bursting rotates. "AAA !!! Let me otsyudaaa! Tell my wife that I put the money under the plinth !!! .. What do you do, you bastards ?! I have nineteen children! I lived so little! .. »
On the sixth day of the cockroach began to die. Tear scene of the meeting of mother and child, which is the story takes place twenty years, was shot on a background of moribund animal. He finally died down. A little moved. No one looked at the material, all waiting for the end. Here's one last spurt movement ... ... ... massive mustache drooped rasfokusnoe body led the way.
Beautifully left.
Source: http: //
Typically, the camera mechanics awe belong to the main film-making unit. When they bring the camera to the site, then shout to the whole crew: "Pass the nursing mother!" Mechanics of the camera, always referred to as the camera mother. [NEXT]
Probably, this time a cockroach was much rastoropnee kinospetsialista. While the film is charged, the animal has penetrated into the machine and got so deep to find it was not possible.
No one even suspected that a week is a shooting involving unplanned actor. Material group watched with great interest. I looked at the purple director, then rasfokusnogo cockroach. Someone from inside the cheek biting. Some could not stand and laugh spilling into the hallway. There's just smoked a green producer, counting the cost of a week of shooting.
While heroes passionately loved each other, lost and found children parted and met - played out against the backdrop of the real drama of the cockroach.
The movie camera is terrible, dark. Obturator bursting rotates. "AAA !!! Let me otsyudaaa! Tell my wife that I put the money under the plinth !!! .. What do you do, you bastards ?! I have nineteen children! I lived so little! .. »
On the sixth day of the cockroach began to die. Tear scene of the meeting of mother and child, which is the story takes place twenty years, was shot on a background of moribund animal. He finally died down. A little moved. No one looked at the material, all waiting for the end. Here's one last spurt movement ... ... ... massive mustache drooped rasfokusnoe body led the way.
Beautifully left.
Source: http: //