18 movies with a hidden meaning

Among the many films there are those that especially sink into the soul.
The website offers just such a collection. In this movie jump in, living all the events along with the characters. And in your universe to come back a little different.
Before the dawn Before Sunrise, 1995
"Only when you achieve harmony within yourself will you find true connection with others."

Drama out of temporary space, and the simple life, her story is eternal. Not often we have amazing events that divide life into "before" and "after". And, if it has the chance to live this event, it is not necessary to miss. The film is beautifully proves.
All the king's men All the King's Men, 2006
"To find something, anything, a great truth about the lost points, you first have to believe that you get this kind of advantage."

One becomes what one had originally planned to fight. Remember, before you do anything, understand for yourself why you need it. Awareness of the importance of the goal can support you — the main idea of this drama. Very clear and truthful film about the fall of ideals. The film shows life for what it is.
Outcast Cast Away, 2000
"I know what I have to do now: I gotta keep breathing, because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what can bring a wave?"

Strong adventure drama: story about a man who in the most difficult situation didn't give up, who accepted the challenge thrown to him by fate-villain. The plot twists are mind-boggling at times.
The Beach The Beach 2000
"I still believe in Paradise. But at least I now know that this is not the place that you can find, because it's not where you're going. This is how you feel in the moment when you are part of something. And if you find that moment, it lasts forever."

At first glance, a fairly light movie with beautiful scenery and exciting adventure story. In fact, it's a movie about human nature. The heroes tried to create an ideal society in a place which rightfully could be called Paradise on earth, but look what happened to them this "Paradise".
Black hawk down The True Story of Blackhawk Down 2003
"It matters that you're doing it right now."

A difficult film based on a true story, carries a lot of lessons. And chief among them is the understanding that small things that we do today, can bring us great fruits in the future.
The curious case of Benjamin Button The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, 2008
"Our lives are defined by opportunities even the ones we missed."

Worked out to the smallest detail of the film, after which it is difficult to remain the same. The main idea is not to lament missed opportunities. After all, you never know what life is trying to teach you.
Forrest Gump Forrest Gump, 1994
"Run, Forrest, run!"

Amazing film, one of the best in the history of cinema. His idea is simple and brilliant: the person does not need anything supernatural to be somebody. Do not have to Shine mind or be tricky, the main thing is to keep moving. And don't forget about kindness.
Kiss fun Kissing a Fool, 1998
"You cannot find love where there is none, and hide it where it exists."

A romantic story with a good plot, excellent acting and atmosphere of love that hovers in the air. This solar film teaches the viewer to let go of the old and move on.
What a girl wants What a Girl Wants,2003
"Why are you trying so hard to fit in, if you're born to stand out?"

This good romantic Comedy you've probably already watched. The main character Daphne on the example shows that all have once to make sure its uniqueness and not be afraid to show it. Daphne copes with this!
Day off Ferris Bueller Ferris Bueller''s Day Off, 1986
"If you don't stop to look around once, you miss it".

The film evokes only positive emotions. Great music, jokes, anything flat, vulgar and stupid. Life is too short to miss out on anything, try to live more slowly, because time goes very quickly — this is the main idea of this film.
The notebook The Notebook, 2004
"You can't live your life for others. You have to do what's right for you, even if it hurts someone you love".

Very touching and heartfelt movie about the most important, which certainly will not leave anyone indifferent. He gives faith in love, in true feelings and shows that you don't need to go on about other people. It is important to do what you want, because first of all it's your life.
10 things I hate about you 10 Things I Hate about You, 1999
"Don't let anyone even give you feel unworthy of what you want."

Another romantic Comedy, the main idea that everyone deserves what they want, when doing all this for.
Shop "Empire" Empire Records,1995
"I don't regret what I did. I regret what I've done."

The film is a mood about the simple and important things in life: for anything there is no perfect time, do it now or regret it later.
In the pursuit of happiness The Pursuit of Happiness, 2006
"Never let anyone tell you that you are something are not able, even to me. Okay? This is your dream, you gotta protect it. When people are unable to do something, they want to tell you that you can't do that too. If you want something — go get it."

Sincere and optimistic drama based on real events — the classic story of a man who "made himself". He invests all his savings in a failed business and failing, struggling with poverty and family problems. His motto: "Never give up chasing the dream, you fight for it by all means".
The secret life of Walter Mitty The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, 2013
"To see the world, come to dangerous things, to see behind walls, to draw closer, to find each other and to feel. This is what life offers".

How many times in our lives we thought that would change a particular situation or even to turn life 180 degrees. This story is about a young man who had spirit and made a decision that changed his entire destiny. The main character scream out at us from the screen: "do Not get stuck in their own little world! Do not sit in place, try and start a new one!"
Alice in Wonderland Alice in Wonderland, 2010
"You can't live life to please others. The choice should be behind you."

Fantasy tale immediately plunges the viewer into a world behind the mirror — bright, magical, and sometimes even hard. The main law of life is: live for yourself, not for others, because it is impossible to please everyone. And do what brings you joy.
Factotum Factotum, 2005
"If you're going to try — go to the end. Otherwise you shouldn't even start".
Story writer who is willing to risk anything on the way to their goals and dreams, encounters many difficulties, but in spite of everything keeps. And it's inspiring!
The godfather The Godfather, 1972
"Great men are not born as such — they are great steel."

Now, with life a movie that literally captivates with its naturalness and regularity. The film perfectly shows that achieving greatness requires an enormous effort, but also to preserve it in their hands. To stay in the first place, you need to run twice as fast.
Photo preview Castle Rock Entertainment
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