2203 RAF "Latvia"
Create a new RAFovskogo minibus (instead of models RAF-977) began in 1965. The development of a new long-term car led two groups of four designers and one - under the leadership of Meyzisa, the other - under the leadership of Eyserta. In fact, development was conducted in the mode of competition, the competition between the two groups of engineers. Groups working completely independently of each other. Projected minivan had to satisfy two requirements: it had to be dvenadtsatimestnym and had to be based on units of GAZ-21.
It was finally created two prototype vehicle: RAF-982-I group Meyzisa and RAF-982-II group Eyserta. The first van had polukapotnuyu layout, this car was called the "Cyclone".
The second car had a promising carload komponovku.Oba car were sent to Moscow for the interdepartmental commission. As a result, the Commission considered the best RAF-982-I. However, director of Raphael, Elijah Pozniak, was unhappy with the decision of the Ministry. He considered futuristic (wagon-bus was then a novelty) RAF-982-II a promising model. Prototypes RAFov were again sent to Moscow. After the "second round" of tests, it was decided on the future of the production of RAF-982-II.
July 25, 1969 in Jelgava began construction of a new plant Raphael. After the entry into operation a new plant was to start issuing new minivans. Lapping prototype RAF-982-II was conducted during the construction of the plant.
The new plant began its work in February 1976. With its pipeline began to go minibus RAF-2203 "Latvia". Such a formal designation has a new vehicle, created in the course of debugging prototype RAF-982-II. Unlike the prototype, serial raf-2203 units are used by a new "Volga" - GAZ-24.
Among the shortcomings of the structure was placed over the front axle is too heavy engine. For this reason, it created a bad weight distribution (more than 55% of the mass accounted for on the front axle), leading to increased wear and even damage to the front axle, as well as poor handling unloaded a van on a slippery road. The body is not too different high quality welds and painting, as well as poor corrosion resistance. The bottom of the plywood was performed (except for the latest version of taxi 22039), which also exacerbated the problem of exploitation.
RAF-2203 "Latvia»
On the basis of raf-2203 was developed numerous modifications.
For example Serial Medical minibus RAF-22031 (1976-1994g.g.).
... Models Medical minibus RAF-22031 produced only a union of "Agat" (formerly "Tantalus").
In addition to conventional ambulances, Riga factory also produced reanimobiles RAF-2914 (until 1994)
RAF-2915 (1994-1997 years)
Also reanimobiles based raf-2203 manufactured by the Finnish company TAMPO in 1976-1994 years.
look inside the cabin ...
Another result of cooperation between Tamra and RAF - a minibus to transport corpses.
2203 RAF "Latvia" Taxi '1976-90
Use as a taxi was one of the main areas of application raf-2203. At the factory modified minivan, designed for operation in taxi, seats located on the sides of the cabin, while in the modification designed to work as official vehicles seats arranged transversely. However, later (in the nineties), many service vans were also used as a taxi, so the city routes operated machines with a different layout of the passenger seat.
Raf-2203 taxis have meters. Chistye Prudy (summer 1976)
22038 RAF "Latvia» '1987-97
Upgraded version of the minivan 2203. Like the predecessor, the model used by units of the Volga car, but more modern GAZ 24-10. Externally RAF 22038 different from the progenitor facing the front of the beveled back false radiator grille, different bumpers, door handles and mirrors.
Raf-2203 used in various fields. Basic vans - as official vehicles (including the police, the army), as well as avtolaboratory and so on. D.
Raf-2203 in the coloring of the Hungarian police
where do without traffic police ...
... RAF 2912
Under the care of the competition of the Moscow Olympics-80 at Rafah has been created a number of special modifications in 2203 models, including electric vehicles.
RAF-2907 with a modified interior layout designed to transport the Olympic Flame (1980.).
Pick-RAF-2909, issued by a small party to serve XXII Moscow International Olympics in 1980.
elekromobil himself ...
RAF 2910
Referee RAF-2910 transformed into a solar electric .. By the way, in the 80s experimented with electric raf RAF-2210, somewhere they even ran in as minibuses. The passenger compartment was shorter by one number - at the expense of battery, and of the trunk itself was not.
RAF-2911 judges from the scoreboard
Here is another interesting modification ...
Truck tractor RAF-3407 that was used for distribution of tourists at ENEA.
close ...
go to the Collector Rafik ...
Fontauto-RAF Collection '1988
Collector car built by Italian company Fontauto based RAF 2203.
Reservations vertical parts of the machine consists of 10-15 mm (nominal thickness) ballistic steel for the deaf body parts and glass 30 mm thickness. This command provides protection against all types of support attacks pistols rivolverami, 12-caliber rifle from a distance of 5 meters, automatic weapons and weapons of caliber 7, 62 (for example, Kalashnikov assault rifles) at a distance of 25 meters. Furthermore, in case of attack, vehicle velocity support under full control, even in darkness.
Team support - 3 persons, cargo weight - 300 kg.
A small batch of armored vehicles (62 pieces) released a French company Labbe commissioned by the Soviet Union during the second half of the 80s. But the model was very unsuccessful (heavy, weak brakes, poor visibility) and even the ridiculous (the bottom ... it was made of plywood!). The operation of the machine were quite unreliable and did not last ten years. Now it superredkost!
Car «LABBE»: (firm LABBE Sa Armor Mobile Security France «O'Gara - Hess») had multi-armored glass "Chameleon" thickness of 4, 5 cm, independent heating and climate control, as well as emergency automatic lock doors. Doors equipped with a system of loopholes impossibility external opening. Crew consisting of a driver, collector and senior armed with pistols PM, later issued senior AKS 74M. The first crews LABBE car began to equip fixed and mobile radios STORNO. Inside, there were two seats: the collector and older, as well as storage space for values with a sliding door. The car came with a sprung front beam and steering the company Peugeot.
Since the 1990s, Rafa began to be used for transportation of goods. On the basis of the RAF-22038 in the old RAF in Riga, produced small-scale monochromatic trucks ASN-ASN-3311 and 33111 (double cabin), comes also in Russia.
On the basis of the vehicle at the time of the order of the metropolitan stations of emergency medical assistance was released batch of medical vans for the transport of corpses. Ironically, this car was, in fact, the latest model in the history of the automobile, to cease production of buses and trucks in 1997.
Here are some more interesting Rafiki
2203 RAF "Latvia" Lada Service
RAF-33114 Gas
modifications of a lot, I think many will add ...

It was finally created two prototype vehicle: RAF-982-I group Meyzisa and RAF-982-II group Eyserta. The first van had polukapotnuyu layout, this car was called the "Cyclone".

The second car had a promising carload komponovku.Oba car were sent to Moscow for the interdepartmental commission. As a result, the Commission considered the best RAF-982-I. However, director of Raphael, Elijah Pozniak, was unhappy with the decision of the Ministry. He considered futuristic (wagon-bus was then a novelty) RAF-982-II a promising model. Prototypes RAFov were again sent to Moscow. After the "second round" of tests, it was decided on the future of the production of RAF-982-II.

July 25, 1969 in Jelgava began construction of a new plant Raphael. After the entry into operation a new plant was to start issuing new minivans. Lapping prototype RAF-982-II was conducted during the construction of the plant.

The new plant began its work in February 1976. With its pipeline began to go minibus RAF-2203 "Latvia". Such a formal designation has a new vehicle, created in the course of debugging prototype RAF-982-II. Unlike the prototype, serial raf-2203 units are used by a new "Volga" - GAZ-24.

Among the shortcomings of the structure was placed over the front axle is too heavy engine. For this reason, it created a bad weight distribution (more than 55% of the mass accounted for on the front axle), leading to increased wear and even damage to the front axle, as well as poor handling unloaded a van on a slippery road. The body is not too different high quality welds and painting, as well as poor corrosion resistance. The bottom of the plywood was performed (except for the latest version of taxi 22039), which also exacerbated the problem of exploitation.

RAF-2203 "Latvia»

On the basis of raf-2203 was developed numerous modifications.
For example Serial Medical minibus RAF-22031 (1976-1994g.g.).

... Models Medical minibus RAF-22031 produced only a union of "Agat" (formerly "Tantalus").

In addition to conventional ambulances, Riga factory also produced reanimobiles RAF-2914 (until 1994)

RAF-2915 (1994-1997 years)

Also reanimobiles based raf-2203 manufactured by the Finnish company TAMPO in 1976-1994 years.


look inside the cabin ...

Another result of cooperation between Tamra and RAF - a minibus to transport corpses.

2203 RAF "Latvia" Taxi '1976-90
Use as a taxi was one of the main areas of application raf-2203. At the factory modified minivan, designed for operation in taxi, seats located on the sides of the cabin, while in the modification designed to work as official vehicles seats arranged transversely. However, later (in the nineties), many service vans were also used as a taxi, so the city routes operated machines with a different layout of the passenger seat.

Raf-2203 taxis have meters. Chistye Prudy (summer 1976)



22038 RAF "Latvia» '1987-97

Upgraded version of the minivan 2203. Like the predecessor, the model used by units of the Volga car, but more modern GAZ 24-10. Externally RAF 22038 different from the progenitor facing the front of the beveled back false radiator grille, different bumpers, door handles and mirrors.


Raf-2203 used in various fields. Basic vans - as official vehicles (including the police, the army), as well as avtolaboratory and so on. D.
Raf-2203 in the coloring of the Hungarian police


where do without traffic police ...

... RAF 2912

Under the care of the competition of the Moscow Olympics-80 at Rafah has been created a number of special modifications in 2203 models, including electric vehicles.

RAF-2907 with a modified interior layout designed to transport the Olympic Flame (1980.).



Pick-RAF-2909, issued by a small party to serve XXII Moscow International Olympics in 1980.


elekromobil himself ...
RAF 2910

Referee RAF-2910 transformed into a solar electric .. By the way, in the 80s experimented with electric raf RAF-2210, somewhere they even ran in as minibuses. The passenger compartment was shorter by one number - at the expense of battery, and of the trunk itself was not.

RAF-2911 judges from the scoreboard

Here is another interesting modification ...

Truck tractor RAF-3407 that was used for distribution of tourists at ENEA.

close ...

go to the Collector Rafik ...
Fontauto-RAF Collection '1988
Collector car built by Italian company Fontauto based RAF 2203.
Reservations vertical parts of the machine consists of 10-15 mm (nominal thickness) ballistic steel for the deaf body parts and glass 30 mm thickness. This command provides protection against all types of support attacks pistols rivolverami, 12-caliber rifle from a distance of 5 meters, automatic weapons and weapons of caliber 7, 62 (for example, Kalashnikov assault rifles) at a distance of 25 meters. Furthermore, in case of attack, vehicle velocity support under full control, even in darkness.
Team support - 3 persons, cargo weight - 300 kg.

A small batch of armored vehicles (62 pieces) released a French company Labbe commissioned by the Soviet Union during the second half of the 80s. But the model was very unsuccessful (heavy, weak brakes, poor visibility) and even the ridiculous (the bottom ... it was made of plywood!). The operation of the machine were quite unreliable and did not last ten years. Now it superredkost!

Car «LABBE»: (firm LABBE Sa Armor Mobile Security France «O'Gara - Hess») had multi-armored glass "Chameleon" thickness of 4, 5 cm, independent heating and climate control, as well as emergency automatic lock doors. Doors equipped with a system of loopholes impossibility external opening. Crew consisting of a driver, collector and senior armed with pistols PM, later issued senior AKS 74M. The first crews LABBE car began to equip fixed and mobile radios STORNO. Inside, there were two seats: the collector and older, as well as storage space for values with a sliding door. The car came with a sprung front beam and steering the company Peugeot.


Since the 1990s, Rafa began to be used for transportation of goods. On the basis of the RAF-22038 in the old RAF in Riga, produced small-scale monochromatic trucks ASN-ASN-3311 and 33111 (double cabin), comes also in Russia.

On the basis of the vehicle at the time of the order of the metropolitan stations of emergency medical assistance was released batch of medical vans for the transport of corpses. Ironically, this car was, in fact, the latest model in the history of the automobile, to cease production of buses and trucks in 1997.

Here are some more interesting Rafiki
2203 RAF "Latvia" Lada Service

RAF-33114 Gas

modifications of a lot, I think many will add ...
