Time puts everything in places
Since 1991, Latvians heavily indoctrinated that all Soviet - bad. I confess that I myself thought so until then, until he was appointed advisor to the minister of culture, then it was Raimonds Pauls.
I became acquainted with the teaching aids, and it turned out that for years of independence Latvia has not published anything! All the books of the Latvian language, literature, dictionaries - all from the Soviet Union! Compared with the legacy of the Soviet Latvia, I saw that our modern linguistics, folklore, culture can not come close to what their counterparts in the Soviet Union. But this is a great value. So I realized the high level of the Union was the Latvian culture be respected, given the freedom to develop. Today our culture there, it was replaced by the Euro-American.
... Thousands of people are leaving Latvia: homes for them, no, no work and faith in the future. For our young people is a tragedy. Once we were flying into space and sang songs in Ligo, now we wash the dishes in London and think you will be able to feed at least one child.
... I'm almost 40, I'm pretty well-known musician and the experience of past years mean that bad - no, very bad - that the Soviet Union no longer exists. Valuing lost begin with time and experience, noting his own eyes full of loss.
Author Reynard Cowper, lead singer of Brainstorm, Latvia
Source: www.vremia.ua
I became acquainted with the teaching aids, and it turned out that for years of independence Latvia has not published anything! All the books of the Latvian language, literature, dictionaries - all from the Soviet Union! Compared with the legacy of the Soviet Latvia, I saw that our modern linguistics, folklore, culture can not come close to what their counterparts in the Soviet Union. But this is a great value. So I realized the high level of the Union was the Latvian culture be respected, given the freedom to develop. Today our culture there, it was replaced by the Euro-American.
... Thousands of people are leaving Latvia: homes for them, no, no work and faith in the future. For our young people is a tragedy. Once we were flying into space and sang songs in Ligo, now we wash the dishes in London and think you will be able to feed at least one child.
... I'm almost 40, I'm pretty well-known musician and the experience of past years mean that bad - no, very bad - that the Soviet Union no longer exists. Valuing lost begin with time and experience, noting his own eyes full of loss.
Author Reynard Cowper, lead singer of Brainstorm, Latvia
Source: www.vremia.ua