Mikhail Zadornov: the smell of the West
In the world thanks to the Internet leaked information about what financial benefits give Russia the Crimea. And it is even possible to make a free economic zone.
For the whole world, this means that in the Crimea can be opened offshore. In Israel, where a large number of Russian immigrants live, there was talk about how to hold a referendum and join Russia. Such talks have begun on the southern coast of France. But the temperamental just discussing this topic in the Russian region of New York Brooklyn. I wonder how Obama will react to this?
In general, Obama even a sorry sight - he had never very bright expression was, and now he just turned gray. Exhausted, emaciated ... It is not clear from the fact that divorce, or because of what is happening in Russia. Now it will be worn by the world as mad louse, and to persuade all countries not to be friends with Russia. Even going to China, India and Cambodia.
Poor, poor Obama ... He's currently fulfills orders of the financial corporations, a task which he failed. Just see it in his eyes as he was called on the carpet, reprimanded and ordered. These corporations hatred of Slavs and Russia - in the ancestral memory.
According to the tradition of his beloved Latvia. The Russian-language press and in Internet blogs were sane reasoning lytyshey. Latvians! Russian without sanity rejoice as nashumela Russia and how to set itself against the Western world. A thoughtful Latvians - the first time since Latvia's independence. Suddenly realized for himself one terrifying moment. To quote about "NATO can not protect us as we had hoped. To reach us to NATO, need at least a week - the day on the road and six days on approval. A Pskov division reach us - half an hour. What are we, the poor Latvians do? "Immediately showered with offers. The most popular is: Latvians have to prepare for war with Russia. Each house (yes, I'm not kidding, and it has been written in many blogs) have to be anti-aircraft guns against Russian aircraft. Along the border you have to dig a ditch to have not passed Russian tanks. And every Latvian patriots have to get hold of a machine gun to shoot when the Russian troops will go through the streets. I understand that it writes satirical, but still, as I said, has no relation to the jokes. These methods of upholding the independence of Latvia today discussed seriously. Of course, pleased that they were disappointed in NATO, but on the other hand, the question arises: Are Latvians conceited to the point that they can not understand - Russia Latvia does not need? It does not produce anything but lightweight textiles, creams and sprat, are not suitable for even the Russian army, because if you eat a lot of them, want to sleep and not to fight. Why do we have a country that produces nothing? No, friends, like the EU, and you let it contains. A much more profitable for Russia to Latvia remained a separate independent country. You have great banks, they are at the level of offshore work. All bank managers speak Russian, you can call from anywhere in Russia, and say, what to do with personal attendants. Your economy is supported by financial relations with Russia. Besides, why Latvia win if there are already about 50% of real estate belongs to the Russian?
How did these supposedly independent countries can not understand that it is much more profitable it would cost to be friends with Russia? Do not humiliate Russian, not turn them into second-class citizens. But the friendship with Russia will not allow the hosts from the West.
Ukrainian revolutionaries called themselves democrats, because seek to Europe. We have seen what they staged pogroms, they seized the television as trying to use force even to the doctor at Children's Hospital in Kharkiv. Similar pictures about the current situation in Ukraine shows in Western countries. My question is: how much is necessary to grow stupid not to see that all Ukrainian revolutionaries in disguise? A antimaydanovtsy - with open faces. So who are the criminals? Or they are so nasty person that they put on the mask of philanthropy? Most of all I liked the pictures as Sasha White women are hit in the face, bringing him this orgasmic pleasure. Remember, I warned that western Ukraine is better to Europe? Europe still shudder, and more than once.
And I believe the phrase emblematic of the young revolutionaries "Bendera", who said: "We are peace-loving. And those who are against it, we zabem! »
For the first time I felt sorry for Yulia Tymoshenko. She, poor thing should be treated. And she again for the grandmother with the philosophy denote whores. Proposed wet Russian atomic weapons. In her condition to her a short time left to live with such aggression. She has an aura torn to shreds. Karma in a wheelchair does not fit. Punishing women burn instantly.
In the presidential race, they will now try to outdo each other in their foul language against Russia, to gain rating hate speech. No new! All of this happened many times in the Baltic States. A lot of interesting us in the near future to hear about yourself.
Well, this is from the satyrs. Western countries pyzhatsya, coming up with new penalties for Russia. Just come up with, it is that they will be worse than this. Latvia has already sued Europe over sanctions that Europe made Russia - say, Latvia because these sanctions will be deprived attendants.
And here's another neponyatka. Moldova, western Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania ... We will not talk about politics - they have a margin income. But ordinary people believe the West? They can not comprehend that their country does not need Europe. Europe for one of their sponsors - that they yapping on Russia. We are not yet realized what the smell of the West?
So do not worry, friends attention when Moldova, western Ukraine, Poland, the Baltic countries swearing against Russia. They paid for it! Latvia - one by one, for each word.
Of course, many will say that I'm politically incorrect and netoleranten. But tolerance and political correctness - a lie. I also do not accept the phrase "double standard." In Russian it is necessary to say just - you liars.
And still sounds threatening sanction as a result of which Russia could lose Western products. Yes thank God! Finally, we will have less of this muck.
So thought and thought, and you start to dream about Western sanctions! :)
Some of our banks have lost the opportunity to use the cards Visa and MasterCard. What's wrong? It's time for a long time their cards do. And, because our make quality. We have a lot of titanium, from a good map are obtained. They can be machine to scrape away ice in the winter, or pipes from rusting.
And enough to worry about yogurt. Our yogurt has always been better than their yogurt. I beg the West: to decline, please bring yogurt to our country!
In general, all these sanctions resemble hissing snake, which is eager to bite, but her anger fell teeth. The poison was, but it can not release, so that the poison she poisons herself. In addition, the distance to the one she wants to bite, unattainable.
US rascals say about us that we are the aggressors. And here's a list of the peacekeeping affairs on Earth-Mother:
Since the end of World War II, the United States bombed:
1. China (1945-1946) 2. Korea (1950-1953) 3. China (1950-1953) 4. Guatemala (1954), 5. Indonesia (1958) 6. Cuba (1959-1960) 7. Guatemala (1960) 8. Congo (1964) 9. Peru (1965) 10. Laos (1964) 11. Vietnam (1961-1973) 12. Cambodia (1969-1970) 13. Guatemala (1967-1969) 14. Granada (1983) 15. Lebanon (1984) 16. Libya (1986) 17. El Salvador (1980) 18. Nicaragua (1980s) 19. Panama (1989) 20. Iraq (1991-1999) 21. Sudan (1998) 22. Afghanistan (1998) 23. Yugoslavia (1999) 24. Afghanistan (2001) 25. Iraq (2003) 26. Libya (2011)
And finally, again about my favorite Americans. Look who hates us. They believe that they live better than anyone else in the world. And do overeat, taking tranquilizers and can not live without a personal psychologist. It is that happiness? Their principle: currently, imagine yourself! And we did this in their formula did not fall.
If America is hated Russia, so Russia is on the right path!
@ Mikhail Zadornov
For the whole world, this means that in the Crimea can be opened offshore. In Israel, where a large number of Russian immigrants live, there was talk about how to hold a referendum and join Russia. Such talks have begun on the southern coast of France. But the temperamental just discussing this topic in the Russian region of New York Brooklyn. I wonder how Obama will react to this?
In general, Obama even a sorry sight - he had never very bright expression was, and now he just turned gray. Exhausted, emaciated ... It is not clear from the fact that divorce, or because of what is happening in Russia. Now it will be worn by the world as mad louse, and to persuade all countries not to be friends with Russia. Even going to China, India and Cambodia.
Poor, poor Obama ... He's currently fulfills orders of the financial corporations, a task which he failed. Just see it in his eyes as he was called on the carpet, reprimanded and ordered. These corporations hatred of Slavs and Russia - in the ancestral memory.
According to the tradition of his beloved Latvia. The Russian-language press and in Internet blogs were sane reasoning lytyshey. Latvians! Russian without sanity rejoice as nashumela Russia and how to set itself against the Western world. A thoughtful Latvians - the first time since Latvia's independence. Suddenly realized for himself one terrifying moment. To quote about "NATO can not protect us as we had hoped. To reach us to NATO, need at least a week - the day on the road and six days on approval. A Pskov division reach us - half an hour. What are we, the poor Latvians do? "Immediately showered with offers. The most popular is: Latvians have to prepare for war with Russia. Each house (yes, I'm not kidding, and it has been written in many blogs) have to be anti-aircraft guns against Russian aircraft. Along the border you have to dig a ditch to have not passed Russian tanks. And every Latvian patriots have to get hold of a machine gun to shoot when the Russian troops will go through the streets. I understand that it writes satirical, but still, as I said, has no relation to the jokes. These methods of upholding the independence of Latvia today discussed seriously. Of course, pleased that they were disappointed in NATO, but on the other hand, the question arises: Are Latvians conceited to the point that they can not understand - Russia Latvia does not need? It does not produce anything but lightweight textiles, creams and sprat, are not suitable for even the Russian army, because if you eat a lot of them, want to sleep and not to fight. Why do we have a country that produces nothing? No, friends, like the EU, and you let it contains. A much more profitable for Russia to Latvia remained a separate independent country. You have great banks, they are at the level of offshore work. All bank managers speak Russian, you can call from anywhere in Russia, and say, what to do with personal attendants. Your economy is supported by financial relations with Russia. Besides, why Latvia win if there are already about 50% of real estate belongs to the Russian?
How did these supposedly independent countries can not understand that it is much more profitable it would cost to be friends with Russia? Do not humiliate Russian, not turn them into second-class citizens. But the friendship with Russia will not allow the hosts from the West.
Ukrainian revolutionaries called themselves democrats, because seek to Europe. We have seen what they staged pogroms, they seized the television as trying to use force even to the doctor at Children's Hospital in Kharkiv. Similar pictures about the current situation in Ukraine shows in Western countries. My question is: how much is necessary to grow stupid not to see that all Ukrainian revolutionaries in disguise? A antimaydanovtsy - with open faces. So who are the criminals? Or they are so nasty person that they put on the mask of philanthropy? Most of all I liked the pictures as Sasha White women are hit in the face, bringing him this orgasmic pleasure. Remember, I warned that western Ukraine is better to Europe? Europe still shudder, and more than once.
And I believe the phrase emblematic of the young revolutionaries "Bendera", who said: "We are peace-loving. And those who are against it, we zabem! »
For the first time I felt sorry for Yulia Tymoshenko. She, poor thing should be treated. And she again for the grandmother with the philosophy denote whores. Proposed wet Russian atomic weapons. In her condition to her a short time left to live with such aggression. She has an aura torn to shreds. Karma in a wheelchair does not fit. Punishing women burn instantly.
In the presidential race, they will now try to outdo each other in their foul language against Russia, to gain rating hate speech. No new! All of this happened many times in the Baltic States. A lot of interesting us in the near future to hear about yourself.
Well, this is from the satyrs. Western countries pyzhatsya, coming up with new penalties for Russia. Just come up with, it is that they will be worse than this. Latvia has already sued Europe over sanctions that Europe made Russia - say, Latvia because these sanctions will be deprived attendants.
And here's another neponyatka. Moldova, western Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania ... We will not talk about politics - they have a margin income. But ordinary people believe the West? They can not comprehend that their country does not need Europe. Europe for one of their sponsors - that they yapping on Russia. We are not yet realized what the smell of the West?
So do not worry, friends attention when Moldova, western Ukraine, Poland, the Baltic countries swearing against Russia. They paid for it! Latvia - one by one, for each word.
Of course, many will say that I'm politically incorrect and netoleranten. But tolerance and political correctness - a lie. I also do not accept the phrase "double standard." In Russian it is necessary to say just - you liars.
And still sounds threatening sanction as a result of which Russia could lose Western products. Yes thank God! Finally, we will have less of this muck.
So thought and thought, and you start to dream about Western sanctions! :)
Some of our banks have lost the opportunity to use the cards Visa and MasterCard. What's wrong? It's time for a long time their cards do. And, because our make quality. We have a lot of titanium, from a good map are obtained. They can be machine to scrape away ice in the winter, or pipes from rusting.
And enough to worry about yogurt. Our yogurt has always been better than their yogurt. I beg the West: to decline, please bring yogurt to our country!
In general, all these sanctions resemble hissing snake, which is eager to bite, but her anger fell teeth. The poison was, but it can not release, so that the poison she poisons herself. In addition, the distance to the one she wants to bite, unattainable.
US rascals say about us that we are the aggressors. And here's a list of the peacekeeping affairs on Earth-Mother:
Since the end of World War II, the United States bombed:
1. China (1945-1946) 2. Korea (1950-1953) 3. China (1950-1953) 4. Guatemala (1954), 5. Indonesia (1958) 6. Cuba (1959-1960) 7. Guatemala (1960) 8. Congo (1964) 9. Peru (1965) 10. Laos (1964) 11. Vietnam (1961-1973) 12. Cambodia (1969-1970) 13. Guatemala (1967-1969) 14. Granada (1983) 15. Lebanon (1984) 16. Libya (1986) 17. El Salvador (1980) 18. Nicaragua (1980s) 19. Panama (1989) 20. Iraq (1991-1999) 21. Sudan (1998) 22. Afghanistan (1998) 23. Yugoslavia (1999) 24. Afghanistan (2001) 25. Iraq (2003) 26. Libya (2011)
And finally, again about my favorite Americans. Look who hates us. They believe that they live better than anyone else in the world. And do overeat, taking tranquilizers and can not live without a personal psychologist. It is that happiness? Their principle: currently, imagine yourself! And we did this in their formula did not fall.
If America is hated Russia, so Russia is on the right path!
@ Mikhail Zadornov
