Died writer-satirist Mikhail Zadornov ... Bright memory to this radiant man!
Today in Moscow at the age of 69 died a famous writer.satirist Mikhail Zadornov. The fact that he has brain cancer became known a year ago. The artist had to cancel some concerts and refuse to participate in several projects during treatment. But, alas, the disease was stronger.
Editors "Site" It is a shame that such a wonderful man has left our world. He had a very kind humor, and his TV shows were collected from screens and adults and children.
Satirist Mikhail Zadornov Mikhail Zadornov was born in 1948 in Jurmala. He first appeared on television in 1982 with the monologue “A Student’s Letter Home.” He came to prominence in 1984 when he read The Ninth Car. Tales and miniatures Zadornov read from the stage many famous artists, and since the late 1980s, he began to read his works.
Mikhail for a long time acted in the humorous show “The sold-out” and “Smehopanorama”. During his life he wrote more than ten books, including satirical and lyrical stories, essays, humoresques and travel notes. At performances, the satirist usually stood with texts in his hands. Zadornov had excellent physical training, and he often pleased the audience with a head stand and other gymnastic exercises.
In life of Mikhail Zadornov It was a fun adventure. On December 31, 1991, instead of the head of state, he made a pre-New Year appeal to the residents of the country. In his speech, which was broadcast live, Zadornov was so carried away that he spoke a minute longer, so I had to delay the broadcast of the chime fight.
Mikhail Zadornov is also known as the author of theories about the etymology of Russian words and the history of Slavism. In his speeches, he often interpreted the origin of a word and talked about its power.
In 2016, the satirist was diagnosed with brain cancer, which Zadornov went to treat in Germany. There he underwent a number of procedures, including chemotherapy, but, alas, nothing brought positive results. This summer, Zadornov stopped treatment to be in the circle of relatives and friends.
Shortly before his death, in early November, Michael decided to congregate and switched from neopaganism to Orthodoxy. On November 10, the artist died. A very tragic event... Our condolences to the family of Mikhail Zadornov. Eternal memory of this good man.

Editors "Site" It is a shame that such a wonderful man has left our world. He had a very kind humor, and his TV shows were collected from screens and adults and children.

Satirist Mikhail Zadornov Mikhail Zadornov was born in 1948 in Jurmala. He first appeared on television in 1982 with the monologue “A Student’s Letter Home.” He came to prominence in 1984 when he read The Ninth Car. Tales and miniatures Zadornov read from the stage many famous artists, and since the late 1980s, he began to read his works.

Mikhail for a long time acted in the humorous show “The sold-out” and “Smehopanorama”. During his life he wrote more than ten books, including satirical and lyrical stories, essays, humoresques and travel notes. At performances, the satirist usually stood with texts in his hands. Zadornov had excellent physical training, and he often pleased the audience with a head stand and other gymnastic exercises.

In life of Mikhail Zadornov It was a fun adventure. On December 31, 1991, instead of the head of state, he made a pre-New Year appeal to the residents of the country. In his speech, which was broadcast live, Zadornov was so carried away that he spoke a minute longer, so I had to delay the broadcast of the chime fight.

Mikhail Zadornov is also known as the author of theories about the etymology of Russian words and the history of Slavism. In his speeches, he often interpreted the origin of a word and talked about its power.

In 2016, the satirist was diagnosed with brain cancer, which Zadornov went to treat in Germany. There he underwent a number of procedures, including chemotherapy, but, alas, nothing brought positive results. This summer, Zadornov stopped treatment to be in the circle of relatives and friends.
Shortly before his death, in early November, Michael decided to congregate and switched from neopaganism to Orthodoxy. On November 10, the artist died. A very tragic event... Our condolences to the family of Mikhail Zadornov. Eternal memory of this good man.
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