What phrases should not be said
Not so long ago we talked about the most common mistakes in the Russian language. In that article, we once and for all understood the mistakes made in writing, and today we will talk about errors in speech. Surely. speech - an indicator of human intelligence and education.
Today's edition. "Site" He will continue to fight his mistakes and tell you about phrases that are generally not forbidden, but extremely terrible.
Speech errors
So we figured out how to speak competently. Of course, you will remember all this and will not make such mistakes again. We are all intelligent and educated people.
If you liked our article, share it with your friends! Let them resolve this issue once and for all.

Today's edition. "Site" He will continue to fight his mistakes and tell you about phrases that are generally not forbidden, but extremely terrible.
Speech errors
- "The Last Time"
This phrase is just a cry of the soul! You’ve probably heard it from friends, family or colleagues. Let's figure out where she came from and what to do with her. Initially, this phrase was used by people whose work was associated with a risk to life. Astronauts, climbers, pilots deliberately avoid the word “last”, because, in their opinion, this “last time” can really be the last. It's professional slang.
All right, these brave and courageous people can be understood and even forgiven. That’s just the word “extreme” at some point burst into everyday life, and now so say a lot of people. Take the legendary "Who is the last in line?".
Although it is believed that the word “last” has a negative connotation, philologists do not understand this. They believe that using “extreme” instead of “last” is a gross violation of the norms of the Russian language. So the "last" and nothing else!
DepositPhotos - "I heard you."
You're gonna ask what's wrong with that innocuous phrase? Yes, it can anger even the most calm and unperturbed person. Think about that phrase! You say something to the interlocutor, and he says that he heard you. And then what? The phrase makes no sense. It gives the impression that the interlocutor just wants to get rid of you, which is annoying. Don’t try human patience with this phrase.
DepositPhotos - "I miss you."
The dreadful thing of boredom... Once people don’t miss you, they miss you, they miss you, and they miss you. Don't do that! In this case, the only correct option is to “miss you”. After all, a literate person in any case should not miss someone or something.
DepositPhotos - "Let's decide!"
In Russian there is a verb “to decide”, but it has a slightly different meaning – “to decide for a while”. For example, Vasya solved the equation of 20 minutes and quit. Vasya did everything right (in terms of grammar, not in terms of decision-making, of course), but people who say “let’s solve this issue” are fundamentally wrong. The right thing to do is “let’s solve this problem.” It's probably jargon, and you shouldn't say that. There are certain associations: who needs it? - "Borrow me some money."
Those who know how to rightly do not tolerate this expression. But those who used to say this do not understand their righteous anger. So, let's learn how to borrow money properly, a skill that is useful. If you want to ask someone to lend, it is correct to say: “Lend me money”, “Can I borrow money from you?” The phrase “loan me money” contradicts itself, because “borrowing” is borrowing. Confused? Then just remember that the right thing to do is “lend me money,” and don’t make a mistake again.
DepositPhotos - "Pay the fare"
Yes, we talked about it in the last article, but it is impossible to tolerate. Repetition is the mother of learning! We remind you that you can pay for travel, and pay for travel. There's no need for excuses. - "Sit down."
As in the case of “extreme”, all the fault is superstition. It is believed that the word “sit down” is associated with prison, which is why it is not worth it to say so. That’s just the verb “sit down” is not quite suitable for the proposal to take a sitting position. The person who tells you to “sit down” is more likely to suggest you squat or sit on the edge of something. That's kind of rude, isn't it?
In order not to get into an awkward situation and not seem impolite, always say: "Sit down, please." No other way!
DepositPhotos - "Delicious."
It will be difficult to accept, but “delicious”, “money”, “sad” and “guilt” (this will be especially difficult to cope with) – slangIt is not worth using in a serious conversation. At home, on the Internet, with friends, it is not forbidden to express this way, but at work or somewhere else you should not experiment. Literary language does not allow this.
So we figured out how to speak competently. Of course, you will remember all this and will not make such mistakes again. We are all intelligent and educated people.
If you liked our article, share it with your friends! Let them resolve this issue once and for all.
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