Exhibition of Soviet design in the Arena
Until January 20, 2013 at the Arena, an exhibition of Soviet design. "The Soviet design?" - Raising his eyebrows in surprise you - "Is the Soviet Union was a design?».
Yes, there was, and still is! The exhibition presents a huge number of samples of Soviet design: posters, electronics, clothing, furniture, toys, household appliances. In the report it will not fit all, so I will not do it: just a little intrigue you, so that you yourself went to the exhibition.
28 pictures
Then took
Upon entering you will be greeted Soda fountain. This - the most famous specimen of Soviet design. These machines can often be seen in the old Soviet films, and those who forty or older, remember them from the past. Machines changed shape over time, not only changed the price: a penny for water with syrup and a penny for the water without syrup.
Next you will meet much less banal sample design: the Soviet microwave. Yes, that's a microwave! This 1989 model. In the series, they understandably did not.
In the Soviet Union was engaged in issues of industrial design special institute: VNIITE (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics). It existed from 1960 and had eight branches in the various republics of the USSR. Institute published the journal "Industrial art", and in 1967 it was made in this institute certification of products on the legendary "quality mark".
In the Soviet Union was well developed production of photographic equipment. Few people know, but the camera "Smena-8M" was the most popular camera in the world. Total has sold over 2 million copies, and not only in the USSR. Here it is, the legendary "Change-8M":
If you're shooting, then guess what, why do we need silver elements on the left of the lens on the following photo (button and plate). The answer - a photo.
This timer. Lever rotates 180 degrees, and then press the button. Lever begins to move, and after about half a minute, the camera shoots. No electronics, but always seen how much time is left until it clicks. In modern cameras have to do all sorts of tricks, such as rapid flashing LED for two seconds before the shutter.
There was also a panoramic camera "Horizon": filmed "long" shots:
In the USSR was one republic, which is actively used her name or national Nathaniel almost all of its products. Of course, it was Latvia. Everyone knows, for example, the RAF:
Please note that "Latvia" is written larger than "UdSSR", a minivan is named after the country. In my opinion, a poster does not look outdated: there are now too.
Since we remembered Latvia, it is impossible not to recall the legendary "Rigondeaux" - another Latvian product, but now avionics. The exhibition I have not seen a single person who would calmly walked past. Even children with interest examined radiogram.
Were caught even overseas stations:
See how skillfully made lining and a "branding":
Interestingly, many of them products of the Riga radio factory. Popova produced with inscriptions in Latin. In Latvia, use the Latin alphabet, and often come across products that do just that. If you will be at the show, you'll see three sample Riga technology with the names in the Latin alphabet.
Top gramophone - record:
The firm records were several plants. Basically, sell records Aprelevsky plant. At home we had a lot of plates in the Soviet era, but the plates Riga factory did not come across at all.
It is interesting that many of the devices was hitchhiking. If the plate is ended, then no hitchhiking she continued to spin and fizz. With hitchhiking system is switched off, the arm (the one thing in which a needle), rose and returned to its original position. In the most advanced models (RRR Allegro-001, for example) was even self-timer: When you press the arm came up to the plate and gently lowered it.
Do not resist the order to show the layout of the audio system of higher class "Corvette". I live to see this was not necessary. Unfortunately, the exhibition was just a poster, and even for the glare glass.
As you can see, all strictly. Last sample electronics, which I want to show you, dramatically knocked out of the strict polished form Riga electronics:
This is a portable tape recorder. In the late 80s the possession of such a device has raised the authority of the owner to incredible heights.
The device interesting locking mechanism. Guess yourself how it works:
By electronics particular interest was somehow the girls:
Girl photographs here this merry TV:
In addition to electronics, there are other examples of design. Remember the movie "Guest from the Future"? Where to go Kohl? For kefir. From here such bottles:
And the famous triangular package for milk. Does anyone know why the triangle?
From toys to show you only the dolls and Electronic kit. Everything else - see for yourself at the show!
And then I was in for a surprise. Did you know that the prototype of the robot R2D2 from "Star Wars" was developed in the USSR? Hello, R2D2!
In fact, the washer is intriguing name "Zai-3." Interestingly, the machine issued in the late 50s, had already pressed function:
I confess: barely restrained so as not to pull the handle.
These devices should be familiar from the films since perestroika. Famous "Decks" - devices for government communications. Say, and now there are such, but with the arms of Russia.
Well, the last of the items that I want to show: shoes. They say that the Soviet shoes was terrible. And in my opinion, looks better than what is sold in Moscow now:
The exhibition had a lot of people. Moreover, both adults and children. Several review photos of visitors:
The man clearly sees interesting exhibit:
At the exhibition I spent more than two hours. Would be like another, because passing the exhibits, each time you open some interesting details. If you are still in doubt whether to go - go definitely!
The exhibition is open daily (except Mondays), the ticket price - 150 rubles, photography - $ 100 (in the hall - control).
Yes, there was, and still is! The exhibition presents a huge number of samples of Soviet design: posters, electronics, clothing, furniture, toys, household appliances. In the report it will not fit all, so I will not do it: just a little intrigue you, so that you yourself went to the exhibition.
28 pictures
Then took

Upon entering you will be greeted Soda fountain. This - the most famous specimen of Soviet design. These machines can often be seen in the old Soviet films, and those who forty or older, remember them from the past. Machines changed shape over time, not only changed the price: a penny for water with syrup and a penny for the water without syrup.

Next you will meet much less banal sample design: the Soviet microwave. Yes, that's a microwave! This 1989 model. In the series, they understandably did not.

In the Soviet Union was engaged in issues of industrial design special institute: VNIITE (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics). It existed from 1960 and had eight branches in the various republics of the USSR. Institute published the journal "Industrial art", and in 1967 it was made in this institute certification of products on the legendary "quality mark".

In the Soviet Union was well developed production of photographic equipment. Few people know, but the camera "Smena-8M" was the most popular camera in the world. Total has sold over 2 million copies, and not only in the USSR. Here it is, the legendary "Change-8M":

If you're shooting, then guess what, why do we need silver elements on the left of the lens on the following photo (button and plate). The answer - a photo.

This timer. Lever rotates 180 degrees, and then press the button. Lever begins to move, and after about half a minute, the camera shoots. No electronics, but always seen how much time is left until it clicks. In modern cameras have to do all sorts of tricks, such as rapid flashing LED for two seconds before the shutter.
There was also a panoramic camera "Horizon": filmed "long" shots:

In the USSR was one republic, which is actively used her name or national Nathaniel almost all of its products. Of course, it was Latvia. Everyone knows, for example, the RAF:

Please note that "Latvia" is written larger than "UdSSR", a minivan is named after the country. In my opinion, a poster does not look outdated: there are now too.
Since we remembered Latvia, it is impossible not to recall the legendary "Rigondeaux" - another Latvian product, but now avionics. The exhibition I have not seen a single person who would calmly walked past. Even children with interest examined radiogram.

Were caught even overseas stations:

See how skillfully made lining and a "branding":

Interestingly, many of them products of the Riga radio factory. Popova produced with inscriptions in Latin. In Latvia, use the Latin alphabet, and often come across products that do just that. If you will be at the show, you'll see three sample Riga technology with the names in the Latin alphabet.
Top gramophone - record:

The firm records were several plants. Basically, sell records Aprelevsky plant. At home we had a lot of plates in the Soviet era, but the plates Riga factory did not come across at all.
It is interesting that many of the devices was hitchhiking. If the plate is ended, then no hitchhiking she continued to spin and fizz. With hitchhiking system is switched off, the arm (the one thing in which a needle), rose and returned to its original position. In the most advanced models (RRR Allegro-001, for example) was even self-timer: When you press the arm came up to the plate and gently lowered it.

Do not resist the order to show the layout of the audio system of higher class "Corvette". I live to see this was not necessary. Unfortunately, the exhibition was just a poster, and even for the glare glass.

As you can see, all strictly. Last sample electronics, which I want to show you, dramatically knocked out of the strict polished form Riga electronics:

This is a portable tape recorder. In the late 80s the possession of such a device has raised the authority of the owner to incredible heights.
The device interesting locking mechanism. Guess yourself how it works:

By electronics particular interest was somehow the girls:

Girl photographs here this merry TV:

In addition to electronics, there are other examples of design. Remember the movie "Guest from the Future"? Where to go Kohl? For kefir. From here such bottles:

And the famous triangular package for milk. Does anyone know why the triangle?
From toys to show you only the dolls and Electronic kit. Everything else - see for yourself at the show!


And then I was in for a surprise. Did you know that the prototype of the robot R2D2 from "Star Wars" was developed in the USSR? Hello, R2D2!

In fact, the washer is intriguing name "Zai-3." Interestingly, the machine issued in the late 50s, had already pressed function:

I confess: barely restrained so as not to pull the handle.
These devices should be familiar from the films since perestroika. Famous "Decks" - devices for government communications. Say, and now there are such, but with the arms of Russia.

Well, the last of the items that I want to show: shoes. They say that the Soviet shoes was terrible. And in my opinion, looks better than what is sold in Moscow now:

The exhibition had a lot of people. Moreover, both adults and children. Several review photos of visitors:


The man clearly sees interesting exhibit:
At the exhibition I spent more than two hours. Would be like another, because passing the exhibits, each time you open some interesting details. If you are still in doubt whether to go - go definitely!
The exhibition is open daily (except Mondays), the ticket price - 150 rubles, photography - $ 100 (in the hall - control).
