Is it worth considering Latvia as a country for emigration?
When I was 8, my mother and I were in Riga. I was most impressed by their monument to freedom. It is ironic that I am going to move there. Going to Latvia has always been a dream for me, and now it will become a reality. A quiet, peaceful country with Old European atmosphere The Baltic Sea is increasingly attracting our people as a place of residence.
Today's edition. "Site" It is important to consider Latvia as country And whether it's actually settled. Pros and cons!
Departure to Latvia
“What do you like about Latvia?” I asked my friend Olya, who has been living in Riga for more than 7 years. “The feeling of freedom!” was the first thing she said.
“It is clear that everything is relative. I remember our surprise when there is no huge number of police at city holidays, no one checks anyone, and the police do not catch your eye, but will come to the rescue if necessary.
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Publication by Igor Suprun (@garold1949)
Children in school no one reproaches about the sweatshirt too bright color and, oh horror, jeans. Moreover, there are pajama days... Children dye their hair and make hairstyles that they like, wear what they like. And, believe me, it does not affect their learning and behavior. They have an opinion and are not afraid to express it. In kindergarten, they are more courageous and free. But I do not idealize them, believe me, all sorts of things exist, as in the whole world.
Latvia is a member of the European Union, and it follows that local residents can enjoy all the advantages of this association, including the free movement of labor, capital, goods and services. Yes, Latvia is much poorer than many EU countries, yet the minimum wage there is 380 euros against 110 euros in Russia. The average salary In Latvia, it is 780 euros, and after tax withholding, an average of 650 euros remains. Pensions range from 200 to 300 euros.
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Publication from Move to Riga (@movetoriga)
Taxes and housing prices in Latvia are quite high, but food prices there are much lower than in many other European countries. Food in Latvia is enough 50 euros a week without any infringement of your desires for food. On average, according to locals, for life is enough 200-300 euros a month.
The unemployment rate in Latvia is low. And visitors may well find work. It’s easier to get a better job if you know. Latvian.
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Publication by Olga Pilipovec (@olgapilipovec)
Now the language. Latvia is one of the countries of the former USSR. There are a lot of people there who know and understand. Russian. They are more people of the older generation. There is also a large Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian diaspora. This also makes it easier to adapt to a new country. However, it does not hurt to learn Latvian, since the use of Russian is not always welcome. English is also well known in Latvia, especially young people.
There are Russian kindergartens and Russian schools in Latvia. For now. Several education reforms are currently being implemented in the country. Their goal is the complete curtailment of Russian education, starting with kindergarten and school and ending with universities.
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Publication by Olga Pilipovec (@olgapilipovec)
The level of education in Latvia is quite high, and it is recognized in many European countries. Education at local universities is conducted in Latvian and English, and to a lesser extent in Russian.
“In Latvia people are cultured, no one swears in lines!” – I shared my observation with a friend. "Yes and no!" replied Olya. “In fact, Latvians are simply shy and reserved. They don't really fight in lines. But they look very eloquently. You better fight, for God's sake.”
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Publication by RUS.DELFI.LV (@rus.delfi.lv)
Modern Riga as an option for living is suitable for those who love quiet and peaceful cities with beautiful architecture and the sea. The Baltic Sea, though shallow and cold, is very beautiful. However, swimming in it is possible only in July.
Latvia is not a Mediterranean country. The Gulf Stream also bypassed it, so the climate here is appropriate. Piercing winds and dampness are often, but lately there is a rather warm summer, and in October there is usually "grandma summer".
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Publication by RUS.DELFI.LV (@rus.delfi.lv)
I can say for myself that I have never felt such a state of calm and harmony as in Jurmala. And this is the aroma of pine forests. And the sea! From Riga in just one night by boat you can swim to Stockholm. And, believe me, there is something to see too!
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Posted by Antons Patlins (@dr_patlins)
I would like to mention it separately. Latvian. Lots of fish, vegetables and meat dishes from pork. They also like milk, bread and sweet soups. What delicious yogurts and desserts with cranberries and lingonberries! Amazing in Latvia and portions of food in cafes and restaurants. They're just huge, unrealistically big. And the food is delicious.
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Posting from Hope (@jn_vos)
Riga has good air connections with other European cities and ferry service to Stockholm. From Riga without any border control, you can leave by car even to Lisbon. The outflow of the local population to other European countries continues every year from Latvia. People are not leaving for a good life. There are nuances, but everything is relative.
I would also like to know if moving to Norway is a good solution. The Northern Kingdom ranks among the top five happy, safe and educated countries. However, not everything here is as perfect as it seems at first glance!
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Publication by Travel Agency "SweetWay" (@sweetway_baranovichi)
I believe that going to Latvia should be considered and balanced. All right. advantages of Latvia You should always remember and understand that the attitude towards you from your environment depends on 60-80% of yourself. It doesn’t matter where you live or what country you work in.
Would you like to move to Latvia?
Today's edition. "Site" It is important to consider Latvia as country And whether it's actually settled. Pros and cons!
Departure to Latvia

“What do you like about Latvia?” I asked my friend Olya, who has been living in Riga for more than 7 years. “The feeling of freedom!” was the first thing she said.
“It is clear that everything is relative. I remember our surprise when there is no huge number of police at city holidays, no one checks anyone, and the police do not catch your eye, but will come to the rescue if necessary.
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Publication by Igor Suprun (@garold1949)
Children in school no one reproaches about the sweatshirt too bright color and, oh horror, jeans. Moreover, there are pajama days... Children dye their hair and make hairstyles that they like, wear what they like. And, believe me, it does not affect their learning and behavior. They have an opinion and are not afraid to express it. In kindergarten, they are more courageous and free. But I do not idealize them, believe me, all sorts of things exist, as in the whole world.
Latvia is a member of the European Union, and it follows that local residents can enjoy all the advantages of this association, including the free movement of labor, capital, goods and services. Yes, Latvia is much poorer than many EU countries, yet the minimum wage there is 380 euros against 110 euros in Russia. The average salary In Latvia, it is 780 euros, and after tax withholding, an average of 650 euros remains. Pensions range from 200 to 300 euros.
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Publication from Move to Riga (@movetoriga)
Taxes and housing prices in Latvia are quite high, but food prices there are much lower than in many other European countries. Food in Latvia is enough 50 euros a week without any infringement of your desires for food. On average, according to locals, for life is enough 200-300 euros a month.
The unemployment rate in Latvia is low. And visitors may well find work. It’s easier to get a better job if you know. Latvian.
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Publication by Olga Pilipovec (@olgapilipovec)
Now the language. Latvia is one of the countries of the former USSR. There are a lot of people there who know and understand. Russian. They are more people of the older generation. There is also a large Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian diaspora. This also makes it easier to adapt to a new country. However, it does not hurt to learn Latvian, since the use of Russian is not always welcome. English is also well known in Latvia, especially young people.
There are Russian kindergartens and Russian schools in Latvia. For now. Several education reforms are currently being implemented in the country. Their goal is the complete curtailment of Russian education, starting with kindergarten and school and ending with universities.
View this post on Instagram
Publication by Olga Pilipovec (@olgapilipovec)
The level of education in Latvia is quite high, and it is recognized in many European countries. Education at local universities is conducted in Latvian and English, and to a lesser extent in Russian.
“In Latvia people are cultured, no one swears in lines!” – I shared my observation with a friend. "Yes and no!" replied Olya. “In fact, Latvians are simply shy and reserved. They don't really fight in lines. But they look very eloquently. You better fight, for God's sake.”
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Publication by RUS.DELFI.LV (@rus.delfi.lv)
Modern Riga as an option for living is suitable for those who love quiet and peaceful cities with beautiful architecture and the sea. The Baltic Sea, though shallow and cold, is very beautiful. However, swimming in it is possible only in July.
Latvia is not a Mediterranean country. The Gulf Stream also bypassed it, so the climate here is appropriate. Piercing winds and dampness are often, but lately there is a rather warm summer, and in October there is usually "grandma summer".
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Publication by RUS.DELFI.LV (@rus.delfi.lv)
I can say for myself that I have never felt such a state of calm and harmony as in Jurmala. And this is the aroma of pine forests. And the sea! From Riga in just one night by boat you can swim to Stockholm. And, believe me, there is something to see too!
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Posted by Antons Patlins (@dr_patlins)
I would like to mention it separately. Latvian. Lots of fish, vegetables and meat dishes from pork. They also like milk, bread and sweet soups. What delicious yogurts and desserts with cranberries and lingonberries! Amazing in Latvia and portions of food in cafes and restaurants. They're just huge, unrealistically big. And the food is delicious.
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Posting from Hope (@jn_vos)
Riga has good air connections with other European cities and ferry service to Stockholm. From Riga without any border control, you can leave by car even to Lisbon. The outflow of the local population to other European countries continues every year from Latvia. People are not leaving for a good life. There are nuances, but everything is relative.
I would also like to know if moving to Norway is a good solution. The Northern Kingdom ranks among the top five happy, safe and educated countries. However, not everything here is as perfect as it seems at first glance!
View this post on Instagram
Publication by Travel Agency "SweetWay" (@sweetway_baranovichi)
I believe that going to Latvia should be considered and balanced. All right. advantages of Latvia You should always remember and understand that the attitude towards you from your environment depends on 60-80% of yourself. It doesn’t matter where you live or what country you work in.
Would you like to move to Latvia?
According to the precepts of my grandmother, I keep cereals for years, the moth does not start, the mice do not look into the kitchen cabinets.
I wanted May cucumbers, a proven summer resident brought seeds, I start planting according to the lunar calendar.