Choosing a country for emigration, I want to hear the advice of knowledgeable people.

There is a saying: “A fish seeks deeper, a man seeks better.” Sometimes people cannot find happiness in their home country. It happens. But here's what emigration Is it best? To match the economic factor, temperament, religion, climate in the end!

Several countries come to mind at once: Turkey, Sweden, China, America, England. These are not good countries to take root in. Many of our compatriots give quite reasonable arguments for and against. The final decision, of course, is yours. Well, let's work it out together. Avos will be interested.

Despite the fact that this country is considered a secular state, Islam still makes itself felt. Let's start. patriarchalism. A woman can find a job, but, according to those who moved, her choice is rather poor. Since the region is rich in tourist attractions, ladies fashion is not limited to the hijab or burka. It's actually a lot easier here.

However, Turkey has relatively high prices. Vegetarians are easier: fruits and vegetables are cheap. But lamb and beef will cost a penny. Pork, for obvious reasons, is not respected here. No illegal employment. Continuous checks and, if so, deportation. It's beautiful. Friendly people, sea, sand. There is a chance to learn how to bargain in local markets. Especially our fellow citizens.

This Scandinavian country is divinely beautiful. Yes, recently she is rather careless about the issue of the entry of new residents, but we will look at it through our fingers. The easiest way to enter Sweden is as a student. Next, the local authorities will ask our compatriots to return to their homeland. But official employment, business or marriage with a resident It will solve these issues in a legal manner.

To feel comfortable in Sweden, you need to know its language. Sitting in an emigrant environment with broken English will not work. Unless you're okay with a job in service positions. In addition, the Swedes are quite frugal people not to say squeezy. It’s worth considering before deciding that spending three whole-family salaries on marrying an only son is a good idea. Paphos is out of favor here.

Economically, China is second only to the United States. Although in terms of development, they are far ahead of the entire planet. The most important advice for visitors: think about the budget for the first three months, estimate everything and triple. That’s how much money you need for a quarter of your life in China. Pleasure, I must say, is not cheap.

You need to be guided in which province you want to settle. We warn at once: although there are plenty of Chinese farmers in the country, this is really hard work, which sometimes is beyond the power of even the most hardy European. Chinese youth are eager for big cities. Given the number, you know they're right about something. And note: grasshoppers and scorpions - food is pure for tourists. The Chinese love meat and quickly roasted vegetables with various sauces. Everything else is from evil.

America’s 50 states are essentially 50 states with one basic law. To be honest, local laws can be very different. South and North, white and black, heat and cold. Seriously, some people in the United States have never been outside their state. It is good for them (or bad for them), but sometimes the horizon is deceiving.

What is important for an expat: supporting the diaspora and understanding what needs to be done. The American Dream is not an excerpt from a Hollywood movie, but a constant work on yourself and your business. Only then comes fame (mostly local) and recognition. Fat people, sometimes unkempt, but they do their job and do not "soar" about anything. This is real freedom. Why not?

England's fog, island, odd accent (although it's their native language) and ambiguous attitudes of island neighbors. The English? The English. The Scots, the Irish and even the Welsh will tell a lot of interesting and uncomfortable things about the English, but we advise listening to their stories only after complete assimilation. The history of the English people is too rich. Admittedly, these people can make great friends. The main thing is to understand their humor. There's no way.

Becoming a citizen is not easy. Judge for yourself, a permanent residence permit is possible only under the following conditions:

  1. 5 years of marriage with a British citizen;
  2. 10 years of legal residence in the country;
  3. 30 years as an illegal (hopefully not your option)
  4. 5 years as a professional immigrant.

Of course, we did not consider other countries for emigration. Because our man likes to travel. Take Miklouho-Maclay, for example. That's what the man was interested in achieving. But for such a step as emigration, you need to be fully equipped. We advise you to think about your position first, and then start making changes in your life. Good luck and good luck. We advise you. "Site".


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