After moving abroad, life has irreversibly changed, I will tell you what I regret the most.

“A month later, I realized that I didn’t want to make money abroad. I want to spend it! I heard from my sister on the phone. Katya has been living in the Czech Republic for 7 years. Her stories have in many ways turned my outlook in a foreign land.

Today's edition. "Site" It will change irreversibly when you move. live abroad. Revelations about what life really is like in a foreign country!

At first there was a feeling of confusion, discouragement and surprise. And then there was curiosity, interest, surprise, bouts of nostalgia, bewilderment! – this is how her sister described her feelings in the first months after the move.

Of course, everything is very, very individual! Everyone has their own experience. But the question of language definitely concerns everyone who has changed the country. A person who has changed his place of residence permanently or permanently must absorb the culture and language of the country where he lives.

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Publication by Igor GO | ALL About the Czech Republic (@go_is_go)

Those who want to preserve their native language continue to speak it among their friends and family. In any case, when you live in a country for a long time, the brain begins to adapt. Over time, you not only begin to understand everything and speak a new language perfectly, you even begin to think in it.

As for the native language, it is unlikely to be forgotten, especially if you continue to speak it at home and with relatives. Children born in exile can easily speak Russian as well as the language of a new country. It all depends on the values of the family.

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Publication from Travel Japan (@veronika.sakuma)

There are cases when it is difficult for people to speak their native language as well as before. In sentences can slip other people's words. And that's okay. “Since the advent of the Internet, it has not been so difficult to maintain your native language, but accidents happen!” – I once heard from a friend who has lived in Israel for 22 years.

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Publication from INSURANCE | VISA | Czech Republic (@kover_prague)

“The suitcase wasn’t just a bag for me!” I heard from my sister. At first, Katya thought that she would simply disassemble things from suitcases on shelves in the closet, and the suitcase itself would throw somewhere far away, on the closet, for example. But it wasn't! Emigration freed us from the love of permanence.

“I want to know the places that are nearby. And not just around! Berlin, Dresden, Vienna... Why don't we go to the Alps? I want to change the picture over and over again. It is addictive and gives great pleasure. And I will not be surprised that after the Czech Republic, I want to live in Germany or Austria!

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Publication from Sabine | Travels | Antalya (@redhotchilisabi)

I always compare our prices to Czech prices. I thought it would disappear in 2-3 years, but it has already passed 7, and I still keep in mind the exchange rate!

It is interesting that in emigration (depending on the country) the time is different. In France, it is normal to be half an hour late. And in Spain, it can be even more. We have 15 minutes, which is quite a delay. Well, in the U.S., you can't just invite a person to a cafe and immediately go there. Everybody's on schedule.

Sadly in another country with the issue of heating. Not my sister, but my friend Nastya, who lives in Paris, told me this. The heating is tight. In apartments in winter, the normal temperature is plus 18. Maybe that's why they like to bake all sorts of quiche pies. The heating of the oven definitely gets warmer.

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Publication from Maria tours in Sri Lanka (@yourlanka)

And in Japan, for example, heaters and air conditioners are included only in those rooms where they spend a lot of time. You have to run as fast as possible through the refrigerator. After all, heating a part of the house where you do not spend even minutes a day would be unwise from the point of view of both economy and ecology.

The main argument against emigration, which is often mentioned, is that nobody needs you there. “That is the truth. You lose not only your job, your usual social circle, but even your usual walkways and shops. And even smells, colors, old tastes. That's the truth.

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Post by бLiving in Dubai (@nl_dubaiteam)

Let me tell you a little secret: nobody wants you anywhere. You only need yourself! Yes, you're going to lose a lot, but you're going to realize that anything is possible. The new world will consume you completely. And you will definitely feel that material success is not everything! – concluded her sister.

At what point can a citizen who has left his native land feel nostalgia? Everyone has their own time, but you will feel it. Because we will always be drawn to where we come from.

I also offer to find out what will disappoint the life in Switzerland of our man. You need to think about everything in advance, because late at night you can not buy anything!

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Publication from HOUSE TRAVEL (@tasha_croatia)

Of course, life in a foreign country for someone may not be honey, but for someone paradise. It's individual. There are pros and cons everywhere. But in any case, it is a tremendous experience and frontier in every sense of the word.

Probably, to go to another country and stay, you need to have some certain traits of character. They say that if, having lived in a foreign country for six months, you still feel out of place, then this country is not yours.

What do you think? Do you agree with these statements and opinions?


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