I wanted May cucumbers, a proven summer resident brought seeds, I start planting according to the lunar calendar.

How to get a large harvest of cucumbers in mid-May? Someone will say fantastic. In fact, knowledge, experience and accurate calculation. We share step-by-step instructions from experienced gardeners. The choice of hybrid, timing of sowing and the subtlety of growing seedlings for those who want an early harvest of crispy greens.

Choosing a hybrid from the colossal abundance of varieties the most suitable is not such a simple task as it may seem at first glance.

You need to consider a number of factors: the number of sunny days in May, the possibility of growing seedlings in the house and much more. But in any case, it must be an early and self-pollinating hybrid.

For example, “April F1”, “F1 Zozule” or “F1 Shosha”, which yields on the 38th day. It should be remembered that early varieties are more susceptible to diseases. And self-pollinating somewhat inferior to traditional taste.

Determining the choice of hybrid, you can determine the date of sowing. As a rule, shoots appear on the 5-7th day. Therefore, add 5 days to the maturity period. For example, for the hybrid “zosule F1”, the maturation period is 45 days. Sowing should be done 50 days before the desired date of harvesting the first crop.

Let's get this straight. The optimal time for sowing is late March or early April. Those who planted seeds in the first days of April will receive the harvest from 20 to 25 May.

First, place the seeds in plastic cups of 200 ml. So that the shoots do not stretch, put them under the phytolamp.

After the appearance of the first real leaf, the seedlings moved into the dwelling more spaciously. It should be a capacity of about 500 ml. And preferably transparent, it is more convenient to monitor the development of the root system. As soon as the roots appear from the earth coma, transplant the cucumbers again. This time in a plastic bag filled with soil.

It can be inserted into a 5-liter bottle without a top. When the time comes to disembark in the greenhouse, carefully cut the bottom of the package and lower it by the handles into the hole.

Very convenient. The bottle can be reused, and the root system is not damaged, and will warm up faster inside the package.

While cucumbers grow at home, they need to provide a comfortable amount of light. Ideally, it should be at least 14 hours a day. Before planting in the greenhouse, the bushes need to be accustomed to new conditions. To do this, take them to the greenhouse every day. At first for an hour, then for 2-3, at the very end you can and at night.

As you can see, getting a large harvest of cucumbers in May is quite real. The main thing is to choose a successful hybrid, decide on the timing of planting and properly care for seedlings. We wish you successful garden experiments and a generous harvest!


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