Pivovoz giving Ivan
At the scene unbearable stink of beer. Hefty puddle it flowed out of lying on the right side of the truck, if the blood.
Gawker clicking cameras of mobile phones, porters, swearing at, dragged the survivors of the bottle into another car.
Poor-Lanos, who took the brunt of the body "pivovoza" blind squinting zapautinennym cracked windshield.
This resonant accident happened on Kiev Prospekt in Donetsk on a "branch". Exactly between the trolleybus and tram stop.
Present at the scene of the accident the traffic police representatives from my questioning shrugged. Freight also pretended that they - deaf. The conversation only mechanic arrived to help lift the truck: "This bus clipped him. He has nowhere to go, took a right ... Inside were the driver and two freight forwarder. Now one of them is not - in the hospital ».
From the womb to the overturned truck Lanos mined surviving beer.
Booth also got iron monster ...
I draw your attention to a man with a bandage on his head. It turns out - the driver Lanosa Valery Sidorenko. "I normally parked. Dropped off his wife, her shop had to - he says. - And here I was this machine that goes from the Putilov bus is covered ... Whether the brakes had failed, or something like that ... Anyone who saw thought not get out ».
His hands were trembling victim, his voice too. It is evident that people are shocked. At the hospital, he recorded a head injury, broken ribs.
via donbass.ua
Gawker clicking cameras of mobile phones, porters, swearing at, dragged the survivors of the bottle into another car.
Poor-Lanos, who took the brunt of the body "pivovoza" blind squinting zapautinennym cracked windshield.

This resonant accident happened on Kiev Prospekt in Donetsk on a "branch". Exactly between the trolleybus and tram stop.

Present at the scene of the accident the traffic police representatives from my questioning shrugged. Freight also pretended that they - deaf. The conversation only mechanic arrived to help lift the truck: "This bus clipped him. He has nowhere to go, took a right ... Inside were the driver and two freight forwarder. Now one of them is not - in the hospital ».

From the womb to the overturned truck Lanos mined surviving beer.

Booth also got iron monster ...

I draw your attention to a man with a bandage on his head. It turns out - the driver Lanosa Valery Sidorenko. "I normally parked. Dropped off his wife, her shop had to - he says. - And here I was this machine that goes from the Putilov bus is covered ... Whether the brakes had failed, or something like that ... Anyone who saw thought not get out ».
His hands were trembling victim, his voice too. It is evident that people are shocked. At the hospital, he recorded a head injury, broken ribs.
via donbass.ua
