HISTORY AntiPopov ... 210 years ago was born in Kiev Governor Ivan Fundukley

In 2014 marks 210 years since the birth of the civil governor of the Kiev Ivan Fundukleya. Curiously origin of the names of this gentleman.
"... The whole country is divided into satrapies: satrapy Kazan, satrapy Chuhonskuyu, satrapy Turkestan ... We, ladies and gentlemen, is in the satrapy of Little Russia, where our children and our grandchildren for ever remain eternally be ... - Narrator in a military uniform, cleared his throat, took a carved snuffbox , sighed and began to fill a cigarette sleeve.
- Yes, yes, that's right, we are governed royal princes! - A young man in a cloth jerkin jumped up from his chair and began to bend his fingers. - Golitsyn Old Believer villages on Shulyavka burned ?! - Bedrooms. Voeikov on Simeon cemetery in the holy place, rebuilt the stables ?! - Gutted ...
- And the heat, the heat - broke student in a rumpled cap - starved of quarantine! .. Plague invented, Satan! Roads closed to stale bread to sell to stores. And then ...
Here in the room zagaldeli all present. From different angles you can make out some phrases: "Lansky at the yard of cloth merchants themselves took it to pieces ...", "Santi combatant horses to the estate of her daughter wrapped ...", "trim! Obrezkov ..! .. Remember? Ugh! Sodom spread in the presence of ... "," A noneshnie Fundukley ... ".
- Ka-a-Coy Fundukley ?! - Military strikes fist on the table, once there was silence. - Fundukleya, ladies and gentlemen, please do not touch the blasphemy and vain not to build. Fundukley - no satrap, Fundukley - special ».

We have a story - not a figment of the imagination of the author and not the mise en scene of theatrical performance. This is an excerpt from the memoirs of Solomon Adamovich Egiazarov, which cites the story of Alexander Navrotskiy - a full member of the Cyril-Methodius brotherhood - a meeting of the society, which took place July 19, 1846 in Kiev at street Zlatoust, 14, the "internal front side of Soldier Colony" .
"Secret of the Enlightenment" in the context of a general conversation began to remember the wrongs perpetrated by "the king's satraps" people of Kiev. We talked about the bribery of officials, tightening of serfdom and cultural assimilation of the people, then moved to specific names, but ... it turned out that Kiev civil governor Ivan Fundukley - personality untouchable. About him not to speak ill. We can not all! .. Without explanation.
Twenty-first governor of Kiev ... What was special about this man and why the royal administrator of Greek origin was in the deep memory of the townspeople bright spot?

As a roving
Kiev province - one of the earliest, she appeared on the map of Muscovy after the administrative reform of Peter I in 1708. For two hundred years (1708-1917) the citizens managed to survive thirty-eight royal administrators, of which: two had the status of a provincial governor Little Russia, four were commanders and 32 people sent to the post of civil governor of the city.
The Governor of the nineteenth century - the owner of the territory. He was under the control of all local government bodies, the judicial presence of the police, Customs, Excise and Treasury. He had the right to audit financial institutions, impose penalties and even send officials into exile.
In Kiev, the right to civil governor - the official Interior Ministry - were limited by the power of the governor-general, subordinate the Ministry of Defense. Almost always, these administrators are competing with each other and in a state of "opaque" bureaucratic opposition, accompanied by appropriate intrigue. It was this rivalry, on a plan of Peter I, was to protect the population from the tyranny of the king's governor and the state - the political ruler of the territory of separatism.
State Councillor Ivan Fundukley in historical chronology was the twenty-first civil governor of Kiev. He ruled the city from 1839 till 1852 and the first years of personal example was able to change the mentality of the urban community.
The future administrator was harsh childhood. He was born November 13, 1804 in the provincial town of Nezhin. His father, fleeing from Turkish massacres, moved from Constantinople to Russia and settled in Little Russian Greek colony.
The family lived in poverty. Senior Fundukley initially settled oscular clerk in a seedy tavern Elisavetgrad and his salary barely allowed the family to make ends meet. Soon, however, life was adjusted. In Greek emigre showed entrepreneurial talent. He managed to gather a little money and at the mercy of the partners bought the wine in Odessa.
Business was brisk, a seaside city experienced an economic boom, shopping capital turn around with unprecedented speed and doubled in his eyes. Fundukley opened a chain of restaurants, and then purchased several thousand acres of land and decided to take up the grain trade. However, any obstacle.
Jewish merchant clans are tightly controlled brokering grain and strangers in this business is not allowed. Fundukleyev Chumatski transports robbed in the desert, the skippers of ships refused to accept the grain and quarantine Customs obstructed. Old Greek has been very sad, but ... he was lucky again.
May 19, 1823 Governor General of Novorossiysk Territory was appointed, Count Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov. World War II hero, knight of St. George, who won the Battle of Craon of Napoleon, he returned to Russia from Europe are absolutely poor.
The fact that the emperor Alexander I left his commander to command Russian Expeditionary Force in France until 1818. Allowance for the army reported regularly, because soldiers and officers had over five years of occupation done a lot of debt in the Paris cafes and restaurants. Vorontsov sold his estates in Russia and pay all debts before leaving his subordinates.
In Odessa, the Tsar's governor was required to maintain a fitting way of life (announce status balls, receive foreign consuls, and so on. D.). These events governors tend to spend personal funds. Vorontsov was no money. I had to contact through intermediaries with private requests to the local moneybags. Not refused alone Fundukley. Old Greek prince issued interest-free loan with a maturity ... "when it pleases Your Excellency».
Vorontsov did not forget about the service. Chumatski grain carts stopped to loot, customs quarantine "clicked his heels" and ships with wheat Fundukleyev freely leave the port of Odessa. Jewish hlebotorgovtsa had to make room.
By today's standards, it looks corny: businessman lent money to the governor and received trade preferences at the local level. However, it was not so easy. The noble officials and the Greek tax farmer tied a real friendship that lasted for many years.
Two different people united by a similar attitude to the ethical values such as "loyalty", "honor" and "conscience". Vorontsov Parisian restaurateurs pay the debts of his soldiers, and Fundukley bequeathed part of his gigantic state to repay all the tax arrears Elisavetgrad bourgeois class city where he began his business career.
The governor and hlebotorgovets friends houses. Vorontsov suggested many times Fundukley assist his son's career, but ... the old Greek stubbornly refused high patronage. He had his own pedagogy.
Young Ivan Fundukley not in school and did not go to school. He was educated at home and worked in parallel. The father first put it to account books in a wine shop, and then forced to work sex in a restaurant, then moved to the position of small postal employee in Odessa and a few years later sent their child to St. Petersburg "to temper the character" on the post clerk in the office of the Cabinet of Ministers.
This "trip to the men" ended when the younger Fundukley twenty-seven years. Count Vorontsov did not spread rot friend persuaded the child, and give the opportunity to realize yourself in a decent career. The old man thought ... and allowed his son to come to Odessa.
The governor of the Novorossiysk Territory clerk appointed former official for special assignments. It's a harsh position that presupposes the existence of a particular artist's talent. By "special assignments" in the nineteenth century understood the widest range of responsibilities from the audit, the audit and investigative officers before the chief private requests.
Vorontsov was not mistaken in a young Fundukley. In 1836, an official for special assignments forced the provincial treasury Kherson German colonists to pay an additional 325,000 rubles public assistance.
Local financiers have developed a simple scheme of "cutting" the budget. They recorded the Germans arrived, but elevating them to pay immediately, but a year later, when the harsh winter and famine in the desolate, killing up to half of the total number of displaced persons. Money shall rest forever immigrants fell into the pockets of bureaucrats, speculators.
A year later, Ivan Fundukley successfully conducted an official investigation "in the case of locusts." The fight against this scourge in the Kherson province was held at the level of technology of the nineteenth century. In late autumn grass burns in the floodplain and wetlands where insects lay eggs. In winter wheat plowed furrows separating and fully updated "kulizhnye" trench between fields to hinder the movement of young locusts.
These events dispensed significant money from the budget. Naturally, the controlled use of the officials of the Treasury, who colluded with county police captain and assigned a significant amount. Ivan spent Fundukley sudden audits, forced to return to the treasury 720 thousand rubles in silver.
Count Vorontsov, making administrative talents of the ward, in 1838 appointed him to the post of vice-governor of Volyn. The young man opens up a whole new career, but ... my father died suddenly, and the official asks for a two-month leave of absence "for entry into the inheritance and as amended Affairs».
Legacy was great. Ivan Fundukley from father got assets worth about 3.5 million rubles. Several tens of thousands of acres of land, woolen factory, a river fleet for the transportation of grain, fish Tony Hadzhibey vineyards in Gurzuf, several wineries, oscular repurchase, estates and property in Kherson, Tauris and Elisavetgrad provinces.
This diversified business needs proper management. The newly vice-governor began to think about retirement and even wrote a letter to Count Vorontsov. The Governor advised his protege to weigh all right and then make a decision.
Fundukley returned to her parents' house on the empty Staroportofrankovskoy, walked across the room and decided to preserve the structure. He left all the parental stuff in place and did not fire older workers. The building, constructed his father turned into a makeshift museum.
The son continued his father's business. It inherited the empire he bought the glass manufactory at Chyhyryn and sugar mill, produces 78,000 pounds of sugar per year. Then acquired the remaining part of Count Vorontsov estate in Gurzuf, which gave an annual 7000 buckets of wine.
During the six months Fundukley Jr. increased its assets by 1.5 million rubles ... and bored. The young millionaire in his modest apartment on Richelieu began to think about the social need of the increment of personal wealth. These "seditious" ideas led to the fact that the former official Agree to accept the proposal of the Governor-General the southwest of Russia Dmitry Bibikov take the post of civil governor of Kiev.
April 12, 1839 by Imperial decree of Emperor Nicholas I, the actual state councilor Ivan Fundukley became the twenty-first governor of the capital of the Ukraine.
Civil governor in tsarist Russia, contrary to long-held beliefs were not idlers and wedding generals who only know how to lighten up during the reception. The majority of these were energetic literate people, to ensure full ability to live their managed areas.
The Governor is the Chairman of the Civil Board, Statistics Committee, the presence of peasant, rural, drinking, factory and recruiting business. He supervised activities lesoohranitelnogo committees, commissions of public charity, the national food, education and theater shows. In its submission was the local censorship, municipal guards and prison.
The day the governor was firmly painted. According to the memoirist Ivan Fundukleya routine is as follows: "... receiving day began very early. All the officials gathered in the office to 7 hours 30 minutes. As usual, people do not have time to have breakfast and the governor after reports of all planted at the table and fed a lot ... By nine o'clock served crew for the planned detour institutions. It is either almshouses, orphanages, or a prison. By noon the cab back into the presence of which has already accumulated a decent asylum. Fundukley usually took himself. If there were intercessors for money matters, he immediately took out a purse and satisfy the petitioner. The day could give way to a thousand ... At six o'clock in the presence of closed and Ivan went to his bachelor house on the Limes ».
About Kiev governor generosity was legendary. In the memoirs of contemporaries, sounds the refrain: "Fundukley quietly slipped noble widow 300 rubles to pay off the debt," "gave two thousand orphan dowry", "bought a disabled Turkish War in the cottage Priorke" and so on. D.
This writer was not lazy and tried to open source was approximately the amount of "quiet" charity governor. It turned out: in thirteen years Fundukley, without advertising their assistance, gave the people of Kiev a little over one hundred thousand personal funds. Astronomical money for that time.
Personal charity Governor combined with managerial talents. In the mid-nineteenth century in Kiev started the first urban revolution. Construction proceeded at an accelerated pace. Famous Italian architects, father and son named Beretta designed the University of St. Vladimir, the Observatory, the Institute for Noble Maidens, dissecting and the first gymnasium. The construction of these buildings have been realized from the beginning to the end of the reign of Ivan Fundukleya.
He personally supervised the construction of the first course of the Kyiv City Council. At the initiative of the governor began to lay the University Botanic Gardens, which covers an area of 20 hectares.
With the financial participation of the governor was paved with paving stones of St. Andrew's descent, the streets of Moscow, St. Michael and Zhytomyr, completed the reconstruction of Sophia Square. It was at this time was the main Khreshchatyk street of the city.
Fundukley Kiev owe the first running water. During his reign it was erected the famous Nicholas Chain Bridge over the Dnieper, which at that time was considered the most beautiful in Europe.
In 1843, at the initiative of the governor at the Theater (European) area was built a fountain with a marble bowl and swimming pool, which is called the people of Kiev "Fundukleyev».
In 1845 th Kiev has experienced a natural disaster. Spring floods inundated hem and nearby neighborhoods. The governor came to the aid of citizens. It contained a few weeks families affected by the floods.
Ivan Fundukley, according to the memoirs of contemporaries, not only renounced his salary, but also secretly subsidize state. Trying to prevent bribery and bribery, it annually its officials to pay extra out of pocket allowance to the salary. The head of his office annually receives an additional 12 500 rubles.
The funds of the governor were published three-volume monograph "Statistical description of the province of Kiev", the two-volume "Survey of Kyiv and Kyiv province with respect to antiquities" and capital archaeological study "Review of the graves, trees and mounds of Kiev province." Patronage in publishing activities from Kiev contributed to the emergence of shared historical memory and strengthen internal unity of the urban community.
Ivan Fundukley was behind the emergence in Russia of affordable women's education. The first women's gymnasium in the empire appeared in Kiev. Governor donated for this purpose a spacious stone house and the capital, the interest on which (1200 rubles per year) went on the content of institutions.