Digest of Russian media

Yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin came close to the Olympics in Sochi: visited the kittens of the leopard (one of the decisive symbols of the Olympics), opened a session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and said that traffic jams in Sochi during the Olympics and really, it seems, will not. With details from the gorge of Krasnaya Polyana and from the Winter Theater of Sochi - a special correspondent of "Kommersant" Andrey Kolesnikov.
Seven holdings and one statuette – TEFI will be presented in a new way – The name and statuette of TEFI will go to the new television competition created in November by the leadership of the seven largest media holdings. At the same time, the founders of the new award will most likely refuse to hold a regional competition in favor of the Academy of Russian Television (ART), which retains TEFI-Region and TEFI-Commonwealth. The composition of the jury of the national TEFI will have to be determined by mid-April, at the same time the nomination of works will be announced.
- The general did not find a place in the ranks - Deputy Chief of the General Staff Alexander Postnikov is dismissed - As it became known to Kommersant, Deputy Chief of the General Staff General Alexander Postnikov wrote a report on the dismissal. The military commander, who received appointments to key posts with the filing of the former head of the General Staff Nikolai Makarov, did not work with his new head Valery Gerasimov. According to Kommersant, the corresponding presidential decree has already been signed.
— The capital United Russia will check the mobilization abilities — and will not abandon the self-nominated candidates in the elections to the Moscow city Duma — According to “Kommersant”, the primaries of “United Russia” before the elections to the Moscow city Duma can pass on a model that requires voter registration, the final decision can be postponed, so as not to give an early start to the campaign. Meanwhile, taking into account the electoral statistics at last year’s mayoral elections, United Russia can put independent or non-party candidates in the areas of the weakest support.
— In St. Petersburg court smelled of ammonia — after moving to a new residence — In St. Petersburg, another scandal erupts around the new residence of the city court worth 3.5 billion rubles. His management was sued to ban the use of part of the complex of buildings, where Rospotrebnadzor found an excess of the permissible concentration of ammonia. The sharpness of the litigation is given by the beginning of another large-scale project - the construction of a court quarter in St. Petersburg for the relocation of the Supreme Court (VS).
Demonstrative disrespect for the individual will be written in the administrative code – the Ministry of Internal Affairs has prepared a new version of Article 20.1 of the Administrative Offences Code (CAO), clarifying the wording of “petty hooliganism”. Now under this concept falls “violation of public order, expressing clear disrespect for society”, accompanied by obscene abuse and damage to other people’s property. Law enforcers propose to consider “petty hooliganism” also “other deliberate actions”, expressing “clear disrespect” not only to society, but also to the individual, and violating not only public order, but also “peace of citizens”.
- Oleg Chirkunov made a choice not in favor of Russia - Yesterday, the ex-governor of the Perm Territory Oleg Chirkunov said on Facebook that after his resignation in April 2012, he "traveled without a permanent place of residence, lived in many countries" and "decided to look for something for more or less permanent residence." “The choice was partly predetermined. In the next five to ten years not Russia, — said Mr. Chirkunov, adding that “not ready” to explain the reason.
– Energy for change is not enough in nature – Arkady Dvorkovich easily protected bacteria from possible reforms in the government – The meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia was held yesterday in Belgorod under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. It turned out that the attempt to identify a specific agency as responsible for the development of innovative technologies in the field of renewable energy sources can lead to an imbalance in the executive branch. The balance was entrusted to keep in the usual form profile Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich.
To work on domestic textbooks will attract foreign experts — Historians together with the government by the summer should “organize the development” of updated textbooks of Russian history, which would meet the new cultural and historical standard. This instruction was given yesterday by President Vladimir Putin to the Ministry of Education and the Russian Historical Society (RIO). In addition, RIO should revise the principle of teaching foreign history so that schoolchildren study it in synchrony with Russian history. Vladimir Putin proposed to involve “foreign pedagogical and scientific workers” in this work.
Yesterday, the head of the Duma Committee on Criminal Legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov told Kommersant that “the work plans of the Committee” are not proposed by the head of the security Committee Irina Spring amendments to the Criminal code, introducing responsibility (up to five years in prison) for “the rehabilitation of Nazism”, because her draft in the Committee has not yet seen. We are talking about the third version of the amendments to the Criminal Code, which, as reported by Kommersant, was presented by Ms. Yarova on January 31 and concerns, among other things, “the dissemination of deliberately false information about the activities of the USSR during the Second World War.”
— Fiscal immobility — The White House is looking for a way to raise the housing tax without increasing the burden on citizens — Today, First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov will hold a meeting on the possible consequences of the introduction of a new “market” real estate tax for individuals. The White House is looking for a way to take into account the position of the presidential administration, which previously indicated that a noticeable increase in the fiscal burden could lead to increased social tensions. According to the calculations of the Federal Tax Service for the meeting, taking into account the preservation of all existing benefits and the introduction of a non-taxable deduction of 20 square meters for an apartment and 50 square meters for a house for residential real estate, citizens will have to pay twice as much, for non-residential - six times more.
— At the “dissertation factory” found theft — the Management of MSGU asks to check the work of the former rector — As it became known to “Kommersant”, the leadership of the Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU) sent to the Investigative Committee materials checking the activities of the former rector Viktor Matrosov and his subordinates — they ask to initiate a criminal case on the fact of multimillion theft. From the materials it follows that Mr. Matrosov and officials of the educational institution for their own enrichment established two commercial universities affiliated with MSGU. In 2013, Viktor Matrosov was dismissed from the post of rector for “long-term functioning in the university of the dissertation factory”.
- A package of shares of "Mayak" was attached to the murder case - the General Director of the garment association is charged with fraud - the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) opened a criminal case against the owner and general director of one of the largest garment associations of St. Petersburg - CJSC "Mayak" - Sergey Petrov. He is charged with theft of a stake in CJSC belonging to the family of the former Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mayak Tahir Kazavatov, who was killed in Dagestan more than 13 years ago. Businessman Petrov is already under arrest in Makhachkala in the case of the murder of Mr. Kazavatov.
HISTORY AntiPopov ... 210 years ago was born in Kiev Governor Ivan Fundukley
Brad Pitt nostalgic for times past