Hi man!
Say hello to seal. He already knows that if the wave flippers as if tired of waiting for customers in a restaurant, you can get from people fry.
Chiri Charlie has long realized that entertaining the crowd friendly greetings, you can get more food than fighting for the fish with their brethren who foraged hunting.
Guests of the town of Howth, located near Dublin, Ireland, buys fish baskets on the market at the local harbor. And all to feed the poor, the hungry seals. And of course, Charlie, thanks to its friendly, became a favorite of tourists.
4 Photo © Paul Hughes / Barcroft
1. Apply to food: seals Charlie waving flippers hoping to get fish from the visitors quay Hout, Ireland.
Of course, sometimes Charlie can gape, and the fee goes to a tribesman's efficient, but still, thanks to their desperate attempts to attract the attention of people always fall to him more than the rest of the seals.
Paul Hughes - forty photographer from Dublin - happened to be nearby and filmed this very moment.
"It seems that he took over the gesture of people, - says Paul. - People like it, they see Charlie and waved at him. And in the end of the day it gets a lot more fish than other seals. "
2. Waiter! Charlie's behavior more like habits habitue of restaurants than in the habit of marine life.
"Sometimes other seals are jealous of him and begin to podkusyvat, - says Mr. Hughes. - But he does not care, and he continues to wave to people ».
Seals - it is a common sight on the coast of the island of Ireland and the United Kingdom. They can reach a weight of 250 kg and feed mainly on fish and squid.
4. I, I! Charlie immediately stands out among the other seals, waving his flippers.
Chiri Charlie has long realized that entertaining the crowd friendly greetings, you can get more food than fighting for the fish with their brethren who foraged hunting.
Guests of the town of Howth, located near Dublin, Ireland, buys fish baskets on the market at the local harbor. And all to feed the poor, the hungry seals. And of course, Charlie, thanks to its friendly, became a favorite of tourists.
4 Photo © Paul Hughes / Barcroft
1. Apply to food: seals Charlie waving flippers hoping to get fish from the visitors quay Hout, Ireland.
Of course, sometimes Charlie can gape, and the fee goes to a tribesman's efficient, but still, thanks to their desperate attempts to attract the attention of people always fall to him more than the rest of the seals.
Paul Hughes - forty photographer from Dublin - happened to be nearby and filmed this very moment.
"It seems that he took over the gesture of people, - says Paul. - People like it, they see Charlie and waved at him. And in the end of the day it gets a lot more fish than other seals. "
2. Waiter! Charlie's behavior more like habits habitue of restaurants than in the habit of marine life.
"Sometimes other seals are jealous of him and begin to podkusyvat, - says Mr. Hughes. - But he does not care, and he continues to wave to people ».
Seals - it is a common sight on the coast of the island of Ireland and the United Kingdom. They can reach a weight of 250 kg and feed mainly on fish and squid.
4. I, I! Charlie immediately stands out among the other seals, waving his flippers.