How to behave after the sudden appearance of her husband.
- Bob, hello. I force majeure! To come to the meeting can not. I can only communicate by internet.
- Are you ohrenel? We also report in an hour. Operations will kill both of you!
- Do not have time to get away in time. Lyuska drinking tea with his pious. I'm under their bed. Requirement friend!
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Give Ivan Petrovich that the valve 15, we change on the 21th. In the third paragraph, take away the words, "we will do everything for the second quarter." And otmazh me as a Chef! Cognac me.
- Cognac not get off. How are you?
- Dark and thirsty. Lyuska slipped me a sandwich with sausage. Her husband calls her "Bunny" and "my little zhopka».
- That bitch! By the way, I know her husband. A former Marine. In Chechnya served. Shell-shocked at all. Bricks head breaks in the country, to not lose shape. Vent exact change?
- Exactly. Marines me in this life are not met. But I try to get out. ABOUT! They sat down on the bed. It is, I think, for a long time have not seen her!
- Hold on, drugan. Remember how in the construction team from the local boys at the dance were running away! Ivan says that the valves 21 he does not have.
- How is it not! Oh, do not mind! Hog starving. 15 valve will not work, let gets 21th, where he wants. And tell Kate-secretary, to turn off my computer and left the "Classmates". Oh oh oh! What he's doing with it?
- The same thing you are an hour earlier. Called the boss, I said you were hit by a car and now you taken to the Sklifosovsky. Now, took out a certificate as you wish. Vent 21 were found on the third stock.
- On-kei. Help make Lyuska as available. Her mother "Sklife" works. I then had the whole head ottoptali those above. And with me she did not scream. And they say that I'm a macho!
- Mu ... you cho, not macho. Remember, guys like ears. Clap. You hand over the advance report ever or what? Lenka from accounts used only that.
- Right now, I will drop everything and write a report. I was still at home in the evening report. If you get out, of course. Already ten minutes he tormented her.
- Learn student. If only he does not slammed afterward.
- Yeah, man healthy. Kilogram twenty me anymore. Damn, dog of theirs ran into the room and under my bed. Licking face, smelly dog.
- Cheshi behind your ear until you're blue. Which breed?
- Bull Terrier, I think. I helluva lot of them do not understand. Above all was quiet. Lyuska shoved under the bed a bottle of beer.
- A woman with a concept. Bull Terriers try not to look in the eye. They do not like that. And not to expose the valuable parts of the body. They'll still come in handy. Maybe. Petrovich asked how many valves should be changed?
- Things change. Bull Terrier drooling and somehow strange growls. But it is not touching. We see still young. Nenataskanny. You call the school and tell to Vovka prodlenki on the left. I'll take the evening. Hand over the keys to the protection, do not forget.
- Do not forget. How's disposition? On top of the head, licking the side of the face?
- No. Lyuska already in the shower, snores elections. I'll try to make a sortie.
- Well, how?
- Male, female is not empty. All face licked already, I can not shave is now six months. Come on, there is time, discuss the contract with the Germans. Oh, the battery sits. Goodbye, Bob !!! shkolazhizni.ru/archive/0/n-47047/
Tell jokes to the Lord God, so that he does not sensed the end - that is what should be proud of. Suspected: flood
Article # 2 misinformation Code
Action taken: The user is warned
Accuracy of the decision: 9%
- Are you ohrenel? We also report in an hour. Operations will kill both of you!
- Do not have time to get away in time. Lyuska drinking tea with his pious. I'm under their bed. Requirement friend!
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Give Ivan Petrovich that the valve 15, we change on the 21th. In the third paragraph, take away the words, "we will do everything for the second quarter." And otmazh me as a Chef! Cognac me.
- Cognac not get off. How are you?
- Dark and thirsty. Lyuska slipped me a sandwich with sausage. Her husband calls her "Bunny" and "my little zhopka».
- That bitch! By the way, I know her husband. A former Marine. In Chechnya served. Shell-shocked at all. Bricks head breaks in the country, to not lose shape. Vent exact change?
- Exactly. Marines me in this life are not met. But I try to get out. ABOUT! They sat down on the bed. It is, I think, for a long time have not seen her!
- Hold on, drugan. Remember how in the construction team from the local boys at the dance were running away! Ivan says that the valves 21 he does not have.
- How is it not! Oh, do not mind! Hog starving. 15 valve will not work, let gets 21th, where he wants. And tell Kate-secretary, to turn off my computer and left the "Classmates". Oh oh oh! What he's doing with it?
- The same thing you are an hour earlier. Called the boss, I said you were hit by a car and now you taken to the Sklifosovsky. Now, took out a certificate as you wish. Vent 21 were found on the third stock.
- On-kei. Help make Lyuska as available. Her mother "Sklife" works. I then had the whole head ottoptali those above. And with me she did not scream. And they say that I'm a macho!
- Mu ... you cho, not macho. Remember, guys like ears. Clap. You hand over the advance report ever or what? Lenka from accounts used only that.
- Right now, I will drop everything and write a report. I was still at home in the evening report. If you get out, of course. Already ten minutes he tormented her.
- Learn student. If only he does not slammed afterward.
- Yeah, man healthy. Kilogram twenty me anymore. Damn, dog of theirs ran into the room and under my bed. Licking face, smelly dog.
- Cheshi behind your ear until you're blue. Which breed?
- Bull Terrier, I think. I helluva lot of them do not understand. Above all was quiet. Lyuska shoved under the bed a bottle of beer.
- A woman with a concept. Bull Terriers try not to look in the eye. They do not like that. And not to expose the valuable parts of the body. They'll still come in handy. Maybe. Petrovich asked how many valves should be changed?
- Things change. Bull Terrier drooling and somehow strange growls. But it is not touching. We see still young. Nenataskanny. You call the school and tell to Vovka prodlenki on the left. I'll take the evening. Hand over the keys to the protection, do not forget.
- Do not forget. How's disposition? On top of the head, licking the side of the face?
- No. Lyuska already in the shower, snores elections. I'll try to make a sortie.
- Well, how?
- Male, female is not empty. All face licked already, I can not shave is now six months. Come on, there is time, discuss the contract with the Germans. Oh, the battery sits. Goodbye, Bob !!! shkolazhizni.ru/archive/0/n-47047/

Tell jokes to the Lord God, so that he does not sensed the end - that is what should be proud of. Suspected: flood
Article # 2 misinformation Code
Action taken: The user is warned
Accuracy of the decision: 9%