What is the ideal wife in 1955? The unexpected answer will shock you were not a joke!

What is it - the perfect wife in 1955? So the questions to ask our grandparents and parents. May 13, 1955 popular among housewives American newspaper Housekeeping Monthly gave the answer to this question, published an article «The good wife's guide» («Guidance for good wife") - a shrill manifesto, which is popular in detail told, how should lead himself the perfect wife and where all its pride of place. Even nothing to complain about! Only here the question arises: it is generally a woman or a robot?
1. By the time her husband's dinner to be ready. This should take care in advance. It is advisable to stock up on culinary ideas of the night before. Was approximately menu and indulge her husband's tasty and varied dishes. This will mark the spouse what you think and care about their needs. What could be better than a good meal after a hard day?
2. Be ready. Do yourself a favorite gift - let rest 15 minutes. This will help you a little look rested and fresh for the arrival of her husband. Do not forget about makeup and hair - bring myself up. You have to be on top, to cheer up her husband. After another half an hour ago, he was surrounded by tired and exhausted employees.
3. Smile and take an interest in his affairs. Nothing so will not be able to inspire him as your laughter. You have to be his consolation. Remember, enthusiasm husband - one of your duties.
4. It is most important of all - the house in order. Be alert. Do not forget that the house before the arrival of her husband should rule clean and tidy. All around it is downright shine with cleanliness.
5. Everything should be on full alert. table is best enjoyed in the living room. Take off the table all the excess: children's school books, note paper. Now to lay the table clean and starched tablecloth.
6. Create a warm atmosphere in the house. In order to protect her spouse colds during the cold season, it is best to kindle fire. Let the house become a favorite haven outlet and your husband, where he could take the soul after exhausting work.
7. Prepare children for the arrival of the Pope. If the children are still small, help them freshen up: Tell them to wash their hands and wash your face, comb their hair. The girl can do her hair. Disguise them in clean clothes. Children must behave properly and to be meek and herbs. My husband was tired and he needs peace and quiet.
8. Always be happy to see her husband
9. Meet the man with a smile on his face
10. Know how to listen
11. Devote their evenings wife. It came much later allotted time? Do not be nervous, this is no reason for the scandal. Admit it, after the hard work he can afford to linger a bit with colleagues or friends. The house - a place where your husband, instead of listening to criticisms should simply relax.
12. The house - a place where his love and expect. This is a haven where your choice is to relax your body and soul.
13. Clean the house from the negative. resist the order to throw off her husband all their worries and problems.
14. Give him more space. If the husband was late or absent all night, do not start a scandal. Sometimes, after what he experienced on the job, he needed a good rest, because like it or not, he deserved it.
15. Provide for the comfort of her husband. After dinner, sat him down in an easy chair, advance left on the coffee table of his favorite book or newspaper. If he was tired, I fill it with warm water bath.
16. To show care and affection. Spread bed vzbey husband pillow, take off his slippers, talk to him a gentle and quiet voice.
17. He is not obliged to report to you
18. The ideal wife always knows her place. This lady her destiny ...
All husbands are probably already printed this guide and hung in his refrigerator. However, after such recommendations to me personally comes to mind the image of a slave Izaura. I suspect that the authors were still men ...