Summer vacation. Let's go to the sea! Question: Where?
So. Summer vacation. Let's go to the sea! Question: Where?
Man, I'm wild, outside the great and mighty does not happen. Because the destination chosen long and meticulously.
Egypt and Turkey have ceased to exist once - for uzhratye faces fellow and me at home, "please."
Any Thailand far, and I'm going with my wife, so that they nayuh.
But solar splinter of the former Yugoslavia - that is necessary.
Resolved: Montenegro, Budva, June.
The first day. We arrive in Tivat. "Aerodrom Tivat» - the second largest and the second international airport in general in Montenegro. In a couple of tens of kilometers. from his town of Budva, where we actually go.
First impressions: hot, oh, b% №, beautifully-how ...
On the left the mountains, the sea on the right - kr-rr-rasota!
The city itself seemed to consist only of hotels and cafes. Just like Stargorod - only people born here is clearly not to shave, haircut and die.
The first of Worker Montenegrin Commandments - "man is born tired and live to relax»
Here it is - Budva. The view from one of the serpentine, winding through the mountains around the city.
The city is actively growing - according to local, half of what you see was built during the last winter.
To be honest - about half explicitly fib, but builds all very active. Builders sfotkat somehow never got around to, but look much nicer our Dzhumshut I. By the way, while the singing. And very good.
Well, go for a walk? This is the main tourist street of the city. Happy ...
In hot weather it is almost empty, but at night when the temperature drops to a comfortable 25 degrees, people here just teeming. Street essentially consists of two parallel parts - one is a promenade, where go "face" of dozens of restaurants and cafes, and the second - (pictured), which go back sides of the same retoranov but there Targa has a local fast food (it below). And here are hundreds of vendors with souvenirs.
And immediately it at night. Chustvuete difference?
Along the street huge number of restaurants and clubs. Night "clubs" very amused homegrown strippers. Like this action to show the country club
The next morning. Test one: rafting.
Up at 6 am. Gathering at the bus stop. And forward.
The bus struck its cleanliness and tidiness. The four-hour trip, we moved easily.
Speaking of cars and roads - the roads here praktichcheski Europe. But the fact that the straight sections of 300 meters there is almost nowhere to be found so that the chase here and no one is trying, but from those who are trying to remain monuments along the mountain serpentines.
I had to go to the very north of the country on the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. Beauty indescribable.
The photo ostorov St. Stephen's, and it is the most famous hotel in Montenegro - here in his time rested Sophia Loren, Sylvester Stallone, and allegedly brovenosets LI Brezhnev.
The road leads us along the canyon of Tara River. The river ethereal turquoise. This color is explained deposits of minerals containing copper.
The road along the canyon vetsya a most peculiar way. Along the way, we passed through a 52 (!) Of the tunnel - at least, so says the guide. We counted 51 to 57 Just some of them are kind of like a tunnel, and like a few, almost inseparable.
Piva hydroelectric dam. Imagine - a whole river of beer
Strategic facility, by the way, but we had to stand up and pofotkatsya until he came a stern elderly Serb and drove us to the h№yam
The size and grandeur of this building, photo, unfortunately can not pass.
Here we are on the spot. By the way, at the entrance to the camping (and it is really deaf e№enya this country), the quality of the road surface has fallen to about the level of the central streets of my hometown of Izhevsk But this is not yet the European Union.
On the basis of quick breakfast, we change clothes and go. A couple of kilometers on the old "transporters" and very cheerful "Defender" + 300 meters on foot krutyuschey mountain path, and we have in place.
Georgia in rafts.
Instructor - colorful Serb. The common language with tourists found immediately - «stop, let's go, mozhno foto» - he told us. and we diligently rowing / paddling is not / photographed. Convey a sense of the beauty is simply unrealistic.
Huge mountains, against which a person seems tiny insect, neveroyano blue and clear water, a mosaic of colored stones on the river bottom under the 20 (!) Meters of ice water, huge boulders are scattered like some giants.
The truth is sometimes in my head sounded Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son, and it seemed that from the wilds of the forest on the banks appear narrow-eyed boys in reed hats and Kalash
Not announced ...
But there was a place for a halt in the picturesque waterfall. By the way, the right bank, as I understand it, has the Serbian - Tara, the river border. So in Serbia, we also visited
The river is crystal clear and very tasty - you can drink safely. In Budva, by the way, it can also be safe to drink from the tap.
But all good things must come to an end. Here we go ashore.
In the photo border bridge - the left Bosnia and Herzegovina. Any cracks in concrete is clearly on something from the 12, 7 mm and above. I can not believe that these lovely, smiling people recently enthusiastically cut each other how much zryaya ...
It is time for lunch. And here is the main Montenegro's a setup, "I do not eat so much!»
Note to those who go to those places - are always on trial, order one portion for two - if not naedites eat (which is unlikely), will order more, as inexpensive.
Salad, soup, and a portion of the meat from the pot as in the photo, I'm with my 70kg weight somehow umyal wife did not manage
What's interesting - in the distant e "enyah, on the border of the country, in the cafe - a bottle of beer is excellent mestnog 1, 5 euros (!).
Piva farewell glance at the sea, and we're going home - to Budva.
Day Two - walk along Budva. Of course, it was necessary to look into the Old City.
It's no secret that the Serbs and Montenegrins (same Serbs, by the way) - consider Russia for his older brother. The local was common even before a saying: "With Russia we have 200 million, and without Russia - half of the truck). Serbs largely trying to imitate the "big brother" - even made themselves a king-bell. Also not called even once, by the way.
I forgot about the sea.
Itak- sea is crystal clear. Very salty. And almost lifeless - at all times during two decades saw a faded fishes. So fans of diving, alas, pass (or go away to the open sea - there is a better wildlife).
It stretches along the entire Budva Slovenska Plaja - Slavic beach. He, like most of the beaches are pebbly. So go to the beach without slippers-korallikov activity for masochists (slippers can be bought for 10 euros next).
The beach is divided into pay zones where you can rent Lezak i Soncebran - sunbed and umbrella. Or lie back for free - if its attempts to swim outside the marked area beach ended scratched his back - not counting fools do - it is dofiga big pitfalls.
Local love sportbike - on the streets (40, 000, by the way) can often be seen Yamaha R1 or Kawasaki Ninja. And I liked that's so handsome.
Day Three. Pebble beaches tested - you want to sand. We asked the local (in Russian they say almost all) and decide to go south - in Ulcinj. there is Velika Plaza - a great beach. 13 km of fine sand.
However, all a bit spoiled what we were looking for netoropyas bus station about 3 hours No, well, you would have guessed that this is the bus station?
There was badsome cafe. Not cheburechnaya not dogs belyashechnaya not rygalovka with frantic, bleat, prices, and a great mini-restaurant. Damn I pulled myself zakazt whole pizza, a favorite example took me too ordered Rizzo himself. A hul№ - 7 euros per share.
A waiter stsuko immediately face a cunning-cunning did padonag.
There is no right to say, "Dude, there's a pizza with a road sign size - you do not devour two if they wanted to, because you break the fuck».
Fortunately, I already knew the two magic words - "for themselves." After them, the remains - ie 3/4 us free pizza packed into containers and film. We ate it for three days.
Speaking of signs. It seems that the workers of road services paint signs in their spare time. If two of the same can find more, three unlikely.
Velika Plaza is not impressed - 13 km of fine sand, wearing children and strong winds, which in 10 minutes turned our towels and backpacks in a pile of sand.
On the way back we ran into a fishing village here. In the houses obviously do not live - come just to fish. It stinks tough.
Generally, Ulcinj has produced much less favorable impression than the central and northern cities. It's pretty dirty and not as comfortable as in Budva. In addition, a number of Albania - an analog of the Caucasus (in a bad way).
Day Four. Cruise on the Bay of Kotor.
In the morning on the bus was leaving in Tivat (not the airport).
They are placed on board the ship, alas, to the left, not the right.
We push off and go along the shore of the bay. On the beach a lot of interesting things - a lot of the same type, but very beautiful fishing villages. Old missile boat of the Yugoslav People's Army (purchased from the Soviet Union in the 60s).
And this is - the abandoned tunnels, shelters for submarines. Climb there I would not mind.
Stop number one - Herceg Novi, "the city-dohrena-steps».
Known for its "bloody fortress", for which at the time who just does not Hacked - including ours with Austrians in the early 19th century.
"And for Stan etayo raspalagaetsya most important, please-one dostoprimechatelnost etayo krepasti - free tualet. The main feature is that it is already two years n 'does not work "- said Petar guide. Funny guy, by the way.
Next stop - transfer to ships going to the blue cave.
On the way we pass several old forts. I'm sorry, what. and the Serbs to war is clearly always been consistency.
Croatia has the right.
And here is the cave. It is difficult to remove.
Moving back. Pass Shipyard - one of the few large enterprises in Montenegro - the country lives mainly due to tourism.
But this yellowish, that other, as a personal villa human-cap - Luzhkov. At least, so says Petar.
We come to the Bay of Kotor. The narrow passage of a few hundred meters between huge mountains. The spectacle is fascinating.
And he.
But it is an interesting place - an artificial island on the reef of the Virgin. I never figured out why, but the Gulf has been poured poredi island and on it built a church here.
It's not near the registry office or entrance khrushchovkas fotkatsya. In the local white envy.
What is the purpose of this table and not vkuril%)
Here Kotor. City age is almost 2200 years old. Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Do not fuck a dog, in general
Riddle on care: who will find in the photo the city wall, built by the Venetians from the XV to the XIX century?
But it is close. Inspires, ёma ...
Old Town, stsuko old. Straight as a movie.
And further.
It is a colorful man. Whipped beer poltorahi (here are sold) and kept hiccuping. At the Kazan railway station, this would have gone for hereditary intellectual. By the way, the price of booze and cigarettes here is not nearly as European Russia, but people do not thumps. Drunken almost impossible to see on the street.
Reminiscent of Amsterdam.
Return to Budva. Few reveal the theme boobs - where the same without her.
Monument gymnast in Budva. Who will put this monument so I could not figure out. However, it looks good, and Turis consider it their duty to climb the rock and rubbed bronze virgins everywhere reach.
On the other hand.
Day Four. Or the fifth? Do not care.
We go to the beach Mogren. It is located away from Budva, under the overhanging rocks. The people there is darkness, so we climbed the rocks.
And for good reason. After 10 minutes of swimming stepped on a sea urchin. Gadsky palenky asshole left leg in two dozen needles.
Russian "rescuer" (a cream. Antiseptic) coped with a bang - all healed in a couple of days.
Sofa for 3000r? No, I have not seen.
The next day - go on foot to the beach Jaz. Yes Yes. I-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-al!
This is Mogren - top view.
Go through the tunnel.
On mountain roads.
Here it is, Jaz. The left lower part of the way, mudisticheskaya. Nudist, ie
Unfortunately, I myself bought a telephoto only after the holidays.
There she is.
A couple of kilometers of serpentine, and we are at the bottom. Op-pa, what kind of people!
Another day. Where PL, and no cats. That is one of the local - catch crabs on the beach near the restaurant. Cats, by the way here is not similar to ours - very thin and long. On the street selected only at night.
Just walk. Did you see Nissan Micra coupe cabriolet? And so at once?
Once again we returned to Mogren.
Oh yes. He promised to tell you about the food. Here is a local hamburger. Price 2 euro ...
They say that once there was a McDonald's. I did not stick. Not surprised.
And this is - a local shawarma / shaverma. 3 euros
We are waiting for the bus to Tivat and home. I do not want to leave, but it is necessary.
Posted in [mergetime] 1345902738 [/ mergetime]
That's all I wanted to say.
Man, I'm wild, outside the great and mighty does not happen. Because the destination chosen long and meticulously.
Egypt and Turkey have ceased to exist once - for uzhratye faces fellow and me at home, "please."
Any Thailand far, and I'm going with my wife, so that they nayuh.
But solar splinter of the former Yugoslavia - that is necessary.
Resolved: Montenegro, Budva, June.
The first day. We arrive in Tivat. "Aerodrom Tivat» - the second largest and the second international airport in general in Montenegro. In a couple of tens of kilometers. from his town of Budva, where we actually go.
First impressions: hot, oh, b% №, beautifully-how ...

On the left the mountains, the sea on the right - kr-rr-rasota!

The city itself seemed to consist only of hotels and cafes. Just like Stargorod - only people born here is clearly not to shave, haircut and die.
The first of Worker Montenegrin Commandments - "man is born tired and live to relax»

Here it is - Budva. The view from one of the serpentine, winding through the mountains around the city.
The city is actively growing - according to local, half of what you see was built during the last winter.
To be honest - about half explicitly fib, but builds all very active. Builders sfotkat somehow never got around to, but look much nicer our Dzhumshut I. By the way, while the singing. And very good.

Well, go for a walk? This is the main tourist street of the city. Happy ...
In hot weather it is almost empty, but at night when the temperature drops to a comfortable 25 degrees, people here just teeming. Street essentially consists of two parallel parts - one is a promenade, where go "face" of dozens of restaurants and cafes, and the second - (pictured), which go back sides of the same retoranov but there Targa has a local fast food (it below). And here are hundreds of vendors with souvenirs.

And immediately it at night. Chustvuete difference?
Along the street huge number of restaurants and clubs. Night "clubs" very amused homegrown strippers. Like this action to show the country club

The next morning. Test one: rafting.
Up at 6 am. Gathering at the bus stop. And forward.
The bus struck its cleanliness and tidiness. The four-hour trip, we moved easily.
Speaking of cars and roads - the roads here praktichcheski Europe. But the fact that the straight sections of 300 meters there is almost nowhere to be found so that the chase here and no one is trying, but from those who are trying to remain monuments along the mountain serpentines.

I had to go to the very north of the country on the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. Beauty indescribable.
The photo ostorov St. Stephen's, and it is the most famous hotel in Montenegro - here in his time rested Sophia Loren, Sylvester Stallone, and allegedly brovenosets LI Brezhnev.

The road leads us along the canyon of Tara River. The river ethereal turquoise. This color is explained deposits of minerals containing copper.

The road along the canyon vetsya a most peculiar way. Along the way, we passed through a 52 (!) Of the tunnel - at least, so says the guide. We counted 51 to 57 Just some of them are kind of like a tunnel, and like a few, almost inseparable.

Piva hydroelectric dam. Imagine - a whole river of beer
Strategic facility, by the way, but we had to stand up and pofotkatsya until he came a stern elderly Serb and drove us to the h№yam
The size and grandeur of this building, photo, unfortunately can not pass.

Here we are on the spot. By the way, at the entrance to the camping (and it is really deaf e№enya this country), the quality of the road surface has fallen to about the level of the central streets of my hometown of Izhevsk But this is not yet the European Union.
On the basis of quick breakfast, we change clothes and go. A couple of kilometers on the old "transporters" and very cheerful "Defender" + 300 meters on foot krutyuschey mountain path, and we have in place.
Georgia in rafts.

Instructor - colorful Serb. The common language with tourists found immediately - «stop, let's go, mozhno foto» - he told us. and we diligently rowing / paddling is not / photographed. Convey a sense of the beauty is simply unrealistic.
Huge mountains, against which a person seems tiny insect, neveroyano blue and clear water, a mosaic of colored stones on the river bottom under the 20 (!) Meters of ice water, huge boulders are scattered like some giants.

The truth is sometimes in my head sounded Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son, and it seemed that from the wilds of the forest on the banks appear narrow-eyed boys in reed hats and Kalash
Not announced ...
But there was a place for a halt in the picturesque waterfall. By the way, the right bank, as I understand it, has the Serbian - Tara, the river border. So in Serbia, we also visited

The river is crystal clear and very tasty - you can drink safely. In Budva, by the way, it can also be safe to drink from the tap.
But all good things must come to an end. Here we go ashore.
In the photo border bridge - the left Bosnia and Herzegovina. Any cracks in concrete is clearly on something from the 12, 7 mm and above. I can not believe that these lovely, smiling people recently enthusiastically cut each other how much zryaya ...

It is time for lunch. And here is the main Montenegro's a setup, "I do not eat so much!»
Note to those who go to those places - are always on trial, order one portion for two - if not naedites eat (which is unlikely), will order more, as inexpensive.
Salad, soup, and a portion of the meat from the pot as in the photo, I'm with my 70kg weight somehow umyal wife did not manage
What's interesting - in the distant e "enyah, on the border of the country, in the cafe - a bottle of beer is excellent mestnog 1, 5 euros (!).

Piva farewell glance at the sea, and we're going home - to Budva.

Day Two - walk along Budva. Of course, it was necessary to look into the Old City.
It's no secret that the Serbs and Montenegrins (same Serbs, by the way) - consider Russia for his older brother. The local was common even before a saying: "With Russia we have 200 million, and without Russia - half of the truck). Serbs largely trying to imitate the "big brother" - even made themselves a king-bell. Also not called even once, by the way.

I forgot about the sea.
Itak- sea is crystal clear. Very salty. And almost lifeless - at all times during two decades saw a faded fishes. So fans of diving, alas, pass (or go away to the open sea - there is a better wildlife).
It stretches along the entire Budva Slovenska Plaja - Slavic beach. He, like most of the beaches are pebbly. So go to the beach without slippers-korallikov activity for masochists (slippers can be bought for 10 euros next).
The beach is divided into pay zones where you can rent Lezak i Soncebran - sunbed and umbrella. Or lie back for free - if its attempts to swim outside the marked area beach ended scratched his back - not counting fools do - it is dofiga big pitfalls.

Local love sportbike - on the streets (40, 000, by the way) can often be seen Yamaha R1 or Kawasaki Ninja. And I liked that's so handsome.

Day Three. Pebble beaches tested - you want to sand. We asked the local (in Russian they say almost all) and decide to go south - in Ulcinj. there is Velika Plaza - a great beach. 13 km of fine sand.
However, all a bit spoiled what we were looking for netoropyas bus station about 3 hours No, well, you would have guessed that this is the bus station?

There was badsome cafe. Not cheburechnaya not dogs belyashechnaya not rygalovka with frantic, bleat, prices, and a great mini-restaurant. Damn I pulled myself zakazt whole pizza, a favorite example took me too ordered Rizzo himself. A hul№ - 7 euros per share.
A waiter stsuko immediately face a cunning-cunning did padonag.
There is no right to say, "Dude, there's a pizza with a road sign size - you do not devour two if they wanted to, because you break the fuck».
Fortunately, I already knew the two magic words - "for themselves." After them, the remains - ie 3/4 us free pizza packed into containers and film. We ate it for three days.

Speaking of signs. It seems that the workers of road services paint signs in their spare time. If two of the same can find more, three unlikely.

Velika Plaza is not impressed - 13 km of fine sand, wearing children and strong winds, which in 10 minutes turned our towels and backpacks in a pile of sand.

On the way back we ran into a fishing village here. In the houses obviously do not live - come just to fish. It stinks tough.
Generally, Ulcinj has produced much less favorable impression than the central and northern cities. It's pretty dirty and not as comfortable as in Budva. In addition, a number of Albania - an analog of the Caucasus (in a bad way).

Day Four. Cruise on the Bay of Kotor.
In the morning on the bus was leaving in Tivat (not the airport).
They are placed on board the ship, alas, to the left, not the right.

We push off and go along the shore of the bay. On the beach a lot of interesting things - a lot of the same type, but very beautiful fishing villages. Old missile boat of the Yugoslav People's Army (purchased from the Soviet Union in the 60s).

And this is - the abandoned tunnels, shelters for submarines. Climb there I would not mind.

Stop number one - Herceg Novi, "the city-dohrena-steps».
Known for its "bloody fortress", for which at the time who just does not Hacked - including ours with Austrians in the early 19th century.

"And for Stan etayo raspalagaetsya most important, please-one dostoprimechatelnost etayo krepasti - free tualet. The main feature is that it is already two years n 'does not work "- said Petar guide. Funny guy, by the way.

Next stop - transfer to ships going to the blue cave.
On the way we pass several old forts. I'm sorry, what. and the Serbs to war is clearly always been consistency.

Croatia has the right.

And here is the cave. It is difficult to remove.

Moving back. Pass Shipyard - one of the few large enterprises in Montenegro - the country lives mainly due to tourism.

But this yellowish, that other, as a personal villa human-cap - Luzhkov. At least, so says Petar.

We come to the Bay of Kotor. The narrow passage of a few hundred meters between huge mountains. The spectacle is fascinating.

And he.

But it is an interesting place - an artificial island on the reef of the Virgin. I never figured out why, but the Gulf has been poured poredi island and on it built a church here.

It's not near the registry office or entrance khrushchovkas fotkatsya. In the local white envy.

What is the purpose of this table and not vkuril%)

Here Kotor. City age is almost 2200 years old. Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Do not fuck a dog, in general
Riddle on care: who will find in the photo the city wall, built by the Venetians from the XV to the XIX century?


But it is close. Inspires, ёma ...

Old Town, stsuko old. Straight as a movie.

And further.

It is a colorful man. Whipped beer poltorahi (here are sold) and kept hiccuping. At the Kazan railway station, this would have gone for hereditary intellectual. By the way, the price of booze and cigarettes here is not nearly as European Russia, but people do not thumps. Drunken almost impossible to see on the street.

Reminiscent of Amsterdam.

Return to Budva. Few reveal the theme boobs - where the same without her.
Monument gymnast in Budva. Who will put this monument so I could not figure out. However, it looks good, and Turis consider it their duty to climb the rock and rubbed bronze virgins everywhere reach.

On the other hand.

Day Four. Or the fifth? Do not care.
We go to the beach Mogren. It is located away from Budva, under the overhanging rocks. The people there is darkness, so we climbed the rocks.
And for good reason. After 10 minutes of swimming stepped on a sea urchin. Gadsky palenky asshole left leg in two dozen needles.
Russian "rescuer" (a cream. Antiseptic) coped with a bang - all healed in a couple of days.

Sofa for 3000r? No, I have not seen.

The next day - go on foot to the beach Jaz. Yes Yes. I-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-al!
This is Mogren - top view.

Go through the tunnel.

On mountain roads.

Here it is, Jaz. The left lower part of the way, mudisticheskaya. Nudist, ie
Unfortunately, I myself bought a telephoto only after the holidays.

There she is.

A couple of kilometers of serpentine, and we are at the bottom. Op-pa, what kind of people!

Another day. Where PL, and no cats. That is one of the local - catch crabs on the beach near the restaurant. Cats, by the way here is not similar to ours - very thin and long. On the street selected only at night.

Just walk. Did you see Nissan Micra coupe cabriolet? And so at once?

Once again we returned to Mogren.

Oh yes. He promised to tell you about the food. Here is a local hamburger. Price 2 euro ...
They say that once there was a McDonald's. I did not stick. Not surprised.

And this is - a local shawarma / shaverma. 3 euros

We are waiting for the bus to Tivat and home. I do not want to leave, but it is necessary.
Posted in [mergetime] 1345902738 [/ mergetime]
That's all I wanted to say.
