First aid: "We have all the machines are busy. Wait ... "
Olga Shishkanova trouble came just six months after the happiest events in her life - the birth of daughter Katie. Pregnancy is going well, delivery is also more or less easily. My daughter was born healthy. But six months daughter was ill with salmonellosis. Adult body with the support of antibiotics to cope with this infection is easy, but for a baby, this infection is deadly and threatened complications. The diagnosis put at once, taking the first infection of normal intestinal cramps against a background of small dysbiosis. But the final result slozhnoproiznosimy diagnosed with Salmonella meningoencephalitis. And as a complication: hydrocephalus and epilepsy.
Kate six years, but she still can not walk. Although the improvement is - almost four years since Katie was not epileptic pristupov.Neizvestno that provoked the attack this time. On that day, when Kate got sick, Olga was not at home, she was in the hospital for elective surgery. For her daughter nursed my grandmother. When Kate went into a fit, she immediately drove his granddaughter to a neurologist in the paid center, where they are always observed.
Neurologist, barely looked at the baby, grabbed the phone: "Urgent" fast ", the girl is already in a coma! Kate had to take in Yekaterinburg ... »
- All machines are busy working on call, wait until - calmly answered controllers "fast».
All were stupefied to hear like, because of epileptic coma need to withdraw as quickly as possible. Fortunately, my grandmother had a car and driver's license. They began to call the police, ask for the car maintenance, as soon as possible to bypass traffic jams and get to Ekaterinburg. The police denied that we do not deal with such matters. Grandmother granddaughter drove one.
Already in Yekaterinburg she asked the traffic police standing at the shopping center "Carnival", to help drop off the child. Guys, traffic cops, just seeing the child unconscious instantly got into the car, turned on emergency lights and together reached the 40 th hospital.
Katie's mom is not going anywhere to complain about doctors, it is not up to this.
- Kate is now in intensive care, mechanical ventilation, - told us on the phone mom Kathy. - Serious but stable condition. Doctors do not give any predictions even when she begins to breathe on their own.
- And why did you decide to Ekaterinburg lucky Kate? - Ask. - Because it was easier to get to the hospital Pyshminsky?
- I was afraid that there is no Kate can help. We were there in no time. Last time, when he was in intensive care in 2009 with an attack, there was not even oxygen.
Olga Shishkanova trouble came just six months after the happiest events in her life - the birth of daughter Katie. Pregnancy is going well, delivery is also more or less easily. My daughter was born healthy. But six months daughter was ill with salmonellosis. Adult body with the support of antibiotics to cope with this infection is easy, but for a baby, this infection is deadly and threatened complications. The diagnosis put at once, taking the first infection of normal intestinal cramps against a background of small dysbiosis. But the final result slozhnoproiznosimy diagnosed with Salmonella meningoencephalitis. And as a complication: hydrocephalus and epilepsy.
Kate six years, but she still can not walk. Although the improvement is - almost four years since Katie was not epileptic pristupov.Neizvestno that provoked the attack this time. On that day, when Kate got sick, Olga was not at home, she was in the hospital for elective surgery. For her daughter nursed my grandmother. When Kate went into a fit, she immediately drove his granddaughter to a neurologist in the paid center, where they are always observed.
Neurologist, barely looked at the baby, grabbed the phone: "Urgent" fast ", the girl is already in a coma! Kate had to take in Yekaterinburg ... »
- All machines are busy working on call, wait until - calmly answered controllers "fast».
All were stupefied to hear like, because of epileptic coma need to withdraw as quickly as possible. Fortunately, my grandmother had a car and driver's license. They began to call the police, ask for the car maintenance, as soon as possible to bypass traffic jams and get to Ekaterinburg. The police denied that we do not deal with such matters. Grandmother granddaughter drove one.
Already in Yekaterinburg she asked the traffic police standing at the shopping center "Carnival", to help drop off the child. Guys, traffic cops, just seeing the child unconscious instantly got into the car, turned on emergency lights and together reached the 40 th hospital.
Katie's mom is not going anywhere to complain about doctors, it is not up to this.
- Kate is now in intensive care, mechanical ventilation, - told us on the phone mom Kathy. - Serious but stable condition. Doctors do not give any predictions even when she begins to breathe on their own.
- And why did you decide to Ekaterinburg lucky Kate? - Ask. - Because it was easier to get to the hospital Pyshminsky?
- I was afraid that there is no Kate can help. We were there in no time. Last time, when he was in intensive care in 2009 with an attack, there was not even oxygen.