Report salvation from shark
Source: amur-rybalka.ru. Writes Cyrus - Party events.
It was an ordinary day in August, we, in the last few years, every year to witness this beautiful place Peninsula Gamow.
Will some photos (not the process, and the place where happened).
Chatted all day on the boat, around Peninsula Gamow naprygalis with rocks and collect some mussels for an evening hike for flounder, as well as drinking 200 grams of cold milk, and we sat tupili, each in their own way, on the banks of the tents. < br />
And here we come "genius" thought and not sёrzat whether a neighboring cove for firewood, because they are there, because of the unavailability of the cove, except with the water. According to loitering still some time to shore (first happy coincidence) and throwing his calmness in the boat, we took away from the shore ...
Roll out the barrel of something deciduous ejected sea, we started to throw firewood into the boat, having finished this tedious procedure, Serge chose anchor, and I ran the DT-30 and under uncertain strumming engine on the small gas we started tacking between the stones protruding from the water . Departing from the shore, I immediately fixed for themselves, the two heads of swimmers that are in the waters of bays. Coming out of the stones, I added a little gas, but then Sergei, nose, waving me to podskinul and shows forward. Up front, where I recorded the two heads, which is seen splashing and screaming, the first thought that came to my mind - bathers fooled. (Everything from the moment of departure until the lifting of persons on board, put in about a minute and a half at most, so consider this when reading). But in the next instant the cries become hysterical and I, giving full throttle, drove the boat to meet people. My next thought - sink. The direction of travel, I notice that one head starts periodically hiding under water, at a time when it is hidden, I throttle back, not knowing where it will appear in the next second. (I do not remember it, it told me people are on Ufimka in most rocks and see what happens). Flying up to the girl, I heard her heart-rending cry SHARK !!!!, at this point Serge takes her starboard side and throws in a boat. As I remember, I looked to the left in search of a second person, and then I saw the sea lake of ketchup or tomato juice, foam ............. All probably watched the epic called "Jaws", so that's very similar, really, only without the close-ups of the jaws themselves and sharks, as well as one to one ... Suddenly Denis somehow miraculously appears near the left side (we still have and do not understand how) and Sergei armpits pulls him from the water ...... (Dialogue which is described in the Internet, Sergei: Let's hands !!! Denis: And I have no hands and shows the bloody stump sticking out of the water really was, did not believe it even dealing with sharks professor at Vityaz, which we later learned). Fortunately, the boat again somehow miraculously, was on course, we did not have to turn around and the like, I just otventil gas one jerk to stop and we rushed to the shore of our bay. Pauline was more fortunate of all - no scratches, only a deep shock, trauma Denis were terrible, in addition to the amputation of both hands to about the middle of the forearm, deep wound of the left thigh, or rather of the hip was just a piece of torn muscles and turned yellow femur, chest bands from both dozen razors ending bloody slices. Approaching the shore, we carried Dennis on the shore, passing shouting that people would come out of the water, Sergey cut stretch our tent and started to apply tourniquets, immediately brought Perico, bandages ... (Beach proved a stiff upper lip, all trying to help than they could and as they could) Who some of the coastal told me what that three digits are dialed and explain the situation, I heard: What are sharks? You Th there ...... ..?
Understand the senselessness of further communication and being aware of the fact that in the next few hours (the next it?) No one here will not come, do not come and will not come out of the bushes, I drove our Kruzak (fortunately there were removed the rear seats), the wife helped lay a tent floor and some sort of blanket that brought the neighbors, I drove him to the landing, where Serge was just finishing with bundles.
Downloading Dennis and Pauline in the car we raced towards the Knight-Andreevka. Here you can see all the same, my call, someone, somewhere a bit and realized the phone started to explode, which is called comrades, whether military, or someone else, ask any questions, but the most important, where to take the victims, no one could not answer.
When we have passed Knight, finally I was told that to meet us from Zarubino (!) Drove an ambulance. Well, at least so, though, we have to understand that we must meet, flying Andreevka approximately 80-100 km per hour at the end of the village, in front of the track, we noticed a dusting us to meet an ambulance ... It was a Gazelle ... who traveled from Andreevka on battery the lighthouse, about should understand how much this gazelle on the road, went to Telyakovki ... From Gazelle came a young girl paramedic (!!!), which was then a pain reliever, such as ketanova and a couple of bottles of saline, when I opened the door Kruzak and she saw Dennis, I realized that now we will still be pumped paramedic ...
Again Realizing what was happening, we decide to take on Dennis themselves huddled paramedic to his car, we rushed forward. Thank God, the cogs of our services that have something to do in these situations, finally began to rotate, they called me and said that we were moving in the direction Slavyanki (which is 50 km), turn out to meet us Slavyanki left second ambulance which had rooms and brand our machines. Strange, but the mobile phone number of someone from the emergency, for some reason I did not give.
Before reaching Slavyanki 10 kilometers, to meet us soon and flies away to the point ... We are almost oh ... and from this development, but what we have deployed Kruzak and overtook the ambulance ...... You will not believe UAZ loaf, moving on the track at a speed of 120-130km per hour ...... Here I hear another call with the question whether we have met, from my rants in response were printed only excuses, but it seems that they have understood and ambulance at the end of a long protracted recovery finally stopped. To the ambulance already proved a real doctor, who took us Denis, immediately, the first time put in podklyuchichku ... .peregruzili him and we went to ... Slavyanka .Ves way from the moment Sergei raised Dennis on board, until Dennis when we took the doctors took about 1 hour and 40 minutes ... Location of attack. Bay Telyakovsky. The picture was taken from the battery.
Islet (Wailing languishing etc. Heart) in which all happened. In the previous photo close-up of the same island as part of the bay. The attack occurred Prima 30 meters from the nearest to us stones from the island. Depth of about 10-12 meters. The distance to the shore of the bay, about 100 meters
Posted in [mergetime] 1315523377 [/ mergetime]
p.s. Yeah case is unique, but killed by a shark, especially in our waters, the chance is negligible, but in the dangers of thousands of times more. But always, now, think before you go into the water, in the areas of availability of pinniped rookeries. Or think of how best to protect themselves in the process. And never pass by, especially on the water, especially on mountain rivers, if you suspect that someone needs your help. See you on the water.
ps1 Regarding the fact that there are sharks in the summer. In May 1995, near the island of Hokkaido (!), When the water temperature 6-7 degrees, the Japanese coastal fishing seiner, two females were caught by a great white shark ... the capture of officially registered.
All events that happened to us this August, have been described in 2007, at that time, scientific fantsticheskom, romance-thriller "Cape Gamow" Yuri Sharapov publishing author "Dumas" Vladivostok. Who cares, naydte read.
It was an ordinary day in August, we, in the last few years, every year to witness this beautiful place Peninsula Gamow.
Will some photos (not the process, and the place where happened).

Chatted all day on the boat, around Peninsula Gamow naprygalis with rocks and collect some mussels for an evening hike for flounder, as well as drinking 200 grams of cold milk, and we sat tupili, each in their own way, on the banks of the tents. < br />

And here we come "genius" thought and not sёrzat whether a neighboring cove for firewood, because they are there, because of the unavailability of the cove, except with the water. According to loitering still some time to shore (first happy coincidence) and throwing his calmness in the boat, we took away from the shore ...

Roll out the barrel of something deciduous ejected sea, we started to throw firewood into the boat, having finished this tedious procedure, Serge chose anchor, and I ran the DT-30 and under uncertain strumming engine on the small gas we started tacking between the stones protruding from the water . Departing from the shore, I immediately fixed for themselves, the two heads of swimmers that are in the waters of bays. Coming out of the stones, I added a little gas, but then Sergei, nose, waving me to podskinul and shows forward. Up front, where I recorded the two heads, which is seen splashing and screaming, the first thought that came to my mind - bathers fooled. (Everything from the moment of departure until the lifting of persons on board, put in about a minute and a half at most, so consider this when reading). But in the next instant the cries become hysterical and I, giving full throttle, drove the boat to meet people. My next thought - sink. The direction of travel, I notice that one head starts periodically hiding under water, at a time when it is hidden, I throttle back, not knowing where it will appear in the next second. (I do not remember it, it told me people are on Ufimka in most rocks and see what happens). Flying up to the girl, I heard her heart-rending cry SHARK !!!!, at this point Serge takes her starboard side and throws in a boat. As I remember, I looked to the left in search of a second person, and then I saw the sea lake of ketchup or tomato juice, foam ............. All probably watched the epic called "Jaws", so that's very similar, really, only without the close-ups of the jaws themselves and sharks, as well as one to one ... Suddenly Denis somehow miraculously appears near the left side (we still have and do not understand how) and Sergei armpits pulls him from the water ...... (Dialogue which is described in the Internet, Sergei: Let's hands !!! Denis: And I have no hands and shows the bloody stump sticking out of the water really was, did not believe it even dealing with sharks professor at Vityaz, which we later learned). Fortunately, the boat again somehow miraculously, was on course, we did not have to turn around and the like, I just otventil gas one jerk to stop and we rushed to the shore of our bay. Pauline was more fortunate of all - no scratches, only a deep shock, trauma Denis were terrible, in addition to the amputation of both hands to about the middle of the forearm, deep wound of the left thigh, or rather of the hip was just a piece of torn muscles and turned yellow femur, chest bands from both dozen razors ending bloody slices. Approaching the shore, we carried Dennis on the shore, passing shouting that people would come out of the water, Sergey cut stretch our tent and started to apply tourniquets, immediately brought Perico, bandages ... (Beach proved a stiff upper lip, all trying to help than they could and as they could) Who some of the coastal told me what that three digits are dialed and explain the situation, I heard: What are sharks? You Th there ...... ..?
Understand the senselessness of further communication and being aware of the fact that in the next few hours (the next it?) No one here will not come, do not come and will not come out of the bushes, I drove our Kruzak (fortunately there were removed the rear seats), the wife helped lay a tent floor and some sort of blanket that brought the neighbors, I drove him to the landing, where Serge was just finishing with bundles.
Downloading Dennis and Pauline in the car we raced towards the Knight-Andreevka. Here you can see all the same, my call, someone, somewhere a bit and realized the phone started to explode, which is called comrades, whether military, or someone else, ask any questions, but the most important, where to take the victims, no one could not answer.
When we have passed Knight, finally I was told that to meet us from Zarubino (!) Drove an ambulance. Well, at least so, though, we have to understand that we must meet, flying Andreevka approximately 80-100 km per hour at the end of the village, in front of the track, we noticed a dusting us to meet an ambulance ... It was a Gazelle ... who traveled from Andreevka on battery the lighthouse, about should understand how much this gazelle on the road, went to Telyakovki ... From Gazelle came a young girl paramedic (!!!), which was then a pain reliever, such as ketanova and a couple of bottles of saline, when I opened the door Kruzak and she saw Dennis, I realized that now we will still be pumped paramedic ...
Again Realizing what was happening, we decide to take on Dennis themselves huddled paramedic to his car, we rushed forward. Thank God, the cogs of our services that have something to do in these situations, finally began to rotate, they called me and said that we were moving in the direction Slavyanki (which is 50 km), turn out to meet us Slavyanki left second ambulance which had rooms and brand our machines. Strange, but the mobile phone number of someone from the emergency, for some reason I did not give.
Before reaching Slavyanki 10 kilometers, to meet us soon and flies away to the point ... We are almost oh ... and from this development, but what we have deployed Kruzak and overtook the ambulance ...... You will not believe UAZ loaf, moving on the track at a speed of 120-130km per hour ...... Here I hear another call with the question whether we have met, from my rants in response were printed only excuses, but it seems that they have understood and ambulance at the end of a long protracted recovery finally stopped. To the ambulance already proved a real doctor, who took us Denis, immediately, the first time put in podklyuchichku ... .peregruzili him and we went to ... Slavyanka .Ves way from the moment Sergei raised Dennis on board, until Dennis when we took the doctors took about 1 hour and 40 minutes ... Location of attack. Bay Telyakovsky. The picture was taken from the battery.

Islet (Wailing languishing etc. Heart) in which all happened. In the previous photo close-up of the same island as part of the bay. The attack occurred Prima 30 meters from the nearest to us stones from the island. Depth of about 10-12 meters. The distance to the shore of the bay, about 100 meters
Posted in [mergetime] 1315523377 [/ mergetime]
p.s. Yeah case is unique, but killed by a shark, especially in our waters, the chance is negligible, but in the dangers of thousands of times more. But always, now, think before you go into the water, in the areas of availability of pinniped rookeries. Or think of how best to protect themselves in the process. And never pass by, especially on the water, especially on mountain rivers, if you suspect that someone needs your help. See you on the water.
ps1 Regarding the fact that there are sharks in the summer. In May 1995, near the island of Hokkaido (!), When the water temperature 6-7 degrees, the Japanese coastal fishing seiner, two females were caught by a great white shark ... the capture of officially registered.
All events that happened to us this August, have been described in 2007, at that time, scientific fantsticheskom, romance-thriller "Cape Gamow" Yuri Sharapov publishing author "Dumas" Vladivostok. Who cares, naydte read.
