20 facts about sharks

1. According to the researchers, most sharks attack humans: tiger, hammerhead, mako, whitetip, bull, sand, blue, lemon and sea fox.
2. The three-meter shark can swallow at one time a beef side.
3. in the stomachs of sharks are the most different things - for example, bottles, jute bags, postal parcels, shells and grenades, spinners and even more African tam-tam. There are cases when the shark attacked the yachts and fishing boats.
4. It is believed that most shark attacks swimmers in warm water - above 18 degrees, the researchers published the following figures: "Out of 790 cases, only 3 attacks occurred in water with a temperature of 18 degrees." And concludes that sharks do not attack in cold water. However, any reasonable person understands that people simply prefer to swim when the water is warm, and swim in the warm water for much longer than in cold. And less cold seas sharks.
5. The sharks are killed each year, according to various estimates, from 80 to 300 people. Now most of the tourist information about shark attacks are not made public. Find out how many people are killed in the Red Sea, it is impossible; although from talking to local residents know that only in the area of the resort of Eilat killed 2-3 people a year - usually those who bathed with yachts on the high seas.
6. Depending on the species in the jaws of a shark can be 30 to 400 teeth and they are located in several rows. The strength of the compression jaws four-meter sharks - 20 kN.
7. Half of all shark attacks are fatal to man.
8. The shark can smell blood from far away. It happened to the wounded whale shark thrown from a distance of several kilometers. The shark begins to consider the victim approximately five meters. From a distance it is only the victim feels and hears.
9. The safest suit colors - black, with no bright bands. But do not let black suits - is that a diver should be noticeable to not get lost and do not fall under the screw. They say bright green flippers dangerous dark blue. Some instructors advise women to remove immersion gold earrings.
10. Sharks rarely attack dressed man. Theorists advised, once dressed in the water, do not undress and shoes do not shoot. Although in this case, you can quickly drown.
11. In general sharks move at a cruising speed of about 8 km / h, but when hunting or shark attack average speeds up to 19 km / h. Mako shark is able to accelerate to a speed of 50 km / h. The white shark is also capable of a similar breakthrough. Such exceptions are possible due to these types of warm-bloodedness.
12. Sharks have no swim bladder. They retain their position in the water, because water washes on top of their fins. If they stop moving, then drown. They do not have brakes, so they can not stop quickly.
13. Weekly shark lack of food in the amount of 3% - 14% of its own weight.
14. times while hunting shark falls into the "food insanity". In a blind rage, she pounces on any subject, found her on the road, whether it is a sea animal, human or submarine cable.
15. Shark feels one gram of blood, dissolved in 600 thousand liters of water, 500 meters away.
16. In 1967, a resident of Melbourne, Henry de la Bourse swam near the shore. Suddenly appeared swimmer shark bit off his leg. A year later, this time with a prosthesis, Henry reappeared on the beach. Plenty naplavatsya, he turned to the shore, when a patrol boat came a warning cry. Behind him loomed Bursa shark fin. There was a crunch of predator and swam with ... prosthesis in his mouth.
17. Attacking shark first plunges into the body of the victim's teeth of the lower jaw. Upper teeth - like a knife shred it, inflicting terrible wounds.
18. Smooth compositions, such as "Lullaby" by Brahms make sharks fall into a trance.
19. Sharks are marine vagrants. In search of prey, they randomly roam the Ocean Road. Sometimes they are linked for some ship, from which generously knocked into the water and garbage can accompany it, for example, from Lisbon to Hong Kong.
20. Not all sharks are predators. Many feed on plankton, jellyfish, small fish, for example, a giant whale shark.
Source: www.world.menu.ru
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