Scary shark
These amazing animals reputation ferocious creatures. Their size, strength and huge jaws instill fear and admiration. Although sharks are killed every year, only a few people in the film and media sharks often appear as a voracious killer machines. Here are some of the most bizarre and scary-looking sharks, living and extinct. 1. Pilonosnaya akula
There are seven known species of sharks pilonosnyh, which is characterized by an elongated snout with teeth. They should not be confused with fish-saws related to skates, sharks, too, although the fish. They float on the ocean floor and use their snout exactly as you imagine: hit sacrifice across to incapacitate. Pilonosnye sharks feed on squid, crustaceans and small fish. They look much worse than it actually is.
2. The basking shark 69,301,993
The basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) is the second largest of all living species of sharks, after the whale shark. Usually it grows to 6-8 meters in length and some representatives and can reach 12 meters in length. The width of its mouth, which it keeps open when the float may reach 1 meter. This allows you to open the jaws of a shark to filter plankton, crustaceans and small fish that come to her as she swims.
3. Hammerhead akula
There are about 8-9 different species of hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna), who were named because of their unusual shape. Scientists believe that the distance between the eyes that give sharks a kind of advantage: they can be seen in the range of 360 degrees vertically. They can easily see what is happening behind them, turning his head slightly, and they have excellent binocular vision. Hammerhead sharks can only estimate the distance by sight. They also differ from those of other sharks that swim in packs and can ignite when exposed to sunlight.
4. megamouth shark 94,152,301
Largemouth shark (Megachasma pelagios) first discovered in 1976. It is a filter-feeders with very small teeth, but swimming with wide open mouth to scoop up the jellyfish and plankton. Megamouth shark - a rare animal and rarely can be found. There are only 41 confirmed case of observations of these sharks, including a recent case where largemouth caught and eaten by a shark fishermen from the Philippines.
5. Fox akula
Fox Shark (Alopiidae) different long upper tail fin, which is half of the total length of the shark. Fox shark feeds on small fish and sometimes uses its tail fin to drive fish into the bottlenecks that its easier to eat. They can stun the fish fin powerful blow. As a rule, they reach 3-4, 5 meters in length, but can grow up to 6 meters, although half of their length of the tail fin.
6. chlamydoselachus 87,955,793
Frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus) is very similar to the image of a sea serpent of ancient times. In fact, these sharks are not as big, at a length of 1, 5 meters. Frilled shark is very flexible and can not move quite as characteristic of sharks. When it opens its mouth, it looks pretty intimidating. However, people are rarely able to see her, as she prefers to hunt in the ocean depths.
7. Cigar or isistius 87,648,042
Cigar Shark (Isistius brasiliensis) got its strange name from the habit to bite off chunks of meat production, spinning the victim's body in a circular motion. Just the fish, which she bites too big to eat all of it. Cigar or isistius reaches only 50 cm in length, but it can vgryztsya in whales, in submarines and people. Her body bioluminescent small speck that makes others think that it is a much smaller fish than it actually is, while the cigar shark hides in the dark.
8. Goblin Shark
Shark goblin, or as it is called goblin shark - a kind of deep-sea sharks, which are rarely seen. It refers to an ancient species, even by the standards of sharks. Her unusually long snout that as it may seem, will not interfere with her to eat. However, it has another advantage: it can be far from advancing the jaw.
9. Gelikoprion
Although they know very little, helicoprion - this is a very strange-looking fish, who lived 280-225 million years ago. A distinctive feature of the shark tooth is a spiral. Modern sharks teeth grow throughout their lives, and the old fall. The ancient shark along with the new and old remained teeth. In some species, the old teeth are moved on the face, to leave the place the teeth in the jaw. In helicoprion these teeth wrapped in a circle.
10. Megalodon
As far as is known, Megalodon (Carcharocles megalodon) was one of the largest existing sharks. They grow up to 18 meters long and more than a ton of food eaten daily. Megalodon word from Greek means "big tooth", which is consistent with these creatures, whose bite was stronger than that of Tyrannosaurus rex. Megalodon lived from 25 up to 1 million years ago, though they can still be seen in some movies and our most terrible nightmares.
See also: dead whale shark found off the coast of Pakistan, was sold for $ 19 thousand.
Source: mirfactov.com/