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10 people survived the most terrible your

We all want to think that, faced with a disaster, we will maintain an unshakable calm. At least, if we face death, we like to think that we will meet it with dignity, or perhaps a bold challenge, proudly raising his head, but certainly not screaming in terror and panic, because we adults who ... well, okay. Nobody wants to die, and certainly no one wants to die at the appalling that go out of control, excruciatingly painful circumstances. However, the people represented in this list, not only had the courage to bravely look death in the face in the above-mentioned circumstances, and it scared away and survived.

It will be 10 stories of people who survived the terrible events in their Gini.

9. Luis Nell (Louis Nell)
He was attacked by two pit bulls

It all started just like a nightmare every dog ​​owner: Luis on a golden retriever named Nella Chrissie (Chrissy) was attacked by two pit bull right in their backyard, appearing seemingly out of nowhere. Then Louis attempted to protect his dog, and it quickly turned into a situation that could very sad end for Louis.

Pit bull, dog of a neighbor, Louis, broke into the house through the screen door and attacked Chrissie before anyone realized what was happening. His wife, Linda, frantically typed the police, while Luis fought with the animals during the "good 5-10 minutes" received much bleeding bite one of his hands after he toppled over, trying to squeeze one of the dogs under the chair.

Fortunately, the police quickly arrived and shot one of the dogs on site (the latter was later put to sleep). Chrissie was killed during the attack. "They completely tore her throat," - said Linda. If not for the courage of Luis, and quick response of police, the situation would have been much more serious.

8. Weights and Susan Whaley (Geary & Suzan Whaley)
Raised in the air during a tornado

At the end of May 2013 the central part of the United States shocked the series of tornadoes, and we can safely say that Oklahoma has suffered the most. May 20 tornado that hit the city of Moore (Moore) killed 24 people. May 31, killing another nine people, while numerous tornadoes rampaged across central Oklahoma. During the trip on the highway in the direction of the house, near the city of Shawnee (Shawnee), husband and wife Susan and Geary Whaley noticed one of these tornadoes, namely, the second most powerful tornadoes - Class E4. They almost do not remember anything about the rest of the day, but investigators think they were trying to hide under the overpass (bad idea), where a tornado covered them, raised their truck and sucked them both directly from the windows of the car.

Susan filmed video of the tornado on her cell phone, and he continued shooting throughout the incident. She says she barely remembers how came to life on the ground, still holding his cell phone in his hands, and not identifying the whereabouts of her husband. She found him at 15, 2 meters away, while he had broken a dozen bones, but, nevertheless, he somehow survived. Now they know that the tunnel for motor vehicles can enhance wind tornado, but they hope that they will not have to apply again to this knowledge. Surprisingly, their dog Rocky, who was with them during a tornado went missing after it ... until I found four days later, jammed under some rubble, but nonetheless alive.

7. Kristjan Theresa (Theresa Christian)
It was closed in the freezer for five days

Yes, a tornado should be avoided at all cost ... well, almost all. For those of us who suffer from claustrophobia, this story will serve as an example of how some of the techniques of self-defense from tornadoes can potentially be more terrible than the tornado. Investigators believe that Teresa Kristjan, which at that time was 59 years old, tried to take refuge in a freezer and accidentally shut themselves there, trapped. She spent five days there.

Incredibly, her sons came to her on the fourth day and turned the apartment upside down, unsuccessfully searching for his mother. On Wednesday, they returned with the maintenance service apartments. At this time, the son of Theresa named Stewart, heard a faint call for help. They found her sitting upright and awake inside the freezer, which was in the closet. The lid was broken, but she was unable to move. She had severe frostbite on his feet, and it was hospitalized in serious condition. Oddly enough, while not forecasted inclement weather, but try to avoid the tornado was the only explanation that is proposed to the local authorities, as Mrs Kristjan could not speak.

6. Ollson Janis (Janis Ollson)
It was cut in half during the treatment of cancer

The diagnosis of "cancer" is never good, but the cancer Janis Ollson was the type that would be made to despair most people. Bone cancer tissue was right in the middle of her pelvis, and the doctors told her that the only option was, in fact, disassemble it into parts, to gain access to the problem area, and then assemble it again like a puzzle. They said that she would lose his left leg and will have the right ... to completely separate from the body during the procedure. And they were not confident that they can attach it back.

In general, the operation is supposed Janis Ollson cut into two parts, and this was her only hope. Despite the fact that this procedure has never done on live patients, doctors from the Mayo Clinic (Mayo Clinic) Rochester (Rochester), Minnesota decided to try to hold it. Because the course of the operation could be no "bone connection between her body and the remaining leg" (in the words of Dr. Michael Yastsemki (Michael Yaszemski), who designed the operation), they used a bone of her amputated left leg to attach the right closer to the spine in the center her body. After two operations, which lasted 28 hours, and 240 staples used to reassemble Janice, innovative operation was completed and was successful. Of course, Janice went through a very complicated procedure to restore, which was a lot. In addition, it requires machinery to move, but she does not complain. Since the operation that saved her life in the hospital was carried out three more similar operations on other patients, two of whom died.

5. Kretyan Rita (Rita Chretien)
Conducted in the wild for seven weeks

In March 2011, Kretyan Rita and her husband, Albert, went to Las Vegas from his home in British Columbia in his van. They later told reporters that they did not have sufficient experience of travel, and they rely on your GPS to accurately determine the direction. March 20 their van got stuck in the snow in the Nevada desert, and could not go further. There he remained until May 6, where he found the hunters on ATVs. The search was launched on March 30 when their children did not wait for the arrival of parents. It was May 6, Rita said that she felt the last vestiges of energy leave her after she was fed for 49 days with a mixture of dried fruits, nuts and candies. When she heard the engines hunters, she simply lay down and prepared to die.

Albert went to look for help two days after stuck their van, but unfortunately, it is not even remotely close to her - it was eight kilometers from the nearest town, when his frozen body was finally found at the end of September 2012 year. However, he overcame about the same distance from the van, making a heroic effort in unforgiving conditions. Deputy Sheriff David Pralla (David Prall) said: "As soon as he [Albert] has lost the ability to use GPS, because of the snow drifts, he could not determine where the road was. He made a lot of unnecessary climbing. He literally heading for the top of the mountain ... and that's where he came, it was much more than he could make his body ... This man had tremendous courage and inner strength that allowed him to walk wherever he came. "

4. Randal McCloy Jr. (Randal McCloy Jr)
I was trapped after an explosion at the Sago Mine (Mine)

January 2, 2006 explosion at the Sago Mine in West Virginia for two days concluded 13 miners trapped. According to Randal McCloy Jr., only one of them remained alive. Emergency breathing devices did not work in at least four miners. And that was just one oversight that led to this situation, as a result it was found a huge amount of oversight that contributed to the explosion.

For example, McCloy also said after his rescue that three weeks before the incident, while drilling in the roof of the mine, he and a colleague stumbled upon a pocket of methane, which, if anyone knows, is explosive. After this they are reported, they found the next day that the leak has been plugged by adhesive used for the sealing bolt in the shaft wall. And most of this occasion they have not heard anything.

McCloy came very close to that, to die, like his colleagues - from carbon monoxide poisoning. Even if all the emergency breathing work well, its survival would be improbable. They provide only one hour of oxygen and help arrives after 41 hours after the explosion. Incredibly, some news channels reported the erroneous information that during the incident, only one miner died and 12 were rescued, prompting relief from a dozen families whose hearts were broken when the error was discovered several hours later.

3. Regan Martin (Regan Martin)
He was kidnapped by a serial killer

David Alan Gore (David Alan Gore) was a rapist and a serial killer who was operating in the US since the late 70's to early 80's. He was executed for his crimes in 2012, and his accomplice Vaterfild Fred (Fred Waterfield) has been sentenced to several life terms in prison. Overall, Gore killed six women. He Vaterfild kidnapped his two latest victims of July 26, 1983. They were 14-year-old Regan Martin and 17-year-old Lynn Elliott (Lynn Elliott), and the day Regan never forget: it is the only survivor of all the victims of Mount.
It all started when Gore and Vaterfild picked up the girls on the beach, planning to take any who were willing to go with them to the house of the parents of Horus (they were out of town), and rape them. After Martin and Elliott got into the car, opened the glove compartment and the car they found a pistol caliber 22, which Martin Gore began to threaten. Taking what is happening as a joke, the girls soon realized that this is not true. They were taken to a house where they were both sexually abused.

Most likely, Elliot Martin saved a life, trying to escape. While Gore raped Martin Elliott slipped out of the house, naked and handcuffed, and ran down the road, but Gore saw it, heard the creak of the door. He shot Elliott in the head in front of the child witness, and it was in her murder, he was convicted and sentenced to death in 1984. A witness called police, who arrived, in time to save Martin.

2. Anne Hjelle (Anna Hjelle)
He was attacked by a mountain lion

Mountain lions are known to be territorial animals. That mountain lion that attacked in 2007 by 30-year-old Anne Hjelle, a former Marine, killed people, and to her. In fact, he killed another victim earlier in the day, and he decided to kill the second. Anna mountain biking in the wrong place, and if not for quick thinking and a great courage of her friend Debi Nichols (Debi Nicholls), it will likely never be able to tell their story.

Debbie did not let Anne legs, while the giant cat tried to drag Anna to the forest, keeping her teeth over his face. All this time, Anna was conscious and vaguely remember thinking that it would be easier to just die on the spot. "At that moment I thought about the fact that my face was torn off," - she says. And half of her face was really torn. Another two cyclist heard the screams and came to the rescue, driving a mountain lion with stones, while Deby was holding Anna. Mountain Lion, finally let go of her, and the man told Anna to the beginning of the trail, the animals continued to be persecuted.

Police shot the big cat while she was next to the body of Mark Reynolds (Mark Reynolds), which the animal was killed and partially eaten earlier in the day. Anna was in the air taken to the hospital of Orange County (Orange County), where during the five-hour operation it imposed around 2000 stitches.

1. Eugene Han and Kristin Davis (Eugene Han & Kirstin Davis)
Injured in the mass shooting at a movie theater in Colorado

Finally, we have a couple that chose the wrong time and place to go to the movies: they attended the infamous mass shooting at a movie theater that James Holmes (James Holmes) has made in July 2012. During the mass shooting at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, killing ten people. Eugene and Christine were among 70 people who were injured, but survived, however, and their story is unique for a stunning reason.

The couple went to the midnight show after a 12-hour work shift, Eugene, and so he fell asleep during the preview. When he woke up, Holmes entered through the exit door, just three meters away from them, or so. Eugene saw the outline of a gun on a background screen movie screen, and realized that today will be a big trouble. Holmes then threw the grenade with tear gas, and shooting started.

Eugene, of course, Christine pushed under the chairs and squeezed between her and wildly gunmen Holmes, that we think would make any of our male readers. He watched as the bullets rained down, and said that he had seen "flying pieces of meat," then one bullet hit him in the thigh and another in the knee. Then he heard the click of the gun and realized that this was their chance to try to escape. They ran out of the door, while Holmes was reloading his gun and at some point, Eugene met his eyes. A bullet in the thigh Eugene was too dangerous to remove, and it took months of physical therapy that he was able to use his leg again, but the pair was able to convert one of the most terrible moments in her life into a positive. In April 2013, Eugene did Kristin proposal, and they were married on July 20 - a year and a day after the shooting.

via pene4ka

And then there are 10th place:
Joanne Murray (Joan Murray)
Dropped from a height of 4400 meters on an anthill fire ants

In September 1999, 47-year-old Joan Murray did not open the main parachute during a jump from a height greater than 4400 meters. By the time she was able to reveal his reserve parachute, it was less than 300 meters from the ground. Her flight was out of control, reserve parachute lost most of the volume of air and she hit the ground at a speed of 129 kilometers per hour, landing directly on the fire ant big ant hill.

Joan has broken most of the bones on the right side of the body, and the seal on her teeth flew out on impact, and yet she somehow survived, though, and lost consciousness. However, fire ants situation was much more complicated. Before the doctors came to her aid, Joan was bitten more than 200 times. Incredibly that her doctors (one of whom wrote "miracle" on her card) said that the bites of ants may have contributed to the survival of Joan, causing a sudden rush of adrenaline. A few years later, having more than 20 reconstructive surgeries and countless physical therapy sessions, Joan went back to work, life and parachuting, made his 37th jump in 2002.
