As my family and I sat on energopayke
Our experiment lasted two weeks. One we have lived and spent electricity in full, without giving up anything, and the second tried to save. And that's what we came out of it.
Energopaek - social norm consumption. On September 1 of this year it introduced in seven regions of the country. On 1 July 2014 the know-how spread over the entire territory of Russia. That is freely using light Orenburg left only seven months.
The essence of the reform is as follows: each region, based on the average electricity consumption by the population and local conditions, sets a so-called Lunches - How many people rely kilowatt-hours per month. This amount of energy is paid at the same price. All that spent above the norm, please pay at a higher cost.
As for the Orenburg limit is not set (that specialists of the regional department for price and tariff regulation will be engaged at the beginning of next year), we had to analyze the experience of other regions, where the rate is from 50 to 190 kWh per month. The cost of each kWh consumed in excess of the limit is more expensive by 65% - 90%, although the promise that the first year the difference will not exceed 30%. So far, so to speak, we do not get used to cost-conscious use of what runs through the wires in the apartment.
However, for certain categories of housing and population rate will be more common. This applies to rural homes with electric stoves and electric heating, damaged houses and single pensioners. By the way, obschedomovye need for this standard are also included.
In nothing does not deny
So, we took part in the experiment, the three of us - me and two households. Apartment - Khrushchev-kopeck piece. Because of special conditions: the husband does not work every day, which means it can sit all day at a computer. With a five-year daughter of the demand is small, it is in kindergarten.
In our apartment standard set of appliances: computer, two televisions, microwave, washing machine, refrigerator, iron and vacuum cleaner. Electric oven turn on holidays, and a meat grinder and a juicer use rarely even they will not be considered.
We have more family members - aquarium fish, which operates around the clock and light and filter. But her husband said that the costs are minimal, because fluorescent lamp operates at 5W, so the fish we also take into account will not. Let swim!
For comparison, I let his wife sit at a computer all day completely, and then another all night watching a movie on TV. Before going to bed I check the counter. During the day it is already wound nine kWh. In the last month, 270 kWh, and this is no "stiralki" yes iron worked in the day for about 15 minutes, no more. If you estimate that energopaek will be 70 kWh, we clearly do not fit. According to the proposed social norm for our family relies only 210 kWh.
By the end of the week enjoyed by all without exception the necessary appliances, but only in case of emergency. Instead of six light bulbs spot light, each 35 watts, decided to light one routine in the chandelier - 100 watts. As a result, this week "dripped" energy at 45 kWh, ie a month, we can fully meet the 180 kWh.
In the old - without the benefits of civilization
It's time to start saving, I realized, when I stood at the counter, while the two-liter boil kettle. The instructions said to him that the device power consumption. Four minutes clocked 0 2 watt. That is five times boiled tea - and a kilowatt is gone. Approximately the same flow rate in the washing machine and iron, but only work, they will not for five minutes, and longer. That's the whole horror!
Decides to take extreme measures. With great difficulty, but for the whole week we disclaim washing machine and electric kettle. To lose the rest, no matter how I was thinking, unfortunately, impossible. Dress you want-you do not want your child to kindergarten pat necessary. Without a computer, the TV, I can not imagine his life: one needs to work, the second - the best friend in the kitchen while cooking. And in a day during the harvest as it is not included - the hands are doing, and your ears absorb information in our profession without this in any way. Family dinner is traditionally also held under his discreet purring.
But that swings tea and washing ... I found it more real. Water can be boiled on a gas stove in an old enamel teapot and lingerie wash by hand. Just have to do it every day, not to kopilos all week as before. Only the dubious benefit of work - will save electricity and water izraskhoduesh more. And in their own hands is a pity, after all we live in the XXI century! Total: 38 kWh per week, or 152 a month.
Comment specialist
When buying appliances, pay attention to energy efficiency class
Head of Press Service of "Orenburgenergosbyt" Galiza AMERGALIEVA:
- Most of the residents will feel normal, lying in sotsnormu. At a certain same level of comfort (heated floors, electric fireplace, some "plasma", air-conditioning and an abundance of other household appliances), some families will "fly" out of it. In the first phase difference in tariffs "norm" and "above the norm" will be small. To meet the "ration", will have to save.
What saves energy:
- Do not leave the lights burning unnecessarily.
- Instead of "bulbs Ilyich" used energy-saving lamps. You can set the LED with motion sensors. This is not only economical, but also environmentally friendly.
- If the wiring is old, you should replace it with a new one.
- You can set the counter "day-night" and run the washing machine and dishwasher only at night, when the rate is less.
- Do not forget about the appliances left in "sleep" mode, they also consume energy. Any device switch off completely. Electricity consumption and left in the wall socket chargers.
- When buying appliances try to choose appliances with energy class A, now all written documents.
Posted in [mergetime] 1385822640 [/ mergetime]
What has been done in 20 years of government? Nothing !!! The policy of our leaders is not aimed at improving the lives of its citizens, and to increase the profits of the monopolies. All lobbied. At the helm of these monopolies are sitting most natural crooks who got there only through connections, relations and so on. The country of residence, they are considered as a means for profit and nothing else. Money and nothing but money. Outside the 21st century. And our leaders want to bring us back to the Stone Age. One gets the impression that they are aliens and they consider Russia as a testing ground for experiments first prime minister and the president with all his powerful machine (Court of Auditors, the FAS and so on.) Should understand the issues of where and how much money consumers put in the pocket of the leaders of the energy industry and fuel managers of companies. No nothing. Home snatch.
Energopaek - social norm consumption. On September 1 of this year it introduced in seven regions of the country. On 1 July 2014 the know-how spread over the entire territory of Russia. That is freely using light Orenburg left only seven months.
The essence of the reform is as follows: each region, based on the average electricity consumption by the population and local conditions, sets a so-called Lunches - How many people rely kilowatt-hours per month. This amount of energy is paid at the same price. All that spent above the norm, please pay at a higher cost.

As for the Orenburg limit is not set (that specialists of the regional department for price and tariff regulation will be engaged at the beginning of next year), we had to analyze the experience of other regions, where the rate is from 50 to 190 kWh per month. The cost of each kWh consumed in excess of the limit is more expensive by 65% - 90%, although the promise that the first year the difference will not exceed 30%. So far, so to speak, we do not get used to cost-conscious use of what runs through the wires in the apartment.
However, for certain categories of housing and population rate will be more common. This applies to rural homes with electric stoves and electric heating, damaged houses and single pensioners. By the way, obschedomovye need for this standard are also included.
In nothing does not deny
So, we took part in the experiment, the three of us - me and two households. Apartment - Khrushchev-kopeck piece. Because of special conditions: the husband does not work every day, which means it can sit all day at a computer. With a five-year daughter of the demand is small, it is in kindergarten.
In our apartment standard set of appliances: computer, two televisions, microwave, washing machine, refrigerator, iron and vacuum cleaner. Electric oven turn on holidays, and a meat grinder and a juicer use rarely even they will not be considered.
We have more family members - aquarium fish, which operates around the clock and light and filter. But her husband said that the costs are minimal, because fluorescent lamp operates at 5W, so the fish we also take into account will not. Let swim!
For comparison, I let his wife sit at a computer all day completely, and then another all night watching a movie on TV. Before going to bed I check the counter. During the day it is already wound nine kWh. In the last month, 270 kWh, and this is no "stiralki" yes iron worked in the day for about 15 minutes, no more. If you estimate that energopaek will be 70 kWh, we clearly do not fit. According to the proposed social norm for our family relies only 210 kWh.
By the end of the week enjoyed by all without exception the necessary appliances, but only in case of emergency. Instead of six light bulbs spot light, each 35 watts, decided to light one routine in the chandelier - 100 watts. As a result, this week "dripped" energy at 45 kWh, ie a month, we can fully meet the 180 kWh.

In the old - without the benefits of civilization
It's time to start saving, I realized, when I stood at the counter, while the two-liter boil kettle. The instructions said to him that the device power consumption. Four minutes clocked 0 2 watt. That is five times boiled tea - and a kilowatt is gone. Approximately the same flow rate in the washing machine and iron, but only work, they will not for five minutes, and longer. That's the whole horror!
Decides to take extreme measures. With great difficulty, but for the whole week we disclaim washing machine and electric kettle. To lose the rest, no matter how I was thinking, unfortunately, impossible. Dress you want-you do not want your child to kindergarten pat necessary. Without a computer, the TV, I can not imagine his life: one needs to work, the second - the best friend in the kitchen while cooking. And in a day during the harvest as it is not included - the hands are doing, and your ears absorb information in our profession without this in any way. Family dinner is traditionally also held under his discreet purring.
But that swings tea and washing ... I found it more real. Water can be boiled on a gas stove in an old enamel teapot and lingerie wash by hand. Just have to do it every day, not to kopilos all week as before. Only the dubious benefit of work - will save electricity and water izraskhoduesh more. And in their own hands is a pity, after all we live in the XXI century! Total: 38 kWh per week, or 152 a month.
Comment specialist
When buying appliances, pay attention to energy efficiency class
Head of Press Service of "Orenburgenergosbyt" Galiza AMERGALIEVA:
- Most of the residents will feel normal, lying in sotsnormu. At a certain same level of comfort (heated floors, electric fireplace, some "plasma", air-conditioning and an abundance of other household appliances), some families will "fly" out of it. In the first phase difference in tariffs "norm" and "above the norm" will be small. To meet the "ration", will have to save.
What saves energy:
- Do not leave the lights burning unnecessarily.
- Instead of "bulbs Ilyich" used energy-saving lamps. You can set the LED with motion sensors. This is not only economical, but also environmentally friendly.
- If the wiring is old, you should replace it with a new one.
- You can set the counter "day-night" and run the washing machine and dishwasher only at night, when the rate is less.
- Do not forget about the appliances left in "sleep" mode, they also consume energy. Any device switch off completely. Electricity consumption and left in the wall socket chargers.
- When buying appliances try to choose appliances with energy class A, now all written documents.
Posted in [mergetime] 1385822640 [/ mergetime]
What has been done in 20 years of government? Nothing !!! The policy of our leaders is not aimed at improving the lives of its citizens, and to increase the profits of the monopolies. All lobbied. At the helm of these monopolies are sitting most natural crooks who got there only through connections, relations and so on. The country of residence, they are considered as a means for profit and nothing else. Money and nothing but money. Outside the 21st century. And our leaders want to bring us back to the Stone Age. One gets the impression that they are aliens and they consider Russia as a testing ground for experiments first prime minister and the president with all his powerful machine (Court of Auditors, the FAS and so on.) Should understand the issues of where and how much money consumers put in the pocket of the leaders of the energy industry and fuel managers of companies. No nothing. Home snatch.
