Dmitry Kiselev went on a family holiday in the "capital of the LGBT" - Amsterdam. Heart burn g * s
Known for his call to burn the heart of gays and their suspicion of the West journalist Dmitry Kiselev decided to spend the holidays with his family in Amsterdam, which is famous for its liberal towards LGBT people. News that some have chosen the wrong place for a family holiday Russian th * ofob, quickly became an object of ridicule on the Internet.
Kiseleva noticed in Amsterdam compatriot and immediately reported it to Twitter. "You know who we met in the center of Amsterdam? Dmitry Kiselev. Draws apparently ideas for programs of rotten West! "- Says the girl, hinting at the regular anti-Western tirades journalist in the news.
After a couple of hours, the Russian has again met Kiselyov, who at that time had already ridden a boat on the canal with his family. In the pictures you can see how the journalist serene walks with his family in Amsterdam, is clearly not going to burn the heart r * s, while in the Netherlands they, presumably, in excess.
Without knowing it, Kiselev gave Russian users fertile ground for jokes on his journey to Amsterdam. "Fine. In between stories about rotten respects * fascist Europe Dmitry Kiselev riding on a boat with her family in Amsterdam "- wrote on Twitter at the Fund for the fight against corruption George Alburi.
Or even scary to say the gondola.
"Sodomites still hold family Kiseleva in Amsterdam? Why has not yet been put troops? "- Ironically another user to Twitter, apparently with reference to the situation with the introduction of the Russian Armed Forces in the Crimea. "Filed" Humpday "Dmitry Kiselev, is rumored to spend a vacation in Amsterdam." -sevaboiko Jokes in his microblog.
Kiselyov remembered and handed him not so long ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin the Order "For Services to the Fatherland» IV degree. "They say that in Amsterdam coffeeshops Russian Order" For Merit "can be exchanged for sickly Joint (cigarette. - Comm. NEWSru.com)», - writesSandy_mustache.
TV shows Kiseleva different aggressive anti-Western rhetoric and manner of one-sided coverage of events. Journalist known for his radical statements not only against the opposition, but also against members of lo * with minorities in Russia. That is why his trip to Amsterdam seems at least a fertile ground for jokes.
However, this way of Kiselev in Russia coincides with the position he now occupies. Journalist headed the international agency "Russia Today", which is intended to be a tool of state propaganda.
Source newsru.com/world/06mar2014/kiselev.html
Kiseleva noticed in Amsterdam compatriot and immediately reported it to Twitter. "You know who we met in the center of Amsterdam? Dmitry Kiselev. Draws apparently ideas for programs of rotten West! "- Says the girl, hinting at the regular anti-Western tirades journalist in the news.

After a couple of hours, the Russian has again met Kiselyov, who at that time had already ridden a boat on the canal with his family. In the pictures you can see how the journalist serene walks with his family in Amsterdam, is clearly not going to burn the heart r * s, while in the Netherlands they, presumably, in excess.

Without knowing it, Kiselev gave Russian users fertile ground for jokes on his journey to Amsterdam. "Fine. In between stories about rotten respects * fascist Europe Dmitry Kiselev riding on a boat with her family in Amsterdam "- wrote on Twitter at the Fund for the fight against corruption George Alburi.
Or even scary to say the gondola.
"Sodomites still hold family Kiseleva in Amsterdam? Why has not yet been put troops? "- Ironically another user to Twitter, apparently with reference to the situation with the introduction of the Russian Armed Forces in the Crimea. "Filed" Humpday "Dmitry Kiselev, is rumored to spend a vacation in Amsterdam." -sevaboiko Jokes in his microblog.
Kiselyov remembered and handed him not so long ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin the Order "For Services to the Fatherland» IV degree. "They say that in Amsterdam coffeeshops Russian Order" For Merit "can be exchanged for sickly Joint (cigarette. - Comm. NEWSru.com)», - writesSandy_mustache.
TV shows Kiseleva different aggressive anti-Western rhetoric and manner of one-sided coverage of events. Journalist known for his radical statements not only against the opposition, but also against members of lo * with minorities in Russia. That is why his trip to Amsterdam seems at least a fertile ground for jokes.
However, this way of Kiselev in Russia coincides with the position he now occupies. Journalist headed the international agency "Russia Today", which is intended to be a tool of state propaganda.
Source newsru.com/world/06mar2014/kiselev.html