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OprosLevada-panel end of March showed that in the case of military conflict between Russia and Ukraine, 74% of Russians support the country's leadership. Only 13% said they would not support the war.
The blame for the deterioration of relations between the two countries, according to 77% of Russians, resting on the authorities of Ukraine, and only 3% blame the Russian authorities. Illegitimate power in Ukraine, according to 73% of the Russians, and only 14% of our fellow citizens think the opposite.
In this state of public consciousness to avoid war is extremely difficult, and most importantly, has not yet seen the power that could resist the rise of the military threat.
For a start, it makes sense to analyze the mechanism of the origin of the threat. Over the past few months has been a change in the distribution of roles in the triangle "power - the media - society". Ice rink monstrous, unprecedented in the history of propaganda gained such momentum that the government will not be able to stop it even if I wanted to. Yes, and a significant part of the audience, accustomed to regular injections of hatred, at lower doses will experience propaganda "break-up".
Putin still can multiply by zero or any Ernst Kiseleva, Solovyov or Kulistikova. But in order to change the motion vector propaganda rink which have already wound on its rolls at least three quarters of Russians, such efforts are needed, motivation and courage, which in the current Russian government is extremely difficult to detect. And most important, have the feeling that among the wound on the roller cylinders own propaganda proved itself the Russian authorities. The same power that these rollers and launched.
Mist from the West and from the East light
Reviewing each week, the last four months I regularly come to the conclusion that the degree of propaganda has increased, the concentration lies thickened, has grown even more chaos of the absurd that is already gush border state television and close to it in the spirit of Russian newspapers. At the end of each week, it seems that now all have peaked, but next week puts the new record, finds new reasons to hate the world around us and new shades cloying love of power and national leaders.
Last week, a new storyline decorate and sacred and profane myths of Russian propaganda.
Idea of ​​the week, namely the fight against fascism, which comes from the West, the most artistically expressed in "Izvestia" Prokhanov: "... Now, when on the tree of western civilization again ripe apple black fascism and its already bite Nazis Maidan, Germany, Austria, just Russia is ready to fight against fascism, hearing from ungrateful Europe flows hula and hatred. " End quote.
Primordial hatred of the West to Russia, according Prohanova, due to the fact that "Russia is not afraid of the West with their missiles and warheads, and Russian fashion world that rejects the laws lucre, the golden calf and mammon - these stock markets, bank currency flows." Prohanov convinced that "this is why was so unbearable for the West Crimean Putin's speech, where he (Putin) drew a line between East and West - the line is not on the ground and in the sky».
Prohanov today sang in the choir. This same motif heard in "Sunday Night" with Vladimir Solovyov 04/06/2014 when Solovyov said that today we are seeing the destruction of Christendom. And then took the floor Bagdasarov expert, former deputy of the State Duma of the "Fair Russia". He recalled Obama that he once, during a visit to the Colosseum, instead of immediately began to sob over the first Christians, who accepted martyrdom in the Coliseum, was to compare the parameters of the ancient ruins of a baseball field. This is outrageous behavior of the American president has served a sufficient basis for Bagdasarova to call Obama to Satan and to declare that the US has no Christians.
If Prohanov - sang recognized in anti-Western and anti-Ukrainian choir, the soloist of the choir in "Sunday Night" was undoubtedly this time Irina Spring, presented his bill penalizing the propaganda of fascism and deliberate lies about the history of the Second World War. Within half an hour the choir led by Spring, with the participation of President Alexander Beard FJC, MEP Tatiana Zhdanok and other different voices sang Law Spring for its relevance and little reproached for lateness. Some dissonance occasionally brought Nikolai Zlobin, a Russian-American experts who constantly Soloviev calls to guests had to practice on someone blows patriotism, spitting hatred and contempt kicks.
Zlobin, which, apparently, all these blows, spitting and kicking give pleasure as he regularly goes to the above mentioned Solovyov and tokens takes with a constant smile, all the while trying very shy to ask, but why the whole choir believes that the threat of fascism imported in Russia with the West, and does not grow out of some internal Russian circumstances. More Zlobina interested in the question who is in the West is trying to revise the results of the Nuremberg trials, which is constantly indignantly said Spring.
First of provocative questions Zlobina Soloviev brilliantly ignored, the second said perturbed cue: "Even as revising!", And the most detailed response to American gave MEP Tatjana Zhdanok. It turns out that outrageous revision of the results of Nuremberg was that members of the European Parliament in 2009 voted to August 23 to celebrate the European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism, thereby equating these totalitarian regimes.
That is, those who, like the "Memorial" and many historians in their personal capacity, said that during World War II, as well as before it, the crime is committed not only Hitler, but Stalin, those who do not like the Covenant Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and the Munich Agreement, Katyn and Hiroshima - all these people, according to the Spring, Zhdanyuk, Solovyov and all other choristers deserve Pjaterochki. That is, for instance, the court convicted the offender. And then the prosecutor's office opened a criminal case on the other criminals. Upon another crime. Does this mean that thereby justified the first, already convicted, the offender and his case is reviewed? Obviously, no. A law Yarovoy author herself and her colleagues interpreted that way.
Iron logic. Times of Stalin and his henchmen Nuremberg condemned, so any mention of their crimes have revision of the results of the Second World, which, according to the authors of the law, and there is fascism. Any freshman, slightly familiar with the logic to find in this syllogism several logical errors, or rather sophistical tricks from substitution thesis to quadrupling the imaginary terms and logical connection. But in the studio, "Russia 1" First Channel and NTV pending debate the rules, and in the last few months and generally argue not accepted.
As for the law enforcement practice Spring, something tells me that under this law may well now condemn dismissed from MGIMO Professor Zubov for his comparison of Putin's actions in 2014 with Hitler's actions in 1938-1939. But Migranyan that the same "Izvestia", condemning Zubov, praises Hitler's prewar sample, as I intuitively, nothing will happen. Despite the fact that Hitler had by 1939 already and "my struggle" was written, arranged and Kristallnacht, and generally makes something of what subsequently became the subject of the Nuremberg Tribunal.

Verbal snipers and saboteurs virtual
I've always been curious to know what they really think about what is happening and about his role in the world of television commanders Putin forces. Often there is a feeling that they are driven by a cynical calculation that they really are all well aware, cold and impassive while continuing to lie, because they find people for cattle and thus separated from their fate fate of the country.
So it was. And so it seemed. Today there is a different feeling. They are all these Kiselyovs-Solovyov-Dobrodeeva-Kulistikova already just can not jump off a furious speed garnered propaganda rink, which together with the country and the government pulls its rapidly rotating rollers.
Can not be the same people obviously intelligent and educated European not understand that its information war drew real war, just provoke her. Can not but know that the majority of Ukrainians want to remain in their country and oppose federalization, and even more so - against the partition of the country or parts of its entry into Russia.
So, when NTV, followed by all other channels talk about 25 Ukrainian saboteurs preparing terrorist acts on the territory of the seven regions of Russia, where our intelligence agencies have detained and then released for some reason, they are all of these channels, prepare real, rather than information war.
When the studio Solovyov group of "experts" makes clear conclusion that the whole "heavenly hundred" killed by his own leadership on orders Euromaidan, they lie their impending war.
When all channels and all types of mass newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" full message that the entire east and south of Ukraine polls dreams become part of Russia, it lies nearer his war.
Name this part of me shamelessly stolen from Kafka. Oh very clearly his story about turning good citizen in a vile insect anatomy reveals the process that happened to two iconic last Russian journalists. It's about Tatiana Mitkova and Dmitry Kiselev. Both were awarded the Lithuanian government medals Memory January 13 for the commission of journalistic Act.
The irony of history is that the situation then, 23 years ago, there was something similar to the present one. Then Lithuania torn from the USSR. Today Ukraine is finally separated from the imperial successor of the USSR - Russia. KGB SWAT January 13, 1991 stormed the Vilnius TV tower which protects civilians. 15 people died, more than 600 were injured.
Dmitry Kiselev, and Tatiana Mitkov led newscasts in which they were ordered to present the official lies about those events. Mitkov said that will not lie to his audience, and instead went on air announcer. Mitkova Kiseleva and fired from the USSR Radio and Television, and broadcast them back when this country has gone. It happened, however, soon enough, less than a year after the events in Vilnius.
Today the President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite deprived Kiseleva medal because he Dmitry Kiselev, as stated in the decree of the President of Lithuania, "... mocking the fundamental values ​​of freedom and democracy in their programs, discredited title awarded medals January 13».
Tatiana Mitkov in solidarity with Kiselyov itself refused Lithuanian awards.
Irina Peter in his last program, "The Man from the TV 'decision to name the countries of the Lithuanian authorities, and act Mitkova, waived medals, considered very worthy. I find it hard to agree with this view. And here's why.
The irony of history is that in the events of 1991, Vilnius and Kiev 2014 matches have just literally. For example, snipers shooting at unarmed people (or rather, in people who have no firearms). In 1991, Mitkov and Kiselev Kremlin refused to broadcast lies about the rioters, who are themselves a shot. Today Kiselev not only continually broadcasts this lie in relation to the events of Kiev, but, remembering those 23-year-old Vilnius case, decided to give out the truth behind the Kremlin's lie that they Mitkova then refused to broadcast. That is, himself, personally, with his hands crossed out what he was then awarded.
The conversion was completed. This is not the Dmitry Kiselev, which awards Lithuania and distinguished audience. Yes, and not the Mitkov. Their rewards are now Putin. His awards can not hang on one suit with awards of Lithuania. You've got to choose. Kiselev and Mitkov chosen. Now choose us.
Choose the right quality media recently helped the pro-Kremlin website Politonline, which was rated "anti-Russian" editions. If we translate with the Kremlin, those media which tend not to lie. Just like Tatiana Mitkov and Dmitry Kiselev, 23 years ago. Here is the ranking:

• «Echo of Moscow»
• «Rain»
• «Novaya Gazeta»
• The New Times
• Newsru.com
• «Freedom»
• RIA "New Region»
• Slon.ru
• «Vedomosti»
• «Rosbalt»
• «Snob.ru»
• «Grani.ru»
• «Daily Journal»
• «to Lenta.ru»
• «Kommersant»
• «Russian magazine»
• «Forbes»
• Znak.com
• «Moscow News»

I would also add "Kasparov.ru" and a couple of regional resources. And so the list is quite suitable to be added to "Favorites". However, more than half of these media is under threat. Whether these threats are realized depends on us.
Igor Yakovenko Your text to link ...

Photo ITAR-TASS / Anton Novoderezhkin