Ten most stupid and ridiculous criminals Ukraine
Most often, the word "crime" is associated in our minds with the blood, violence and cruelty. But sometimes some crimes are similar to the third-rate comedy, without causing their stupidity nothing but laughter. Here is the top most stupid and ridiculous criminals Ukraine.
10th place. Conjoined Twins
The unexpectedly delicate situation proved to be a resident of Rivne Irina N., who married an African student. The plans included twenty-three women moving with her husband to Africa, divorce and subsequent emigration to the United States, and it was all quite real, especially considering that before the end of high school his wife remained a matter of months. However ... To live in a rented apartment of a young wife the husband refused. He just began to come to her several times a day, sometimes staying for the night and hard to have sex. So it took almost two months, while Irina did not begin to suspect that something was wrong. And the reason for this was the fact that her black husband began to look more and more strange - no, he came to her in the same clothes, thus changing himself. That he was better, the lower or higher growth, and that yesterday perfectly speak Ukrainian, I could not put two words together.
The key to this almost mystical issue came to Irina N. unexpectedly - she realized that under the guise of her husband to her go completely different people.
The woman immediately turned to the police, which established that foreign students in the hostel there was a whole "mafia". Members of the conspiracy married to Ukrainian women, and then using that to their wives, they all look the same, they have changed, posing as their husbands. And African students considered their actions only "funny joke", now they will have to answer in no more than an amusing article, which describes their action as "forcing the victim to sexual contact by means of deception and the introduction thereof in the dark».
9th place. Almost William Tell
Three of the unemployed residents of Kamenetz-Podolsk decided to commit robbery apartment. For all three it was a first offense, but despite this, they prepared him thoroughly, and one of them - Valentin I. - even armed with the "trunk", which he bought shortly before. The initial stage of the raid was successful for criminals. Breaking into the flat-known businessman in the city, they bound him and all his household and began to look for money. Finding a stash of money, the criminals they packed up a bag and started to leave. Here are just at the time when they were already in the corridor, the landlord failed to break ties him rope and ran to the window, he began a loud call for help. In this aforementioned Valentin Ya reacted more than strange - he began to randomly shoot his gun, shooting at the same time the whole clip. Moreover, three of the eight bullets issued shooter got it "found themselves in the firing line" accomplices, remaining stuck in one of the walls of the apartment.
Having shot all the ammo and he realized what he had done, the shooter, leaving their wounded friends, he ran out of the apartment. Half an hour later, he was detained at the railway station, as they abandoned the shortstop did not consider it necessary to conceal his name, spoke in detail about the "planned retreat path».
8th place. Bank robbery
Two residents of Kharkov tried to rob a branch of a local bank, which broke all the rules of predatory art - with children's plastic masks to hide their faces, and the same toy pistols, bought them the day before. Surprisingly and security, and bank employees responded to the visit of their right not only to resist, but also filled with money bag that one of the criminals threw the cashier.
That's just the perpetrators were not particularly happy with this, as he returned home and opened the bag, they saw that it is filled with bundles of banknotes in denominations of one and two of the hryvnia. "Well, I'll show them," - said one of the robbers and grabbing the bag, went back to the bank ... to the great surprise guests to call the police. His accomplice was arrested fifteen minutes.
7th place. Woe hijackers
Two residents of the suburbs of the capital Stanislav K. and M. Valery, who at the time of the crime were executed thirty one year, decided to steal a new car "Lada", who was standing next to the house of one of them. Knowing that the car owner did not have time to put on the car alarms and anti-theft devices, Stanislav and Valery night broke the window "Zhiguli" and manually rolled out the car from the yard. Rolling back the car at fifteen hundred meters, the hijackers raskurochili the ignition and started the engine. Delighted its surprisingly easy success, they decided to hide before the car in the garage, ride. But ... Having left a stolen car on the avenue, at the first corner, they bumped into a lamppost for street lighting, as well as the accident occurred at a speed of more than eighty kilometers per hour, the two hijackers with injuries of varying severity were taken to hospital. Already there is one of them remembered that in the morning the owner of "Lada" told him that the machines do not work brakes. The trial of the would-be hijackers held immediately after their discharge from the hospital.
6th place. Sclerosis
A series of armed raids on apartments citizens of Chernivtsi, which took place in May this year, different from similar crimes that bandit always acted alone. In addition, the offender never rang at the door of their future victims, and to get into the apartment, hiding behind garbage, waiting will be someone from the tenants have chosen their entrance. As soon as the victim of the open door, he found himself behind her, and the charge of the head of the victim's gun, entered the apartment. So he made more than a dozen crimes, leaving no trace, no will, as always acted in knitted gloves and mask.
One day, coming on another case, a single Raider normally hidden in the stairwell located between the eighth and ninth floor of one of the houses. Waiting appears on the floor of the potential victim, the offender, after a resident of one of the apartments opened the front door, rushed to him and ... and stop, frantically fumbling in their pockets and look for something. And he sought, as it turned out later, the gun, which is due to their distraction forgot at home. The victim - a man more than thirty-five strong constitution - watched this spectacle for long, with one blow, not only knocking the robber to the ground, but also deprived of consciousness. A would-be robber came in the police station. Everything that has happened has caused him so strong shock, that after half an hour, he signed a confession.
5th place. Almost had
A resident of one of the villages in Lviv region, the morning arrived in the capital of the western Ukraine, the evening appeared in one of there stores liquors with a hunting rifle in his hands. Aiming to stem frightened seller (the robber grabbed a gun from a friend's apartment, with whom propyanstvoval all that day), he demanded to give him a box of vodka, warning that otherwise he would shoot. The seller - and at this moment in the shop, he was one - had no choice but to obey and put the desired drawer on the counter. Thrusting the gun under his arm, the offender took the drawer handles, I picked it up and immediately ... with a terrible cry of a donkey on the floor. Never move or say anything sensible he could not. How do I find the police arrived with the workers "emergency", at the moment when the offender picked up the box, he grabbed an acute attack of sciatica, which made him completely helpless.
4th place. I do not finish the
Curious case occurred in Odessa. Twenty-two, Sergei V., choosing to specialize themselves shoplifter, began making nightly raids on shops in the city. Breaking and entering in the shop, Sergei did not commit. In order to be able to manage for a while from the soul on the trading floor, it during the working day is in store secluded place where he hid until nightfall. At the same time Sergey necessarily chose shops in which there was no night security.
At night, determine the choice, Sergei stuffed bags please him things and values and breaking shop window, leave the store. After two or three minutes to the shop group flew the machine capture, but apart from traces left behind a criminal and the police did not find anyone. During May-June this year in Odessa region and in this way have been robbed four stores (two clothing stores, a grocery and a shoe store).
A detain the offender helped that Sergey chose the following store toys. Hiding in the closet of this store, he waited until nightfall, and went out to the shop floor. There, he was so struck by the abundance of interesting and entertaining toys, instead of choosing the most expensive of them and put in a bag, he began to unpack and examine them. Especially Sergei seized cars with radio control. Sitting on the floor in the midst of the shop, he drove a car around them from the night until the morning. The most interesting is that it is doing this it is eight o'clock in the morning found the sellers come to work. They also called the police, who brought a child nenaigravshegosya thief to the police.
3rd place. Alarmists
Two young men, determined to rob the gas station twenty kilometers from Poltava, even could not assume that the tanker would be armed. Because when one instead of giving them money, started shooting, they are falling into a panic, took to their heels. Employee refueling shot from a gas pistol, but the robbers it did not matter - one of them, not finding the door to the glass wall of the filling, struck his forehead showcase, received serious cuts. A second, still finding the door, ran into the street and nearly died under the wheels "SUV" just drove up to the scene to refuel. As a result, both the failed robber were in intensive care.
2nd place. Erection has become a clue
Pills Viagra caused the arrest of three robbers in Kiev. Students of one of the capital's universities, deciding "slightly up" robbed the private medical office sexologist, located on the first floor of the dormitory in which they lived. Arrived in the morning after calling the owner's office, police found that from all available values in the room thieves interested only laptop, books, erotic content, reading lamps and medicines kept in the bottom drawer of his desk. Learning exactly what drugs were gone, the police immediately went for a dorm room, easy to find in one of the three of them over the excited young people who did not know that when taking Viagra healthy people its action extended from forty minutes to almost three days.
As one of the investigators, "reprove the perpetrators were evidence, they say, more than a weighty».
1 place. Absolute leaders of stupidity, greed and bad luck
Steal safe
And for the office of thieves Kiev it was the fifth case. Before him four robberies have been more than successful - computers and other equipment stolen and sold the five offenders, allowed them to feel more than the non-poor people. And perhaps it would have lasted for a very long time, if at the time of the last robbery gang leader did not pay attention to lay on the table a host office memo: "Masha, the money that I brought yesterday from the Bank in a safe. As you asked - in large denominations. " After reading it, the ringleader of the gang imagined thick pack of euro, and then immediately rushed to search for the coveted safe that his men found in a small utility room.
The safe was old, even with the Soviet coat of arms, but to open it with a touch of spoilers failed. Because the leader and decided that they will carry with them a safe. With great difficulty, the five strong men off the floor polutoratonny safe and dragged him to the stairs. It was on it - a wooden and old - there was an accident. Unable to withstand the severity of safe ladder collapsed, safe shot and the next two flights of stairs, and all five robbers fell almost ten-meter high, is no longer able to get up without help. And as the protection of the building was not one of them and called the "fast", a visit which was equivalent to arrest the whole gang.
The most interesting thing in the safe was only twelve hundred hryvnia, intended for the payment of wages working in an office cleaner.
10th place. Conjoined Twins
The unexpectedly delicate situation proved to be a resident of Rivne Irina N., who married an African student. The plans included twenty-three women moving with her husband to Africa, divorce and subsequent emigration to the United States, and it was all quite real, especially considering that before the end of high school his wife remained a matter of months. However ... To live in a rented apartment of a young wife the husband refused. He just began to come to her several times a day, sometimes staying for the night and hard to have sex. So it took almost two months, while Irina did not begin to suspect that something was wrong. And the reason for this was the fact that her black husband began to look more and more strange - no, he came to her in the same clothes, thus changing himself. That he was better, the lower or higher growth, and that yesterday perfectly speak Ukrainian, I could not put two words together.
The key to this almost mystical issue came to Irina N. unexpectedly - she realized that under the guise of her husband to her go completely different people.

The woman immediately turned to the police, which established that foreign students in the hostel there was a whole "mafia". Members of the conspiracy married to Ukrainian women, and then using that to their wives, they all look the same, they have changed, posing as their husbands. And African students considered their actions only "funny joke", now they will have to answer in no more than an amusing article, which describes their action as "forcing the victim to sexual contact by means of deception and the introduction thereof in the dark».
9th place. Almost William Tell
Three of the unemployed residents of Kamenetz-Podolsk decided to commit robbery apartment. For all three it was a first offense, but despite this, they prepared him thoroughly, and one of them - Valentin I. - even armed with the "trunk", which he bought shortly before. The initial stage of the raid was successful for criminals. Breaking into the flat-known businessman in the city, they bound him and all his household and began to look for money. Finding a stash of money, the criminals they packed up a bag and started to leave. Here are just at the time when they were already in the corridor, the landlord failed to break ties him rope and ran to the window, he began a loud call for help. In this aforementioned Valentin Ya reacted more than strange - he began to randomly shoot his gun, shooting at the same time the whole clip. Moreover, three of the eight bullets issued shooter got it "found themselves in the firing line" accomplices, remaining stuck in one of the walls of the apartment.
Having shot all the ammo and he realized what he had done, the shooter, leaving their wounded friends, he ran out of the apartment. Half an hour later, he was detained at the railway station, as they abandoned the shortstop did not consider it necessary to conceal his name, spoke in detail about the "planned retreat path».

8th place. Bank robbery
Two residents of Kharkov tried to rob a branch of a local bank, which broke all the rules of predatory art - with children's plastic masks to hide their faces, and the same toy pistols, bought them the day before. Surprisingly and security, and bank employees responded to the visit of their right not only to resist, but also filled with money bag that one of the criminals threw the cashier.
That's just the perpetrators were not particularly happy with this, as he returned home and opened the bag, they saw that it is filled with bundles of banknotes in denominations of one and two of the hryvnia. "Well, I'll show them," - said one of the robbers and grabbing the bag, went back to the bank ... to the great surprise guests to call the police. His accomplice was arrested fifteen minutes.

7th place. Woe hijackers
Two residents of the suburbs of the capital Stanislav K. and M. Valery, who at the time of the crime were executed thirty one year, decided to steal a new car "Lada", who was standing next to the house of one of them. Knowing that the car owner did not have time to put on the car alarms and anti-theft devices, Stanislav and Valery night broke the window "Zhiguli" and manually rolled out the car from the yard. Rolling back the car at fifteen hundred meters, the hijackers raskurochili the ignition and started the engine. Delighted its surprisingly easy success, they decided to hide before the car in the garage, ride. But ... Having left a stolen car on the avenue, at the first corner, they bumped into a lamppost for street lighting, as well as the accident occurred at a speed of more than eighty kilometers per hour, the two hijackers with injuries of varying severity were taken to hospital. Already there is one of them remembered that in the morning the owner of "Lada" told him that the machines do not work brakes. The trial of the would-be hijackers held immediately after their discharge from the hospital.

6th place. Sclerosis
A series of armed raids on apartments citizens of Chernivtsi, which took place in May this year, different from similar crimes that bandit always acted alone. In addition, the offender never rang at the door of their future victims, and to get into the apartment, hiding behind garbage, waiting will be someone from the tenants have chosen their entrance. As soon as the victim of the open door, he found himself behind her, and the charge of the head of the victim's gun, entered the apartment. So he made more than a dozen crimes, leaving no trace, no will, as always acted in knitted gloves and mask.
One day, coming on another case, a single Raider normally hidden in the stairwell located between the eighth and ninth floor of one of the houses. Waiting appears on the floor of the potential victim, the offender, after a resident of one of the apartments opened the front door, rushed to him and ... and stop, frantically fumbling in their pockets and look for something. And he sought, as it turned out later, the gun, which is due to their distraction forgot at home. The victim - a man more than thirty-five strong constitution - watched this spectacle for long, with one blow, not only knocking the robber to the ground, but also deprived of consciousness. A would-be robber came in the police station. Everything that has happened has caused him so strong shock, that after half an hour, he signed a confession.

5th place. Almost had
A resident of one of the villages in Lviv region, the morning arrived in the capital of the western Ukraine, the evening appeared in one of there stores liquors with a hunting rifle in his hands. Aiming to stem frightened seller (the robber grabbed a gun from a friend's apartment, with whom propyanstvoval all that day), he demanded to give him a box of vodka, warning that otherwise he would shoot. The seller - and at this moment in the shop, he was one - had no choice but to obey and put the desired drawer on the counter. Thrusting the gun under his arm, the offender took the drawer handles, I picked it up and immediately ... with a terrible cry of a donkey on the floor. Never move or say anything sensible he could not. How do I find the police arrived with the workers "emergency", at the moment when the offender picked up the box, he grabbed an acute attack of sciatica, which made him completely helpless.

4th place. I do not finish the
Curious case occurred in Odessa. Twenty-two, Sergei V., choosing to specialize themselves shoplifter, began making nightly raids on shops in the city. Breaking and entering in the shop, Sergei did not commit. In order to be able to manage for a while from the soul on the trading floor, it during the working day is in store secluded place where he hid until nightfall. At the same time Sergey necessarily chose shops in which there was no night security.
At night, determine the choice, Sergei stuffed bags please him things and values and breaking shop window, leave the store. After two or three minutes to the shop group flew the machine capture, but apart from traces left behind a criminal and the police did not find anyone. During May-June this year in Odessa region and in this way have been robbed four stores (two clothing stores, a grocery and a shoe store).
A detain the offender helped that Sergey chose the following store toys. Hiding in the closet of this store, he waited until nightfall, and went out to the shop floor. There, he was so struck by the abundance of interesting and entertaining toys, instead of choosing the most expensive of them and put in a bag, he began to unpack and examine them. Especially Sergei seized cars with radio control. Sitting on the floor in the midst of the shop, he drove a car around them from the night until the morning. The most interesting is that it is doing this it is eight o'clock in the morning found the sellers come to work. They also called the police, who brought a child nenaigravshegosya thief to the police.

3rd place. Alarmists
Two young men, determined to rob the gas station twenty kilometers from Poltava, even could not assume that the tanker would be armed. Because when one instead of giving them money, started shooting, they are falling into a panic, took to their heels. Employee refueling shot from a gas pistol, but the robbers it did not matter - one of them, not finding the door to the glass wall of the filling, struck his forehead showcase, received serious cuts. A second, still finding the door, ran into the street and nearly died under the wheels "SUV" just drove up to the scene to refuel. As a result, both the failed robber were in intensive care.

2nd place. Erection has become a clue
Pills Viagra caused the arrest of three robbers in Kiev. Students of one of the capital's universities, deciding "slightly up" robbed the private medical office sexologist, located on the first floor of the dormitory in which they lived. Arrived in the morning after calling the owner's office, police found that from all available values in the room thieves interested only laptop, books, erotic content, reading lamps and medicines kept in the bottom drawer of his desk. Learning exactly what drugs were gone, the police immediately went for a dorm room, easy to find in one of the three of them over the excited young people who did not know that when taking Viagra healthy people its action extended from forty minutes to almost three days.
As one of the investigators, "reprove the perpetrators were evidence, they say, more than a weighty».

1 place. Absolute leaders of stupidity, greed and bad luck
Steal safe
And for the office of thieves Kiev it was the fifth case. Before him four robberies have been more than successful - computers and other equipment stolen and sold the five offenders, allowed them to feel more than the non-poor people. And perhaps it would have lasted for a very long time, if at the time of the last robbery gang leader did not pay attention to lay on the table a host office memo: "Masha, the money that I brought yesterday from the Bank in a safe. As you asked - in large denominations. " After reading it, the ringleader of the gang imagined thick pack of euro, and then immediately rushed to search for the coveted safe that his men found in a small utility room.
The safe was old, even with the Soviet coat of arms, but to open it with a touch of spoilers failed. Because the leader and decided that they will carry with them a safe. With great difficulty, the five strong men off the floor polutoratonny safe and dragged him to the stairs. It was on it - a wooden and old - there was an accident. Unable to withstand the severity of safe ladder collapsed, safe shot and the next two flights of stairs, and all five robbers fell almost ten-meter high, is no longer able to get up without help. And as the protection of the building was not one of them and called the "fast", a visit which was equivalent to arrest the whole gang.
The most interesting thing in the safe was only twelve hundred hryvnia, intended for the payment of wages working in an office cleaner.

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