A day in the life of the American dentist (47 photos)
Hello dear associates! We offer you one day in the life zubodera. I live in the US city of Atlanta with his wife and youngest daughter, treat people the teeth. But when the sky appears full moon I get on a plane and fly away for a week more than a thousand miles away, in Michigan. There, in the small town of Saginaw, I tear my teeth and people doing their prostheses. They tell me thank you and even pay money. One such day stag-zubodernoy life and I want to show you.
I live in the basement of his dental practice, dentists are just like the last century. I have a bedroom, bathroom and even a kitchen. Early in the morning to work and begin to come assistant thunder overhead. I turn on the light - it's time to get up.
Need to have time to wash, brush teeth ...
... And shave. Hello, it's me.
In the sink I live spider Petyunya. He is a fool. He weaves a web of where there are no flies. Every morning I wash off his web. What he eats, I do not know.
Then a small zaryadochka ...
... And I go out for a walk. Michigan sunny morning. This is my practice.
On the way I smell the lilacs and find a flower with five petals. The day will be good!
I went to the local McDonald's. Little people, buy breakfast, prepare for laziness.
Go back, around the typical landscape of the American outback.
In the yard of the practice of the bushes at me jumping deer! Shies away and rushes to the dump. I'm shocked! Where deer here? time to grab a camera and click away from the frozen garbage deer. Yes, today is clearly an unusual day.
Sit down at the computer in the office, check email, read frendlentu. Eats oatmeal gruel from McDonalds, drinking orange juice. Put a banana in their bins.
However, the phone rang, patients pushed, the working day has begun.
Drills, flog teeth ... A typical day ordinary dentist.
I go to the lab. Here sculpt prostheses.
And this pressure cooker is needed to repair broken dentures.
The process of making dentures dirty ...
... And very unfeminine.
However, imperceptibly come lunch time. Salad with nuts and berries and bowl of fruit at the time. And in between times to see kinushku, had long dreamed of.
Right from the monitor - a reminder huge letters, so mornings turned off the stove, and then digested prostheses. Something with my memory has become ...
In the remaining time - parse mail, pay bills. My desktop.
Gold crown from my own mouth and another bridge. Cleaned the remains of teeth can be sold at auction ebey, gold is expensive.
However, it is time to return to work. George came, brought candy. From his love for his sweetie suffer teeth. Today, delete another.
The working day is over. I'm tired.
I sit in the car of her eldest daughter. She is studying at the University of Michigan, but in the summer gives me his car devochkovuyu.
I'm going to Saginaw. Types here quite sad eyes and cling to at least some semblance of architecture. This local church.
And I came to the old town, where one of the "pryachichnyh" restored house masseuse waiting for me.
I was met by a strict master Zeus.
And then for an hour I plunge into bliss. Do not be jealous, I deserve!
After the massage to the store for junk for practical purposes.
According to the list compiled by the assistant all bought. And even chewing gum for the younger daughter. Tastefully strawberry pie.
Then I go to his home. This is my house.
There are blooming apple trees. Autumn deer come here to eat apples.
Why I do not live at home, and live in the basement of their practice? Yes, because in the house REPAIR!
I'm in the house has its own swimming pool. But here, now stand scaffolding.
The question is - what I came here? I need to take out the trash and put in trash junk and empty bottles. All this applies to the road, it's all taken away tomorrow.
Then look in the book.
Select youngest daughter a gift ...
... And read something for the soul. For example, the Dalai Lama.
However, it is already too late, and I have not had dinner. I stop in the only Japanese restaurant in the neighborhood with a funny name "Hello, sushi!»
I love chirashi in Japanese.
After dinner, I stop to surrender unwanted clothes. The house has found 8 new pairs of pants, give to a charity. Surrender is very convenient - discards packets in a box.
And here I am "home". My practice, side view.
Walk around the building. Here is my collection of toothpaste, the biggest in the world.
One of the exhibits. Set English toothpaste made in the form of little people - the heroes of the popular animated series.
What a dentist does not like toothpaste!
Late in the evening watching basketball, doing paperwork.
At night - Medical serialchik and a glass of muscat with chocolate.
Collect rags in a suitcase and gifts youngest daughter - tomorrow go back to Atlanta.
For the second hour of the night, put in her pink little bed, again inherited from the elder daughter.
Thanks to all who read. And you have a nice day and a healthy tooth.
Peace to your home.
Valera Kolpakov.

I live in the basement of his dental practice, dentists are just like the last century. I have a bedroom, bathroom and even a kitchen. Early in the morning to work and begin to come assistant thunder overhead. I turn on the light - it's time to get up.

Need to have time to wash, brush teeth ...

... And shave. Hello, it's me.

In the sink I live spider Petyunya. He is a fool. He weaves a web of where there are no flies. Every morning I wash off his web. What he eats, I do not know.

Then a small zaryadochka ...

... And I go out for a walk. Michigan sunny morning. This is my practice.

On the way I smell the lilacs and find a flower with five petals. The day will be good!

I went to the local McDonald's. Little people, buy breakfast, prepare for laziness.

Go back, around the typical landscape of the American outback.

In the yard of the practice of the bushes at me jumping deer! Shies away and rushes to the dump. I'm shocked! Where deer here? time to grab a camera and click away from the frozen garbage deer. Yes, today is clearly an unusual day.

Sit down at the computer in the office, check email, read frendlentu. Eats oatmeal gruel from McDonalds, drinking orange juice. Put a banana in their bins.

However, the phone rang, patients pushed, the working day has begun.
Drills, flog teeth ... A typical day ordinary dentist.

I go to the lab. Here sculpt prostheses.

And this pressure cooker is needed to repair broken dentures.

The process of making dentures dirty ...

... And very unfeminine.

However, imperceptibly come lunch time. Salad with nuts and berries and bowl of fruit at the time. And in between times to see kinushku, had long dreamed of.
Right from the monitor - a reminder huge letters, so mornings turned off the stove, and then digested prostheses. Something with my memory has become ...

In the remaining time - parse mail, pay bills. My desktop.

Gold crown from my own mouth and another bridge. Cleaned the remains of teeth can be sold at auction ebey, gold is expensive.

However, it is time to return to work. George came, brought candy. From his love for his sweetie suffer teeth. Today, delete another.
The working day is over. I'm tired.

I sit in the car of her eldest daughter. She is studying at the University of Michigan, but in the summer gives me his car devochkovuyu.

I'm going to Saginaw. Types here quite sad eyes and cling to at least some semblance of architecture. This local church.

And I came to the old town, where one of the "pryachichnyh" restored house masseuse waiting for me.

I was met by a strict master Zeus.

And then for an hour I plunge into bliss. Do not be jealous, I deserve!

After the massage to the store for junk for practical purposes.

According to the list compiled by the assistant all bought. And even chewing gum for the younger daughter. Tastefully strawberry pie.

Then I go to his home. This is my house.

There are blooming apple trees. Autumn deer come here to eat apples.

Why I do not live at home, and live in the basement of their practice? Yes, because in the house REPAIR!

I'm in the house has its own swimming pool. But here, now stand scaffolding.

The question is - what I came here? I need to take out the trash and put in trash junk and empty bottles. All this applies to the road, it's all taken away tomorrow.

Then look in the book.

Select youngest daughter a gift ...

... And read something for the soul. For example, the Dalai Lama.

However, it is already too late, and I have not had dinner. I stop in the only Japanese restaurant in the neighborhood with a funny name "Hello, sushi!»

I love chirashi in Japanese.

After dinner, I stop to surrender unwanted clothes. The house has found 8 new pairs of pants, give to a charity. Surrender is very convenient - discards packets in a box.

And here I am "home". My practice, side view.

Walk around the building. Here is my collection of toothpaste, the biggest in the world.

One of the exhibits. Set English toothpaste made in the form of little people - the heroes of the popular animated series.

What a dentist does not like toothpaste!

Late in the evening watching basketball, doing paperwork.

At night - Medical serialchik and a glass of muscat with chocolate.

Collect rags in a suitcase and gifts youngest daughter - tomorrow go back to Atlanta.

For the second hour of the night, put in her pink little bed, again inherited from the elder daughter.

Thanks to all who read. And you have a nice day and a healthy tooth.
Peace to your home.
Valera Kolpakov.