5 Secrets to a successful day!

1. Dine before sunset. After the sun goes down - the food is not digested. And the body can not relax during sleep.
2. Before going to sleep, plan the next day and write down what happened today is well with you. Even if just a little. During sleep, our subconscious will work on the plan and in the morning you wake up confident and well-defined in its day.
3. Try to go to bed before 22.00. Sleep no more than 8 hours. Most great people waking up at 5 am.
4. In the morning, go to the bathroom, look yourself in the eye and say, "I love you" three times. With this task will manage only the strong. Self-esteem and improve your mood.
5. Next, invigorating shower and a light breakfast, and good mood will stay with you for the whole day.