Post of Russia
Post of Russia - one of the largest enterprises of the country. 370,000 employees working in almost 42 thousand post offices. Every year is received, processed and delivered to more than 1, 5 billion. Letters, almost 50 million. Parcels and around 114 million. Remittance.
Let's see how it all works. To look at how the process is constantly increasing flow of correspondence and parcels, I went to a small press tour in Moscow Regional automated sorting center, as well as in places of international postal
It is Russia's first automated sorting center, which serves most of the Central region of Russia with a total population of over 25 million. Man.
This ASC - the largest in Eastern Europe. He is able to process more than 3 million. Postings a day, working more than 5,200 post offices.
The Union has acted automated sorting of letters, but with the collapse of the USSR the equipment was out of date and out of service. Then came a new standard envelopes, which could not be handled by the old machines. Therefore, all mail was sorted by hand.
The commissioning of the Moscow ASC enables the transition to the principle of zonal and nodal transportation of mail, so that conditions are created to expedite the passage of postal services in the area of the center 2-3 days due to automation and elimination of intermediate processing steps correspond.
Earlier in the Central Federal District of origin were subjected first to manual sorting district post offices, then - at the regional and, finally, in the sorting center in Moscow, but now in these nodes are grouped by mail only containers, and then sent to the ASC. < br />
Litsovochno-stamp machine. On it by mechanical analyzing devices Standard (in size) letters and postcards are separated from the non-standard. Also, it automatically puts the letter in one position (litsevanie) and applied to the letter date stamp and wavy lines to extinguish the brand. This equipment letter prepared for machining on automatic machine pismosortirovochnoy.
The fact that the machine could not handle comes to the area of manual litsevaniya. Here the operators are separated non-standard letters and letters with illegible address or index into a separate container that will go to the manual sorting. The rest of the letter litsuyutsya and fed to an automated line.
Machine for encoding and sorting mail. It sorts the standard letter size of 220 × 110 × 114 mm and 162 mm.
At the beginning of the coding processing apparatus converts the digital and letter of the addresses in the conditional code that is printed on the letter. Further information about the encoded mail address is scanned by a device with an optical sensor.
For an hour this machine is able to sort 42,000 letters.
After treatment, the letter is automatically divided by targeted cells. Operators are removed from the cell pack separated mail and placed in containers that are sent to the final stages of sorting - preparation of documents and sending e-mail for directions.
This machine coding and sorting mail format «flat», and registered mail. This equipment is sorted to a weight of 2 kg and a thickness of 5 to 25 mm. Litsevanie for this machine is manually. But given that the vast majority of these letters - a corporate email, the manual processing usually boils down to, to get a packet of letters and stick in the car. In the hour it is able to process 16 thousand items.
Machines for sorting packages and parcels. After coding and weighing parcel gets to the station operators, who have to put it on the tape barcode down on a special window where the code reading for the distribution of parcels.
Loading takes place with five lines (plus one more line for large parcels), and then they come to a single pipeline. There is a cunning system that fires the parcel with tape on the basic side. Moreover, it is necessary to get exactly the desired area. Watching this process, you can get stuck.
Next parcels are sorted according to their own trays and sent on for processing.
If the index or the address is not automatically recognized, the message is photographed and the image is sent to the operators who have to read the code or address and enter it into the machine.
For this letter, the machine sets the delay, and if the operator does not enter the required information, the letter thrown on manual sorting.
One second - on detection of the index and 7 seconds - to the address.
For manual detection using a special keyboard. And the program is designed so that does not require pressing Enter. If the machine is unable to read the index, then the operator begins to enter it manually. Once the program decides that this is enough, the picture immediately changes to the next letter. And all over again.
MMPO (Place of international postal exchange) in Moscow. This kind of "mail gateway" of the country. Through them always goes all international mail. In the photo - "Amber-1A", a device for the detection of radioactivity.
MMPO Moscow today is the key, and the largest place of international postal exchange in the country.
Here there is a processing and customs clearance mostly imported and exported e-mail correspondence. If you order something over the internet, then your package passes through this building.
Send different parcels. For example, one parcel was detected during scanning sword.
Since edged weapons is prohibited for import, the package is opened (which is drawn), and she will be sent back to the sword.
In 2009, Russia received about 200 thousand small packets per month. Now the figure is 700-800 thousand (in the LH - up to one million!). Such gains need to update the old center infrastructure, development of new jobs for postal workers and for customs officers.
Source: fototelegraf.ru
Let's see how it all works. To look at how the process is constantly increasing flow of correspondence and parcels, I went to a small press tour in Moscow Regional automated sorting center, as well as in places of international postal

It is Russia's first automated sorting center, which serves most of the Central region of Russia with a total population of over 25 million. Man.

This ASC - the largest in Eastern Europe. He is able to process more than 3 million. Postings a day, working more than 5,200 post offices.

The Union has acted automated sorting of letters, but with the collapse of the USSR the equipment was out of date and out of service. Then came a new standard envelopes, which could not be handled by the old machines. Therefore, all mail was sorted by hand.

The commissioning of the Moscow ASC enables the transition to the principle of zonal and nodal transportation of mail, so that conditions are created to expedite the passage of postal services in the area of the center 2-3 days due to automation and elimination of intermediate processing steps correspond.

Earlier in the Central Federal District of origin were subjected first to manual sorting district post offices, then - at the regional and, finally, in the sorting center in Moscow, but now in these nodes are grouped by mail only containers, and then sent to the ASC. < br />

Litsovochno-stamp machine. On it by mechanical analyzing devices Standard (in size) letters and postcards are separated from the non-standard. Also, it automatically puts the letter in one position (litsevanie) and applied to the letter date stamp and wavy lines to extinguish the brand. This equipment letter prepared for machining on automatic machine pismosortirovochnoy.

The fact that the machine could not handle comes to the area of manual litsevaniya. Here the operators are separated non-standard letters and letters with illegible address or index into a separate container that will go to the manual sorting. The rest of the letter litsuyutsya and fed to an automated line.

Machine for encoding and sorting mail. It sorts the standard letter size of 220 × 110 × 114 mm and 162 mm.

At the beginning of the coding processing apparatus converts the digital and letter of the addresses in the conditional code that is printed on the letter. Further information about the encoded mail address is scanned by a device with an optical sensor.

For an hour this machine is able to sort 42,000 letters.

After treatment, the letter is automatically divided by targeted cells. Operators are removed from the cell pack separated mail and placed in containers that are sent to the final stages of sorting - preparation of documents and sending e-mail for directions.

This machine coding and sorting mail format «flat», and registered mail. This equipment is sorted to a weight of 2 kg and a thickness of 5 to 25 mm. Litsevanie for this machine is manually. But given that the vast majority of these letters - a corporate email, the manual processing usually boils down to, to get a packet of letters and stick in the car. In the hour it is able to process 16 thousand items.

Machines for sorting packages and parcels. After coding and weighing parcel gets to the station operators, who have to put it on the tape barcode down on a special window where the code reading for the distribution of parcels.

Loading takes place with five lines (plus one more line for large parcels), and then they come to a single pipeline. There is a cunning system that fires the parcel with tape on the basic side. Moreover, it is necessary to get exactly the desired area. Watching this process, you can get stuck.

Next parcels are sorted according to their own trays and sent on for processing.

If the index or the address is not automatically recognized, the message is photographed and the image is sent to the operators who have to read the code or address and enter it into the machine.

For this letter, the machine sets the delay, and if the operator does not enter the required information, the letter thrown on manual sorting.

One second - on detection of the index and 7 seconds - to the address.

For manual detection using a special keyboard. And the program is designed so that does not require pressing Enter. If the machine is unable to read the index, then the operator begins to enter it manually. Once the program decides that this is enough, the picture immediately changes to the next letter. And all over again.

MMPO (Place of international postal exchange) in Moscow. This kind of "mail gateway" of the country. Through them always goes all international mail. In the photo - "Amber-1A", a device for the detection of radioactivity.

MMPO Moscow today is the key, and the largest place of international postal exchange in the country.

Here there is a processing and customs clearance mostly imported and exported e-mail correspondence. If you order something over the internet, then your package passes through this building.

Send different parcels. For example, one parcel was detected during scanning sword.

Since edged weapons is prohibited for import, the package is opened (which is drawn), and she will be sent back to the sword.

In 2009, Russia received about 200 thousand small packets per month. Now the figure is 700-800 thousand (in the LH - up to one million!). Such gains need to update the old center infrastructure, development of new jobs for postal workers and for customs officers.

Source: fototelegraf.ru