Russian Post

-You Remember Max, my ex?
-What Is your epic parting fuck forget. A Th happened?
Yeah ... damn mail Russia - connecting people. We parted with him when? Eighteen months ago, and never talked bolshe.A somewhere for a month before parting it to our address book ordered some, myself kandidatskoy.Tak for now - she came !!! Months ago !!! Straight into the box stuck !!! Ol, I managed to get married and get pregnant !!! Year and a half she walked from Chelyabinsk!
- Blyayaya))))))
Well I'm a girl pravilnaya.napisala his work e-mail, because they say so.
-Neuzheli Met?)
-Kruche.my FAMILIES are friends now !!! He also married and had twins repaired) True, Ph.D. did not write)))