How to teach yourself to get up early?

1. State the purpose of the early rise. You should know exactly for what you wake up so early. easiest goal to formulate the people who work for themselves: they have more time for self-development and generate more income. By the way, your goal goal should be not only useful, but also desirable!
2. Be patient. The habit of going to bed early is not instilled in 2 days, so please be patient. Wake up every day for 5-10 minutes earlier than yesterday. If your body can not keep up with these changes, reduces the time to sleep every 2-3 days.
3. Create the ideal conditions for growth. The temperature in the apartment should not be too high or too low. In winter, put warm clothes beside the bed to get out from under the blanket was not so difficult. Make sure that the kitchen you have always been a favorite tea with something tasty.
4. Go to bed earlier. This is the most simple and effective advice. But what if you do not want to sleep? Spend the day actively try to use all the energy during the day.
5. Put the alarm clock across the room. Complicate the task yourself! Agree, if you have to get out from under the blanket and walk across the room, it is unlikely you will immediately go to sleep sweet sleep.
6. Do not eat before going to bed. The night will be restless, and in the morning you will feel tired and overwhelmed. If you really want to eat a fruit or vegetable.
7. Create a system of fines. For example, for non-compliance regime of penalties on your money (placing it in the children's home) or work (going to my grandmother to the cottage garden drip). If you follow the regime, be sure to "shikuyte" - plenty of rest, buy yourself desirable things more or communicate with friends.