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How to learn to get up alarm clock

Is it difficult to get out of bed after the alarm rang? Is there a desire to turn it off and continue to sleep?

Before I was doing every day this ritual. When the alarm interrupted my sleep by the shrill ringing, I immediately turned off the nasty device. And then, half asleep, slowly began to think, do I need to get:

Under the blankets warm and cozy. If I stand up expecting me cold. It will not be very nice.

Oh, I really should get up. Come on, legs... come on. Come on, come on. Hmm... it's not like his feet started to move. It seems they don't listen to me.

I need to go to the gym. Yes. Hmm... But I don't want to exercise right now. I haven't even had Breakfast. Maybe I should first eat a cupcake. Banana with nuts. As it is appetizing.

Maybe I'm trying to get up too early? Because I'm not awake until the end, right? Can be up to an alarm clock for me is unnatural? So would it not be productive if you sleep a little longer?

I can't move right now, right? I can sleep for another five minutes or slightly more. Life does not stop if I don't get up right now.

But nearby is so warm and sleepy wife. She hates it when I stick to it at 6 am... but she loves me, and will obviously forgive you this time, isn't it? I know... First I start massaging her back and shoulders. She can't resist a good massage, even so early in the morning. Then Pat on the head. Yes, I will. And then attach the side. Isn't that a wonderful start to the day?

[ KHR-R-R... BRR-R-R-R-R... BRR-R-R-R-R-R-R...]

Two hours later...

I: Which hour? I don't even remember the alarm rang. But good "is holding tight" to his wife. Okay, I guess I will have to miss today charging.

Wife: Why did you every day winding alarm clock, if you still do not get up when it rings?

I: do you think that I set the alarm clock to get up? I set it to only stalk you.

Of course, to be honest, I was going to get up by an alarm clock. I was about to get up, but my dormant brain talked me into some more sleep.

Fast forward to today...

My alarm clock goes off sometime between 4:00 and 5:00, but never later than 5:00, even on weekends and holidays. I immediately turn it off. I fill the lungs with air and exhale pull the arms and legs in different directions. Then I get down on the floor and dressed, while my wife continues to sleep. I go down to the first floor, eat fruit, go to the home office to check my email and at 5:15 already go to the gym.

But this time, in my head there's voices discussing what I should do. No and voice, giving positive tips – none at all. All that happens is done on autopilot, even before I fully Wake up. I can't say that it requires a daily discipline, because it's turned into a reflex. As if the body controlled by the subconscious, and the mind is still asleep. Every morning when the bell rang the alarm, I react to it like Pavlov's dog. Actually, for me it will be difficult NOT to get up on hearing the alarm.

So, how to switch from the first scenario to the second?

First, let us look at the way in which the majority of people are trying to solve this problem and which seems to me the wrong way.

The wrong way is to try to use my willpower to in the morning to get myself out of bed. From time to time it might work, but let's face the truth – you are not always able to think properly after hearing the morning alarm clock. You can be in a state which I call "foggy brain." Decisions taken by you in this state, may not necessarily be the same as when you are fresh and adequate. You can't completely trust myself... and not have to do this.

If you use this approach, you're probably walking into a trap. You decide to get up at a certain time, but when you hear a Wake-up call, you reverse its decision. Go to 22:00, you decide that it would be good to get up at 5:00. But at 5am you decide it would be much better to sleep till 8-and. In truth, your decision in 22:00 was your true desire... if only you could convince your morning mind to accept it.

Some people reading this will think they just need more discipline. There is logic in this, but the problem in this case is not in the discipline. If you want to get up at 5 am, you don't need more discipline at 5am. You also don't need a conversation with himself. You do not need to arrange the room two or three alarms. And you don't need super-advanced alarm clock, designed with use of space technologies.

Actually you need a lot of discipline at the time when you are awake and adequately feel themselves: the discipline to recognize that you can't trust yourself to make responsible, conscious decisions in the moment of morning awakening. You need the discipline to recognize that you are not able to make the right decision at 5 am. You should get rid of the troublemaker inside you which are the morning conversations. It prevents you.

As it looks like the right decision? The solution is to delegate the problem. Leave it to my subconscious. Temporarily cancel the services of the mind.

How to do it? Just like we develop any other skill. Repeated again and again, until the action will not become a habit. In the end, your subconscious mind will win, and the brain will go into autopilot mode.

Sounds pretty stupid, but nevertheless works. Practice to get up by an alarm clock. Practice this. But not in the morning and throughout the day when you are awake.

Go to the bedroom and create conditions similar to those in which you usually Wake up. Get twilight, window curtains, or practice in the evening when it's getting dark outside. If you sleep in pajamas – put on pajamas. If you brush your teeth before you sleep brush them. If you shoot with glasses or contact lenses when you sleep – make all these procedures.

Put your alarm for a few minutes forward. Lie down on the bed as if you were preparing to go to sleep and close your eyes. Take your favorite position for sleeping. Imagine it is early in the morning for a few minutes until you Wake up. Pretend to be asleep. Try to see sleep or just to relax.

When the bell on the alarm clock, turn it off as quickly as possible. Then yawn and stretch sweetly, stretching his legs and arms for a few seconds... then sit down, keep your feet on the floor and get up from the bed. Smile widely. Then proceed with your usual morning Affairs. For example, I first dress.

Then shake yourself, go back to its state before the spill, lie back in the bed, wind the clock again and repeat the entire procedure again. Repeat this over and over again, until it will reach automaticity and you will not be able to do the whole cycle, not thinking about their actions. If you're still listening to the prompts of your inner voice, then you are not ready and should continue training.

Do not be lazy to repeat these steps several times throughout the day.Treat this as a training in the gym. Do one or two approaches to the "shell" of the day... for 3-10 repetitions at a time.

Yes, it takes you a certain amount of time, but it is not comparable to that you will win in the long term, to develop this skill. A few hours spent today, can save you hundreds of hours a year.

With sufficient practice (I can not exactly specify its duration, because it is very individual for each person) you will start at the physiological level differently to respond to the alarm. When your alarm clock starts ringing, you'll get up automatically without even thinking about it. The clearer you will practice the procedure, the stronger the habit. In the end, you will be just not comfortable to stay in bed after the alarm. Not getting up, you will feel at ease.

If you are strong in visualization, you can do it all mentally. Mental practice, of course, faster, but I still suggest to spend at least a few of physical exercises. There are subtle details that you can skip exercising in your imagination, but you do want to pin a real experience. So if you are inclined to mental training, physically do at least the first few times.

The more you practice the order of your morning Wake-up, the stronger it will settle into your subconscious. Rang the alarm -> get up immediately. Rang the alarm -> get up immediately. Rang the alarm -> get up immediately.

Once this becomes a daily habit, you can stop the daily practice. This skill refers to samomoderirovanie. You only need a one time pass a short period of adaptation. And then the habit will be a part of you, until you yourself decide to change it. Even if you for some reason refuse from this habit (for instance, spending the holiday in a different time zone), you can always easily return to it. Like muscle memory. After memorizing the pattern one day, he will always be with you, even if you do forget about it.

Any model of behavior that you practice calling the morning's alarm, will be strengthened in your mind, if you repeat it long enough. Most likely, you already have an established ritual of awakening, but it's probably not what you are aiming for. The more you repeat your existing pattern, the stronger it is fixed in your subconscious. Every time you do not find the strength to take it on ring the alarm, this physiological reflex is fixed better and better. If you want to change this habit, you must consciously apply the method described above.

Self-flagellation about the wrong action of the morning will not work because it will only be a part of this morning habits that you are trying to change. Not only that, you won't get the alarm clock you automatically every time you will reproach yourself for it. Silly, right? Do you want to stick to this habit the rest of your life? If you don't change it, then so be it. Good or bad, but only you yourself are able to control your habits.

When you go to a new order of awakening, I recommend to stick to it 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The first month set your alarm for the same time every day. When the habit is developed, you will be able to arbitrarily change the rise time and sometimes even do without the alarm clock, if you want to sleep, but before that you need to strictly adhere to the template. Over time, this will become your natural behavior and you will be able, from time to time to deviate from it, without the risk of losing the skill.

I am sure that once you acquire this habit, you will immediately love it. I believe this skill is one of the most productive. It allows you to save hundreds of hours per year and day by day continues to benefit.

Just think – 30 minutes every day bring more than 180 hours per year. And 60 minutes a day for a year will turn into 365 hours, which corresponds to nine 40-hour work week. This is a huge amount of time! Don't know about you, but I am able to find that time to more creative use than to lie in bed longer than I need.


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How to learn to control the stimuli


I urge you to try this method. I know to train to get out of bed seems silly, but what if it works? You like the feeling of absolute certainty that you will be able to get up by an alarm clock, what time he hadn't rang. There is no reason why you would not be able to acquire this confidence in a few days. One has only to start doing it.published


Author: Steve Pavlina


Source: www.allstevepavlina.ru/how-to-get-up-right-away-when-your-alarm-goes-off