How to keep warm in winter?

We all know this is a terrible feeling cold when the one thing you want - be it in a hot tub. offer you some simple ways to keep warm on the street, at home or at work:
1. Firmly eat before going out into the cold. Food - is the energy that will go to the heating body. The first commandment merznuschego: a step out of the house without eating oatmeal! Or buckwheat. Or anything else. In winter, your daily rate by the number of calories eaten can be increased to 400 kcal. As the "fuel" for heating the body best suited meat, fish, nuts, potatoes, cheese, dried apricots, bananas, grapes. Do not forget about spices. Curry, ginger, cinnamon and garlic can quickly warm you.
2. Drink herbal tea. Also, ginger and lemon. It will help warm the body and cocoa, but the coffee warm for a while. The same applies to alcohol - first it will warm the body and then cause him to lose heat rapidly. A pleasant warming drink apple juice will be a half tsp cinnamon. It needs to bring to a boil and drink.
3. Breathe correctly. To keep warm in the winter, breaths should be slow and shallow. Such breathing practices adapt to cold and calm the nervous system.
4. tempers. Every evening, use the following procedure in the bathroom: water the body is alternately hot and cold water at intervals of 20-30 seconds. We must start with a small temperature difference. Remember that you need to finish a douche of cold water.
5. Do massage. First of all the cold start to get cold feet and hands. Promptly warm them help massage. Thoroughly rub the hands and feet. So prilet blood to frozen limbs and they will warm gradually.
Not merznu and take care of your health!