How to keep garden chrysanthemums in winter

How to save chrysanthemum in the winter? Do I need to dig up chrysanthemums for storage or you can just hide? What varieties of chrysanthemums overwinter better? How and when to cover chrysanthemums for winter? How to trim mums for winter shelter? These questions are wintering chrysanthemums are of concern to many gardeners. Read about how to save chrysanthemum in winter
Chrysanthemums in winter. To dig or shelter?
How successful you will be able to save chrysanthemum in winter garden depends on several factors:
1. What winter in your area? Chrysanthemums, like other plants, are better preserved under the snow and carry heavier snowless winters with frost. Extremes of temperature alternating thaws and frosts is also destructive to chrysanthemums. If winters in your region is rainy (as happens here), chrysanthemum can die from water stagnation.
2. Grade chrysanthemum. In regions with cold winters, choose the so-called Korean chrysanthemums, and Korean hybrid chrysanthemums, which are also called ‘oak‘. This is the code view, which contains many varieties of chrysanthemums, for every taste and color. Korean chrysanthemums successfully released in the Middle lane and the suburbs and spend the winter with minimal shelter.
Buying a blooming chrysanthemum in a pot, make no mistake, taking home the thermophilic cold-hardy chrysanthemums for garden. You can distinguish them in size of leaves and flowers: from garden chrysanthemum leaves and flowers smaller and the home is larger. Thermophilic chrysanthemum not only poorly preserved in winter, but require a much longer warm season for lush flowering, which in colder regions is possible only behind the glass of a greenhouse or a loggia.
Cm. also: Zones of winter hardiness of plants in Russia and Europe
3. Planting chrysanthemums in your garden and care for them. To chrysanthemums has not vypraveni during thaws, they are recommended to plant on a hill where rain and melt water. In cold regions it is better to plant flowering chrysanthemums from the store in open ground not later than the end of August so the plant has time to root before winter. When planting, add a pit of phosphorus fertilizer. Garden chrysanthemums fertilize with nitrogen only in the spring, at the beginning of the season, and in summer regularly top dressing potassium fertilizers that promote flowering.
Did you know that the most important part of caring for chrysanthemums — the regular division of the Bush? If Bush chrysanthemums not to divide every 2-3 years, they quickly grow old and die. Chrysanthemums, which are regularly shared, it is much better preserved in the winter than the old bushes, which tend to die in winter, even if weather was quite favorable. To be sure, parts of divided favorite Bush of chrysanthemums planted at different places in the garden that will maximize the chances of successful plants in the winter.
4. Shelter chrysanthemums for the winter. Under too warm covers chrysanthemum vypivaet. Often in the colder regions of the chrysanthemum die from vyprevaniya, not from the cold.
How to save chrysanthemum in winter
For the cold regions there are 2 main ways of preserving chrysanthemums winter: shelter and digging and then stored. The most practical gardeners successfully combine both ways to be sure to preserve in winter, the most favorite varieties of chrysanthemums. They harbour the main Bush chrysanthemums, and a small part separated from the roots and store in winter in a cellar in the basement, on the cold terrace Prikope or other premises, which, if frozen, then only slightly. About the storage of chrysanthemums (roses, hydrangeas and other plants) to Prikope, read our special article.
Some chrysanthemum originally grown in containers (pots and tubs). With this method of transferring growing chrysanthemums for winter storage very easy and does not require digging.
To keep chrysanthemums in the winter in the garden under the shelter at the approach of the temperature to zero or even after the first light frost, the plants trimmed to a height of approx 20 cm and hill peat, humus, sawdust, shavings, garden compost or just soil. On top of chrysanthemums poured a layer of dry leaves and covered with spruce branches. Spruce branches delays the snow on the Bush of chrysanthemum and keeps the air inside the winter shelter.
Source: countrysideliving.net/