Everything about winter safety: from hand creams to first aid. Be aware!
Winter is the perfect time for injury. Even the most cautious and self-confident can easily find themselves in an unpleasant situation. Protect yourself. In the cold season, you can and should! And how, we will tell in today’s article.
I have winter associated not only with the New Year, sledging and snow. It is also ice, frostbite, weathered lips, icy limbs, crazy children on a slide and necessarily a couple of experimenters whose tongue stuck to an iron pole.
We've prepared a complete set for you. winter safety guide. Now dealing with unfortunate incidents will become much easier.
Winter is still a wonderful time of year. But to admire it and prepare for the holidays is always necessary wisely. The main rule is double attention and increased caution!
If you liked the article, remind your friends on social media about the rules of caution!

I have winter associated not only with the New Year, sledging and snow. It is also ice, frostbite, weathered lips, icy limbs, crazy children on a slide and necessarily a couple of experimenters whose tongue stuck to an iron pole.
We've prepared a complete set for you. winter safety guide. Now dealing with unfortunate incidents will become much easier.
- hollow This is the first reason why everyone suffers. When the sidewalk turns into a skating rink, the main rule for a pedestrian is to choose comfortable shoes! If heel, it's stable. In the shoe store, buy leacs, special devices with metal spikes. Manufacturers produce them of different sizes, including children. They will help you reach your destination without incident.
In emergency Use a Band-Aid that needs to be glued along the sole.
Take your time, you need to move carefully, stepping on the entire sole. Remember, a car is a hundred times harder to stop in ice than you are.
Learn to fall correctly: when you slip, sit down a little, so the height of the fall will decrease and the blow will soften. At the time of the squat, group up and fall not on your butt, but on your side.
A bag with long handles often causes a fall. It does not allow you to maintain balance when a person slips and pulls it down. - Fell and hurt? If the fall occurred, the main thing is without panic. Soberly assess the situation, determine where and what hurts. If you feel pain or noise in the ears, do not hesitate to call for help and go to the emergency room. Traumatic brain injury or concussion is fraught with dangerous consequences, and first symptoms Most people neglect. When you are called for help, never refuse. You could be in a similar situation, too.
In the event fall-out Act according to the following scheme: the first and most important thing is to calm down and take you to a safe place. Ask them to show you where they hurt. If there was a head blow or a stomachache, call an ambulance. In these cases, go to the emergency room, even if the child is well.
When you suspect a severe bruise or a likely fracture, do not take off your clothes or apply a tire. Call an ambulance, no one needs frostbite or hypothermia. Watch your child during the day after the injury. If the pain persists, nausea or vomiting appeared, this is an occasion to consult a doctor. - Licked the iron? Despite all the well-known fact, stick in the cold metal-post Popular at any age. Do not laugh at the victim, but calm down and help to free yourself. Do not pull a metal object or a child!
Great if you have warm tea or coffee. Put a warm liquid on your tongue and it will peel off. If there is nothing suitable, apply your palms to your mouth and exhale warm air as close as possible to the place of contact. Ask the glued one to do the same.
If a person twitches in a panic attack and there is a tear, the first thing to do is stop the bleeding. Tilt your head down so blood doesn't flow to your throat. With a piece of cloth or a hand, press the wound slightly. If the blood does not stop, go to the hospital immediately! - Frozen. Winter frost is an axiom. Contrary to popular belief, frostbite can occur even at temperatures close to zero. Moist air and cold wind with mild frost can cause significant damage to the open parts of the body. Most often, the nose, hands, ears suffer.
Before going outside, use a special winter cream, which should be applied 20 minutes before the exit. Don't forget your hat, scarf and mittens. Don't lick your lips in the cold. Use hygienic lipstick so they don't peel.
A great way to get cold and frostbite Wear tight clothes, shoes, gloves. Do not spend the whole day wearing winter shoes in a warm room. Your feet will sweat and your shoes will become wet. When you go outside, you will freeze quickly. It's better to change shoes indoors.
Excessive layers of clothing only make the situation worse. During movement, the body releases heat and moisture, the excess of which will create discomfort. For active children, think about thermal underwear that dischargeclothing that retains warmth. The time of wool scarves and overalls on sheepskin is long past.
If you notice that the child’s gloves or shoes are wet, take him to a warm room. Hypothermia in children occurs faster than in adults.
Remember: in no case can not warm frostbitten areas with hot water! Rubbing snow will only make things worse. Your hands or feet should be placed in slightly warm water. A warm water compress should be applied to the frostbitten area of the body. After rubbing the skin to a slight redness. If the sensitivity is not restored more than 3 hours after warming, swelling Or blisters, see a doctor. - On a slide Winter fun is a lot of fun. But, before using sleds or skis, make sure they are serviceable and remember Winter Safety Rules for Children. On large descents, be sure to use a helmet. Don’t lose sight of your child when he’s riding himself. You do not need to build a locomotive from a sleigh and allow you to jump over the springboards. This can lead to injury.
Limit your time in the cold air. Periodically go into the room with children to warm up. Take care of warm drinks and extra mittens.
When crossing the road, always drop the child from the sled. Cross your hand or carry it in your arms. - Careful, icicles! Passing by multi-storey houses, try not to go close to the walls. Avoid all kinds of accumulations of snow and ice hanging from roofs or trees. Don't let the kids jump in the snow. Under the layer of snow can hide stones, household waste, pits, open pipes and fittings.
A separate conversation should be held with children who like to try snow or ice. - Ponds of water
In winter, it is better to bypass the river and lake. Going out on the ice alone is not safe. A few minutes of joy and confidence in one hundred percent luck are not worth a human life.
If going out on the ice is forced and inevitable, explain to your child that it is impossible to jump and knock on the ice. Safety rules on water bodies in winter. Do not play games on ice, and skate only in specially equipped areas. - New Year Oddly enough, a significant part of the injuries are new-year. Refrain from walking around the city in a drunken state and do not drive.
At the holiday, do not allow children to blow up firecrackers, fireworks, firecrackers on their own. If you do not know how, I am not sure about the quality of pyrotechnics, it is better not to do it at all. When you plan to light Bengal lights or candles, don't dress children Clothing made of rapidly flammable materials.
Winter is still a wonderful time of year. But to admire it and prepare for the holidays is always necessary wisely. The main rule is double attention and increased caution!
If you liked the article, remind your friends on social media about the rules of caution!
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