Why you should always look under the hood of a car and how else you can help stray cats
How many dangers and hardships has a stray cat endured in its lifetime. He fights desperately for life every day, escaping cars, dogs, nature and human anger. The animal can only rely on its feet, teeth, vision, smell and agility. And we have compassionate people. It's not hard to help a street fluff. We're telling you how to do that.
As Chuck Palahniuk said, our humanity is not determined by how we treat other people. It's the way we treat our smaller brothers. Those who are weaker than us and largely depend on our will and participation.
How can one person with a good heart help nameless street purrs? Not everyone can take an animal off the street. But the following fairly simple actions are possible for everyone.
Sterilize your pet We beg, do not put hope on "good hands"! The vast majority of kittens from semi-domestic cats are on the street. The more sterilized murmur, the fewer homeless people will die.
In the case of street cats, many vet clinics offer large discounts on sterilizing such patients or even perform surgery for free. These animals have a better chance of finding a home.
Yes, cats get shelter here, but the sooner they find a host, the sooner new homeless fluffies can come to their place. You can help not only with finances, but also with medicines, food, volunteer work in the shelter itself and fundraising for it.
In the cold, small shelters save the lives of stray cats. Here they can warm up and wait out the bad weather. Such "minks" will serve cats not only in winter, but also save in summer from overheating. You can make a house with your own hands.
We'll need it.
We're building a cat house.
You can also make a house for stray cats from an old nightstand or locker. To protect the shelter from water, dampness and snow drifts, place boards or bricks 30-40 cm high under the bottom. Leave warm water and food inside, and warm water bottles on the coldest nights.
Important point: be sure to enlist the support of other residents of an apartment building before installing a shelter. Otherwise, the management company can demolish it.
Help the cat with heat stroke Summer heat is disastrous for street animals. During a drought, a homeless cat struggles to find fresh water. If you expose cats to water 2 times a day, it will save them from dehydration. Use narrow deep dishes - so the water will evaporate more slowly.
This is how you can identify an animal that has suffered heat stroke. Symptoms include vomiting, severe salivation, lethargy, protruding tongue and rapid breathing. Noticing these signs, offer the purring of fresh water and food. Take the cat to the cool immediately. If the animal does not feel better, take it to the veterinarian.
Winter ruthlessly attacks the most delicate areas of cat bodies: the tips of the ears, pads and tail. With a weak form of frostbite, the affected area turns pale, a hole remains at the place of pressure.
You can not rub the damaged skin. Take the animal to a warm room, warm the frostbitten area with warm water and gently massage the tissue until red. On the dried skin, apply a loose bandage with levomecol or panthenol.
With a stronger degree of frostbite on the cat’s body, blisters with a cloudy liquid appear. Here it is necessary to take the poor fellow to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible, before giving water and feeding. Otherwise, tissue necrosis may develop.
Check the hood! Drivers, pay attention. In the cold season, street animals in an attempt to warm up climb under the hood of the car. Before starting the car, be sure to give an audible signal or knock on the hood, so as not to harm the small passenger. Otherwise, he may be severely injured or even die.
In the summer, animals can hide in the shade under the car. Please consider this point.
A homeless cat, locked in a basement in winter and summer, a homeless cat is forced to look for a place to sleep at the heating lines or in the basements of high-rise buildings, where he gets through the winds. But a few decades ago, Zheki began to close the holes for ventilation with metal sheets and nets. Often in the trap are the tailed poor. They have to be rescued by animal defenders. But the law is on their side!
Thus, in the order of the State Committee of Ukraine on housing and communal services of 2005 stated that at least one air on the ground floor should always be open. Appealing to this document, you can safely demand from the management company to release the cats from the basement. And in case of refusal, safely contact the prosecutor's office or the police.
How else can you help a homeless cat? Share your experience in the comments.

As Chuck Palahniuk said, our humanity is not determined by how we treat other people. It's the way we treat our smaller brothers. Those who are weaker than us and largely depend on our will and participation.
How can one person with a good heart help nameless street purrs? Not everyone can take an animal off the street. But the following fairly simple actions are possible for everyone.

Sterilize your pet We beg, do not put hope on "good hands"! The vast majority of kittens from semi-domestic cats are on the street. The more sterilized murmur, the fewer homeless people will die.
In the case of street cats, many vet clinics offer large discounts on sterilizing such patients or even perform surgery for free. These animals have a better chance of finding a home.
Yes, cats get shelter here, but the sooner they find a host, the sooner new homeless fluffies can come to their place. You can help not only with finances, but also with medicines, food, volunteer work in the shelter itself and fundraising for it.

In the cold, small shelters save the lives of stray cats. Here they can warm up and wait out the bad weather. Such "minks" will serve cats not only in winter, but also save in summer from overheating. You can make a house with your own hands.
We'll need it.
- insulation
- polyethylene film (shower curtain or old glue)
- plaid
- 2 cardboard boxes of different sizes
- tape
We're building a cat house.
- Glue the bottom and walls of a large box inside with foam. On the principle of nesting dolls, put a smaller box inside. Styrofoam on its lid and cover a large box. Wrap the house in two layers to protect from moisture. Scotch all the stitches.
- Cut the entrance 15 x 15 cm in the corner of the house and reinforce the edges with tape. Put an old blanket or fleece clothes on the floor. Synthetics and wool will not work: they quickly get wet and dry for a long time.
You can also make a house for stray cats from an old nightstand or locker. To protect the shelter from water, dampness and snow drifts, place boards or bricks 30-40 cm high under the bottom. Leave warm water and food inside, and warm water bottles on the coldest nights.

Important point: be sure to enlist the support of other residents of an apartment building before installing a shelter. Otherwise, the management company can demolish it.
Help the cat with heat stroke Summer heat is disastrous for street animals. During a drought, a homeless cat struggles to find fresh water. If you expose cats to water 2 times a day, it will save them from dehydration. Use narrow deep dishes - so the water will evaporate more slowly.
This is how you can identify an animal that has suffered heat stroke. Symptoms include vomiting, severe salivation, lethargy, protruding tongue and rapid breathing. Noticing these signs, offer the purring of fresh water and food. Take the cat to the cool immediately. If the animal does not feel better, take it to the veterinarian.

Winter ruthlessly attacks the most delicate areas of cat bodies: the tips of the ears, pads and tail. With a weak form of frostbite, the affected area turns pale, a hole remains at the place of pressure.
You can not rub the damaged skin. Take the animal to a warm room, warm the frostbitten area with warm water and gently massage the tissue until red. On the dried skin, apply a loose bandage with levomecol or panthenol.
With a stronger degree of frostbite on the cat’s body, blisters with a cloudy liquid appear. Here it is necessary to take the poor fellow to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible, before giving water and feeding. Otherwise, tissue necrosis may develop.

Check the hood! Drivers, pay attention. In the cold season, street animals in an attempt to warm up climb under the hood of the car. Before starting the car, be sure to give an audible signal or knock on the hood, so as not to harm the small passenger. Otherwise, he may be severely injured or even die.
In the summer, animals can hide in the shade under the car. Please consider this point.

A homeless cat, locked in a basement in winter and summer, a homeless cat is forced to look for a place to sleep at the heating lines or in the basements of high-rise buildings, where he gets through the winds. But a few decades ago, Zheki began to close the holes for ventilation with metal sheets and nets. Often in the trap are the tailed poor. They have to be rescued by animal defenders. But the law is on their side!
Thus, in the order of the State Committee of Ukraine on housing and communal services of 2005 stated that at least one air on the ground floor should always be open. Appealing to this document, you can safely demand from the management company to release the cats from the basement. And in case of refusal, safely contact the prosecutor's office or the police.
How else can you help a homeless cat? Share your experience in the comments.
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