Before starting a car, I always look under the hood, because there may be a surprise.
It gets cold in the middle of autumn. We insulate, put on scarves and hats, get out winter shoes. But street animals hide in warm secluded places to warm up. In autumn, veterinary clinics are overcrowded due to animal accidents. A street cat in a car can get hurt if it gets under the hood of a car.
Pets are lucky, they have a warm couch and delicious food. And for street animals fate is unfavorable. In an attempt to warm up, cats climb into basements, they warm themselves on hatches and under cars. Cases when a cat climbed under the hood or on the wheel of a car are not uncommon. And as soon as it starts to get cold, the driver must be extremely careful not to destroy the innocent creature.
“Cats are victims of car hide-and-seek. They do not always have time to leave a secluded place before the car starts. This is fraught with serious injuries incompatible with life, and it is good if the driver caught conscientious and brought the animal to the vet to help the cat, but many simply leave the downed animal on the roadside, says veterinarian Andrey Tron.
The Japanese Automobile Federation reminds drivers to carefully inspect the car before driving. Cats enter the engine compartment in search of heat. The animal thinks that a dark and cramped place where it is warm is safe. In fact, animals put themselves in great danger.
A friend in a large car with a 5.7-liter engine left the garage and went on business, on the way he was alerted by some strange sound from the engine. After reaching the place, he decided to open the hood, and when he opened, he saw his own cat, which was sitting directly on the engine (on a plastic casing). The skin was severely damaged by the claws. By the way, a friend likes to drive fast and to the place he drove about 10 km around the city. More cat under the hood did not climb, — says Alexei.
As the cat gets under the hood, Nissan urged drivers before getting behind the wheel, tap on the hood and listen. If there is a cat inside, it will respond or move. But if you knock on the hood too hard, the cat, on the contrary, can quiet down.
“First the cats climb under the arch. Then under the engine space and can climb to the engine next to the radiator, and on the other hand through the exhaust manifold. The exhaust pipe is the warmest place, if the cat climbs further, it gets into the gas distribution belts, where it can wind, warns auto mechanic Alexei Pavlov.
The space under the hood is not isolated, this can not be done, as this place serves as ventilation. The cat does not need much space to climb into a cramped hole. If the head gets through, the whole cat will fit. To protect yourself and the animal from trouble, you can isolate the place under the hood with a grille.
The homeless animals are already unlucky. In hunger and cold, unsterilized animals breed, and if you see a stray cat or dog on the street, especially in cold weather, you can help him live a few more days if you feed him something.
My backpack always has a small bag of wet dog or cat food. And if I see a stray cat or dog, I will feed him. There are shops at every step, every supermarket has pet food. It costs a man a few minutes, and an animal a lifetime.
You can help homeless animals by taking them to a veterinarian or calling an animal shelter. You can leave a small amount of money to volunteers to take care of the cat that was basking under your car if you can’t keep the animal.
Puppies, cats can climb under the car, and rodents often warm themselves under the hood if the owner leaves the car outside. In addition to a small carcass under the hood, you can find bitten wiring, which is unsafe for the driver himself. Do not be indifferent, knock on the hood, help a homeless cat. Or maybe this cat in the car under the hood is your fate, it is worth washing him, feeding him, and he will be grateful to warm you all his life and please you with an affectionate rumbling.

Pets are lucky, they have a warm couch and delicious food. And for street animals fate is unfavorable. In an attempt to warm up, cats climb into basements, they warm themselves on hatches and under cars. Cases when a cat climbed under the hood or on the wheel of a car are not uncommon. And as soon as it starts to get cold, the driver must be extremely careful not to destroy the innocent creature.
“Cats are victims of car hide-and-seek. They do not always have time to leave a secluded place before the car starts. This is fraught with serious injuries incompatible with life, and it is good if the driver caught conscientious and brought the animal to the vet to help the cat, but many simply leave the downed animal on the roadside, says veterinarian Andrey Tron.

The Japanese Automobile Federation reminds drivers to carefully inspect the car before driving. Cats enter the engine compartment in search of heat. The animal thinks that a dark and cramped place where it is warm is safe. In fact, animals put themselves in great danger.
A friend in a large car with a 5.7-liter engine left the garage and went on business, on the way he was alerted by some strange sound from the engine. After reaching the place, he decided to open the hood, and when he opened, he saw his own cat, which was sitting directly on the engine (on a plastic casing). The skin was severely damaged by the claws. By the way, a friend likes to drive fast and to the place he drove about 10 km around the city. More cat under the hood did not climb, — says Alexei.

As the cat gets under the hood, Nissan urged drivers before getting behind the wheel, tap on the hood and listen. If there is a cat inside, it will respond or move. But if you knock on the hood too hard, the cat, on the contrary, can quiet down.
“First the cats climb under the arch. Then under the engine space and can climb to the engine next to the radiator, and on the other hand through the exhaust manifold. The exhaust pipe is the warmest place, if the cat climbs further, it gets into the gas distribution belts, where it can wind, warns auto mechanic Alexei Pavlov.
The space under the hood is not isolated, this can not be done, as this place serves as ventilation. The cat does not need much space to climb into a cramped hole. If the head gets through, the whole cat will fit. To protect yourself and the animal from trouble, you can isolate the place under the hood with a grille.
The homeless animals are already unlucky. In hunger and cold, unsterilized animals breed, and if you see a stray cat or dog on the street, especially in cold weather, you can help him live a few more days if you feed him something.

My backpack always has a small bag of wet dog or cat food. And if I see a stray cat or dog, I will feed him. There are shops at every step, every supermarket has pet food. It costs a man a few minutes, and an animal a lifetime.
You can help homeless animals by taking them to a veterinarian or calling an animal shelter. You can leave a small amount of money to volunteers to take care of the cat that was basking under your car if you can’t keep the animal.

Puppies, cats can climb under the car, and rodents often warm themselves under the hood if the owner leaves the car outside. In addition to a small carcass under the hood, you can find bitten wiring, which is unsafe for the driver himself. Do not be indifferent, knock on the hood, help a homeless cat. Or maybe this cat in the car under the hood is your fate, it is worth washing him, feeding him, and he will be grateful to warm you all his life and please you with an affectionate rumbling.
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