The Best and Worst Ways to Heat Your Home When You Turn Off the Heating
Recently, Ukrainians have to solve problems that have not arisen before. Due to the constant shelling, people are forced to live without electricity and often without heating. So today we will learn how to warm up in winter, if turned off the heating.
Editorial "Site" He shares a variety of heating methods with you.
How to Warm Up in Winter Start by checking your home for heat loss. When it’s too small, it can be critical. You need to check the windows and doors, make sure they are tightly closed. If there are gaps, they must be sealed with foam or taped. We have already written about how to reduce heat loss in the house. There's a lot of advice on that.
However, if there is no heat inside the house, then methods of saving it are useless. So let’s move on to how to warm up on a cold winter day. We have gathered for you the advice of experienced travelers, as well as simple old-fashioned methods.
Let’s start with those tips that are not included in any category. First, if the day is sunny, always open the curtains. The sun will heat the air through the window and become much warmer. However, on gloomy days and at night, it is better to keep the curtains closed, they will not miss the cold air.
Second, keep moving. This is good for your health and will give you extra heat. It is more important to warm yourself, not the room. By the way, this rule is used by the Japanese to heat themselves in winter in houses without heating. Hot drinks can also be included in the same category. Warm yourself from the inside with hot tea or water. The main thing is, don't be too heavy with sugar.
Think about spending the winter with someone. For example, moving in with parents or friends. The more people in the apartment, the warmer it will be.
Clothing and heating pads should be forgotten about ordinary clothes. It is best to get thermal underwear and fleece things. Wear them together. Multi-layer will provide you with heat and protect you from hypothermia. In addition, warm clothes are comfortable to sleep. At night, do not forget to warm your head so as not to catch a cold.
It is also worth paying attention to insoles for heated shoes. They plug in to the powerbank and heat up. You can also buy chemical heating pads that will help to warm up for a short time. If this is not possible, you can use the old-fashioned hot water bottles.
Travelers know a lot about heating methods. They advise sleeping in sleeping rooms that are designed for low temperatures. No blanket will warm you better. If the situation is quite deplorable, you need to reduce the heating area to a minimum. Choose a room where everyone will live. Just heat it, it will be more efficient. You can also set up a tourist tent in this room, in which the temperature will be several degrees higher.
We immediately warn you that they are fire dangerous, so use all this with caution. So the first method is a hot brick. Take one fire-resistant brick and heat it on a gas stove or in the oven. Then put it in a metal bucket. He'll heat up the room. It is important to follow safety rules. Do not put a brick on the floor so as not to burn it. Do not use the gas stove for too long, because of this, carbon monoxide accumulates in the room.
The second method is a clay heater. Buy some clay pots. Preferably not painted and with a hole at the bottom. Light a candle and cover it with this pot. It will heat up and give off heat. But again, keep an eye on fire safety. Never leave candles unattended, especially at night.
There is a lot of advice on this right now. However, not all of them are worth using. Even the old-fashioned methods we wrote about can only be used in critical situations. But there are some tips that you just need to forget. Never make an open fire indoors. We don’t need to explain what that means. Don't burn all sorts of bourgeois inside the apartment. Also, do not try to heat the apartment with a gas stove or oven. The amount of carbon monoxide can be fatal.
Now you know how to keep warm in the winter. It is a pity that we have to study these tips and use them, but there is no other way out. We hope that one of the above will be useful to you. Insulate yourself as much as possible and hug cats tighter. Winter will pass, and we will withstand any tests. Don't lose faith!

Editorial "Site" He shares a variety of heating methods with you.
How to Warm Up in Winter Start by checking your home for heat loss. When it’s too small, it can be critical. You need to check the windows and doors, make sure they are tightly closed. If there are gaps, they must be sealed with foam or taped. We have already written about how to reduce heat loss in the house. There's a lot of advice on that.
However, if there is no heat inside the house, then methods of saving it are useless. So let’s move on to how to warm up on a cold winter day. We have gathered for you the advice of experienced travelers, as well as simple old-fashioned methods.

Let’s start with those tips that are not included in any category. First, if the day is sunny, always open the curtains. The sun will heat the air through the window and become much warmer. However, on gloomy days and at night, it is better to keep the curtains closed, they will not miss the cold air.
Second, keep moving. This is good for your health and will give you extra heat. It is more important to warm yourself, not the room. By the way, this rule is used by the Japanese to heat themselves in winter in houses without heating. Hot drinks can also be included in the same category. Warm yourself from the inside with hot tea or water. The main thing is, don't be too heavy with sugar.
Think about spending the winter with someone. For example, moving in with parents or friends. The more people in the apartment, the warmer it will be.

Clothing and heating pads should be forgotten about ordinary clothes. It is best to get thermal underwear and fleece things. Wear them together. Multi-layer will provide you with heat and protect you from hypothermia. In addition, warm clothes are comfortable to sleep. At night, do not forget to warm your head so as not to catch a cold.
It is also worth paying attention to insoles for heated shoes. They plug in to the powerbank and heat up. You can also buy chemical heating pads that will help to warm up for a short time. If this is not possible, you can use the old-fashioned hot water bottles.

Travelers know a lot about heating methods. They advise sleeping in sleeping rooms that are designed for low temperatures. No blanket will warm you better. If the situation is quite deplorable, you need to reduce the heating area to a minimum. Choose a room where everyone will live. Just heat it, it will be more efficient. You can also set up a tourist tent in this room, in which the temperature will be several degrees higher.

We immediately warn you that they are fire dangerous, so use all this with caution. So the first method is a hot brick. Take one fire-resistant brick and heat it on a gas stove or in the oven. Then put it in a metal bucket. He'll heat up the room. It is important to follow safety rules. Do not put a brick on the floor so as not to burn it. Do not use the gas stove for too long, because of this, carbon monoxide accumulates in the room.
The second method is a clay heater. Buy some clay pots. Preferably not painted and with a hole at the bottom. Light a candle and cover it with this pot. It will heat up and give off heat. But again, keep an eye on fire safety. Never leave candles unattended, especially at night.
There is a lot of advice on this right now. However, not all of them are worth using. Even the old-fashioned methods we wrote about can only be used in critical situations. But there are some tips that you just need to forget. Never make an open fire indoors. We don’t need to explain what that means. Don't burn all sorts of bourgeois inside the apartment. Also, do not try to heat the apartment with a gas stove or oven. The amount of carbon monoxide can be fatal.

Now you know how to keep warm in the winter. It is a pity that we have to study these tips and use them, but there is no other way out. We hope that one of the above will be useful to you. Insulate yourself as much as possible and hug cats tighter. Winter will pass, and we will withstand any tests. Don't lose faith!
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I realized that I spent 22 years in vain, lived in a foreign country, and did not earn money.