Advice from an experienced nutritionist! So that the New Year feast does not harm the figure and health, it is enough.
With the onset of cold weather, being alert and eating exceptionally healthy food becomes increasingly difficult. When it comes to Christmas, many people forget about it. nutrition And what will happen to the figure afterwards.
During the New Year holidays, almost everyone gains weight. Moreover, if the majority recovers by 0.5-1 kg, some lucky people can add 2.5-5 kg.
Healthy food in winter is one that warms quickly and is well absorbed. These are hot vegetable soups, broths, herbal teas. And those who are frozen, quickly change the internal temperature regime helps tea or any hot drink.
So if the flapping cheeks, second chin and beer belly are not included in your plans for this winter, then this is for you. "Site" I have prepared 7 ways to do the right thing. eat out and not overeating. Especially important during the New Year holidays!
Finally, here is another useful piece of advice. If you refuse a large amount of sweets does not work, I suggest you pick up foil and a handful of dried fruits and replace candy with such a useful sweetness.
This technique will help to outsmart the hidden habit of eating sweets in passing, while dried fruits will become an additional intake of minerals in the body without containing a large amount of glucose. And foil in this case will help give your useful delicacy the appearance of sweets.
All these tips seem easy to implement, but, as is typical of each of us, we can skillfully postpone them. We can fall in love with this idea and bring it to life. It's all up to you.
Please pass this article on to your friends! I’m sure these tips will help them this winter to save their lives. figurehead and good health.
I wish you joyful, full of pleasant events and delicious Christmas No harm to the body! I would also be glad if you could tell us in the comments how you eat in the winter so as not to get better.
During the New Year holidays, almost everyone gains weight. Moreover, if the majority recovers by 0.5-1 kg, some lucky people can add 2.5-5 kg.
Healthy food in winter is one that warms quickly and is well absorbed. These are hot vegetable soups, broths, herbal teas. And those who are frozen, quickly change the internal temperature regime helps tea or any hot drink.
So if the flapping cheeks, second chin and beer belly are not included in your plans for this winter, then this is for you. "Site" I have prepared 7 ways to do the right thing. eat out and not overeating. Especially important during the New Year holidays!
- Mix vegetables
Vegetables are fiber and vitamins, without them, the metabolism slows down, and trouble begins in the digestive tract - constipation and inflammation. That is why nutritionists suggest planning any meal “from vegetables”. For example, my favorite breakfast is whole-grain toast, followed by rubbed avocado with feta cheese and greens. Or oatmeal with pesto sauce or fruit. For lunch - vegetable soup, and to rice I add a portion of green leafy salad. For dinner, you can bake 2-3 types of vegetables in the oven, and to them - meat or fish.
And a few cucumbers, shoots of asparagus, radish or grilled pepper, eaten before meals, will turn the party into more useful. In addition, there are many variations of light holiday salads in which dressing in the form of mayonnaise can be replaced with yogurt. - Listen to me.
In winter, there is little sunlight and this leads to a lack of vitamin D in the body. As a result, the mood worsens. There is melancholy, apathy and lethargy. That’s why girls so often complain that in winter they are drawn to cream cakes or burgers, with which we try to get our “piece of happiness”.
However, to compensate for the lack of vitamin D will help products such as caviar, liver, butter and eggs. Also try to take vitamin and mineral complexes and do not forget about fresh fruits. And for a good mood - spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, the benefit of mobile winter entertainment there is a great many. - Drink water.
Drinks less in winter. In combination with air dried by central heating, the lack of moisture affects the skin. So, the rate of water consumption should not just not decrease, but you need to drink 15% more than usual. When there is no thirst, you need to change the format of drinks - drink warm teas: in the day - with chamomile or ginger, in the evening - with mint and melissa.
And you can also fill the water deficit with vegetables and fruits. For example, cucumber and watermelon contain 95% water, carrots 88%, and beans 77%. - Warming spice
Another group of foods needed in winter are spices. They act as a kind of boosters that warm up the body. Surely most of the spices are already on your shelf at home, so that ginger, pepper, cardamom can be safely and generously added to food. In winter, it’s simple – everything that goes into mulled wine is good for ordinary food. For example, ginger with herbs - to fish, nutmeg and cloves - in the morning banana pancakes, and cinnamon with chili to turkey. - Make a milkshake.
Do not wait for a feast to eat, and in no case go hungry to visit or to the New Year's party. Make a cocktail containing unsweetened almond milk, half a banana and one tablespoon of almond oil, and drink it an hour before the feast. It will saturate the body and relieve the feeling of hunger. - Good example.
I suggest visiting not with eclairs, but with mangoes and a pack of cashew nuts. Fruits and nuts are also dessert. And quite self-sufficient! It's good to combine them with wine. And for lunch at a party you can grab goat cheese and a bunch of greens or avocado. It's a good example, and it's contagious. - Move more.
After any meal, watching a movie with friends or children, there is always a choice: lie down on the couch or go for a walk. While the white snow crunches under your feet and the cheeks pink with frost, while the air is crystal clear, not dusty and not stuffy, even a half-hour walk will be beneficial.
Finally, here is another useful piece of advice. If you refuse a large amount of sweets does not work, I suggest you pick up foil and a handful of dried fruits and replace candy with such a useful sweetness.

This technique will help to outsmart the hidden habit of eating sweets in passing, while dried fruits will become an additional intake of minerals in the body without containing a large amount of glucose. And foil in this case will help give your useful delicacy the appearance of sweets.
All these tips seem easy to implement, but, as is typical of each of us, we can skillfully postpone them. We can fall in love with this idea and bring it to life. It's all up to you.
Please pass this article on to your friends! I’m sure these tips will help them this winter to save their lives. figurehead and good health.
I wish you joyful, full of pleasant events and delicious Christmas No harm to the body! I would also be glad if you could tell us in the comments how you eat in the winter so as not to get better.
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