Nikita Mikhalkov about Evromaydane: I do not support those of the European Union

Nikita Mikhalkov about Evromaydane: I do not support those of the European Union / Fotobank - Getty Images The head of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia, director and actor Nikita Mikhalkov, recently visited the Golden Gramophone Award in Moscow (Russia). While talking to reporters backstage actor spoke out strongly about Euromaidan in Ukraine, according to tsn.ua.
Ukrainian events, namely the situation that occurred on Saturday night at Evromaydane in Kiev, when a peaceful rally dispersed by force, even talked about music awards.
"Ukrainians, who for the European Union I do not mind because I am for those with Russia.
If they attacked the authority and power structures, it is illegal. Ukraine and the European Union, in my opinion, this is a serious destruction to your country! EU Ukraine, Moldavia, do not need! "- Expressed his opinion Nikita Mikhalkov.
..itak guys, I walked on the Maidan and CPDA. There are a number of issues
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