Mikhalkov with flashing lights

The Ministry of Defence has decided to leave the car without spetssignalov Nikita Mikhalkov. Official confirmation of this information has been received. According to other information from unofficial sources, Mikhalkov without flashers will not. There is a suspicion that the data of the second informant closer to the truth. Blue Flashing Light director issued as chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Defense of Russia. Prosecutor General's Office then took out an idea to the Ministry of Defence with the requirement to eliminate the detected violations of law related to the allocation of cars with spetssignalami. Despite the decision of the prosecutor's office, which was dated noyabrёm 2010 Mikhalkov continued to use the car with beacon. So, in December of the same year he arrived in a car with flashing lights on the Public Council of the Ministry of Defense. Chief director of the country's defense ministry very much did not want to leave without symbols road supremacy. For the sake of the military conducted a small paper work, which resulted in all even. Cars belonging to the Council allocated a motor management Ministry of Defense, and the director himself made a list of people who are allowed to use this road. As a result, in mid-January 2011 flasher Mikhalkov was legalized. The prosecutor's office behind the director, not finding the damage caused by the use of special signals.