Allow me to explain: "It is not in the EU and the Schengen area ..."

Best Aleksandra Kovaleva spoke.
Sasha, well done!
"NATO, NATO, calling the fire itself! Dear citizens of the EU countries.
Today our President Viktor Yanukovych has become a new Ceausescu when dispersed a peaceful rally, breaking the head 19-year-old students, the elderly and the girls in the blood. Cobbles on the main square of the country was covered in blood. These people were in favor of Ukraine's integration with Europe and the future of our country.
Reading materials in the foreign press, talking to you in person, listening to your "why do you need in the EU, there are so bad," I came to the conclusion that you do not understand what is happening in Ukraine.
Allow me to explain to you.
It is not in the EU. It's not in your Schengen area, not in your values and other heresies.
Our so-called "president" was twice imprisoned for robbery in his youth. Our so-called "prime minister" does not speak Ukrainian. English, none of them speak at all.
All of our courts are corrupt and work in the interests of the Mafia family of Yanukovych. The country is booming raiding.
Our police raping women, killing people and avoids prison news.yahoo.com/ukraine-rape-draws-outrage-over..
The sons of our deputies and deputies themselves killing people, sitting behind the wheel drunk. And they never find themselves in prison
The police on the roads takes bribes ALL. They did not fix the violation. They just vymagayut bribes: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ul_yDZgFEDo
In Scandinavia, the King is riding on the bus, your ministers ride bicycles.
That's because our president and prime minister go to work:
All roads on the way of the motorcade overlap for 20-40 minutes. Machinery mere mortals are pressed to the side, or simply waiting. So several times a day
When you can not block traffic, the guards of our Prime Minister foul on drivers and beat their machines:
What do Ukrainians? They honk of his car, to protest: www.youtube.com/watch?v=94xXhGO7vAw Does is this? Of course not.
You say, Ukraine is heavily dependent on Russia and Russian gas. Let's take.
Ukraine produces about 21 billion cubic meters of gas per year. For comparison, the state of Poland in the year draws less than 15 billion cubic meters. Ukrainian gas Ukraine should suffice. Why do we buy every year in Russia, more than 30 billion cubic meters of gas, and where it is all going away, I do not know. Perhaps this should ask monopolistic company "Naftogaz of Ukraine».
You say, Ukraine is dependent on exports to Russia. It's true. all Ukrainian exports go to Russia. Do you know where he is going yet Ukrainian exports? To you. In EU countries. We can cope with the loss of trade relations with Russia. Especially that the agreement with the EU involves the expansion of trade with Europe. Same Poland to cope with such difficulties very quickly.
Let's compare the prices in Europe and in Ukraine.
Dress in Berlin - 50 euros - www.zara.com/de/de/damen/kleider/enges-kleid-c..
the same dress in Kiev - 65 euros - www.zara.com/ua/en/woman/dresses/tube-dress-c2..
France - 2 Euro - www.auchandirect.fr/produits- laitiers, -ufs / fromages / pointe-de-brie / id1 / 466/16839
Ukraine - 7 euros - megamarket.ua/catalog/search.php?s=President&a..
Poland - 0, 70 euros - www.fudi.pl/index.php?ktg=67&pytMarka&..
Ukraine - 1.1 euros - megamarket.ua/catalog/search.php?s=молоко nezb ...
Now let's compare the salary:
The average salary of a surgeon in Ukraine is less than 300 euros per month. And how much earn your surgery? en.for-ua.com/news/2013/04/16/161041.html
The average salary in Ukraine 320 euro, and what is your salary? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ukrainian_oblast...
Do you think what has become of the money of the country in which people work so hard? Come:
Among the many real estate of our president: it is - a new home Yanukovych near Kiev. Several swimming pools, lake, golf course. Area - 1, 8 hectares:
30 hectares of forest. From the estate to Kiev our president highlighted a separate lane on the road.
And this - giving Yanukovych in the Crimea. gazeta.ua/ru/articles/politics/_yanukovichu-v-..
Our president has bought a 3 hectare national park "Cape Aya" for only 800,000 dollars. Omit the fact that it is impossible. sell. Reserve! But why so cheap? (100 sqm apartment in nearby Sebastopol worth an average of 70 000 dollars) Probably because he was "the president».
This is only a partial list of successful family of Yanukovych.
I will not remember how the clan of Yanukovych removes its rivals and former friends. Look on the Internet - Yevgeny Shcherban, Yevgeny Kushnarev, Georgy Kirpa, Zinovy Kulik. See how they died. Did not prove it, but I do not insist.
Yanukovych - not the KGB, not Lukashenko, Putin is not Ceausescu. He - a bandit. Behind him stands his Mafia family - Yanukovych Junior, Rinat Akhmetov, Serhiy Lyovochkin, Firtash, etc. They steal all of the Ukrainian budget of billions of euros annually. All they do business in Ukraine are engaged in raiding and by reducing the country to default. They are not interested in the European market. Therefore, the case for them in geopolitics, they did not have a choice - Russia or the EU. They beneficial insulation Ukraine. Because in the isolated country they can do whatever they want. Now Yanukovych Ukraine actually put up for auction - the highest bidder, Russia or Europe. Calling on the EU to negotiate a trilateral - EU, Ukraine, Russia, he actually admitted that Ukraine is not a sovereign state, it belongs to Russia, which must agree with the EU "how much" and "will renew?". Because for Yanukovych and his gang Ukraine - is not a country. This is a business project. This pump, pumping money into their pockets.
Now you're probably asking yourself how we live. As you can see, we are fighting. Personally, I - I struggle. Received European education and working in France, I decided to return home, because I love my country. In leadership positions in the cultural field, I'm pretty good (by Ukrainian standards) income and good living. I am in your "terrible, terrible" of the EU several times a year, but returned to Ukraine, trying to help my country. And so do many people. We are educated, we are able to work, and it's important we're not going to take his country. Because for us, Ukraine - is not a business project. This is our homeland.
That is why we are protesting for many long days and cold nights.
The petition to the White House US to arrest the accounts of Yanukovych gathered 100,000 signatures in less than 4 days - petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/impose-pers..
On Sunday, we had more than 100 000 people
A police authority has collected and brought several thousand sports marginal - "titushek." Each of them was from 20 to 100 euros. The task of each of them - to provoke a fight or just hit people. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lw60LDMk5F8
Over the past few days, they beat many, including several journalists (particularly foreign) and even two police officers who were trying to protect reporters. And this criminal army, collected over 4 years reign of Yanukovych, nothing will happen.