Rainbow Rose

Two Dutch companies, "Flowers River" and "FJ Zendberdzhen "experimented and successfully grew the rose, which is painted in several colors. Moreover, the whole combination petals built in rainbow sequence reminds radugu.

It's not Photoshop, this rose is made on the basis of white roses (any variety of white roses). The stem is cut into four parts, each part of the stem and put into bottles with paint. As soon as Rose pulled the right amount of paint, put it in plain water, and put on sale. Thus, all the colors will be the basis for petals and which grows roses will have all the colors that will add razrabotchiki.

The same method can be applied to other colors, especially chrysanthemums and hydrangeas. You can use the same idea to paint any flower. Seeing this miracle alive, surely many will come in delight, while the true lovers of roses may resent unnatural okrasom.

See also: In China, selling gold rose. How to buy a fresh bouquet? Incredible animals of flowers in China. Russian biologists resurrected plant age 30 thousand years. In the UK snowdrop bulb sold for a record sum.
Source: mirfactov.com/