Ctudentka 87 years
One day, a professor at one of the lectures presented us brand new. At that moment I felt a light touch on his shoulder. Looking around, I saw a little wizened old lady smiled at me so openly that involuntarily smile lit up and my face.
- Hello, my beauty, my name is Rose and I am 87 years old, - she said. - Can I sit down?
I smiled and moved to give way to her place.
- Sure, sit down. May I ask what brought you to the university in such an innocent age? - I suddenly wanted to joke.
- I'm here to meet a rich husband and give birth to him a lot of children - winking at me, the old woman retorted.
- Seriously? - Rose liked me more and more.
I'm interested in the motives of the appearance here of this very old woman.
- But seriously ... I always wanted to get a higher education, and here I am - she replied.
After the lecture we went to the student dining room and had dinner together. From that day we have over three months had dinner together. Rose became the soul of the company almost all student hangouts. All students are willing to communicate with her, never expressing his dislike. [Next]
At the end of the semester we invited her to give a speech at the graduation ceremony. As she walked to the podium, cribs with sheets fell from her hands. Embarrassed, Rose tried to pick them up, but not all collected leaves.
- I beg your pardon, I become so scattered. For the sake of her husband, I quit drinking beer, so I get drunk on whiskey is much faster - she joked. - I do not gather cribs, so let me just say what I think.
As long as the laughter died down, she cleared her throat and began his speech:
- We do not stop playing because we grow. We grow up, because he stopped playing. There are only a few components of your success, youth and happiness. You have to smile every day to find something funny in life. Do you need a dream. When you stop dreaming - you die.
-Vokrug Have so many people who are dead and they do not even know about it!
There is a huge difference between aging and maturing. If you are 19 years old and a year will lie on the couch and do nothing - you would be 20. If I have lain on the couch for a year and will not do anything - I turned 88. There is nothing complicated about to become older. We do not need talent or gift to aging. Gift to open new opportunities for themselves to change. Do not regret anything! Older people usually do not regret what was done, they lament the fact that they do not have time to do. Afraid of death, only those in whom there is a lot of regret.
Having finished his speech with the words "with respect, Rosa," the old woman returned to her place. We were all silent, digesting heard.
A year later, Rose received a higher education, which she had long dreamed.
A week later she quietly died in her sleep.
More than two thousand students came to her funeral, in memory of the fact that this little blond woman taught them to be who they are and want to be.
- Hello, my beauty, my name is Rose and I am 87 years old, - she said. - Can I sit down?
I smiled and moved to give way to her place.
- Sure, sit down. May I ask what brought you to the university in such an innocent age? - I suddenly wanted to joke.
- I'm here to meet a rich husband and give birth to him a lot of children - winking at me, the old woman retorted.
- Seriously? - Rose liked me more and more.
I'm interested in the motives of the appearance here of this very old woman.
- But seriously ... I always wanted to get a higher education, and here I am - she replied.
After the lecture we went to the student dining room and had dinner together. From that day we have over three months had dinner together. Rose became the soul of the company almost all student hangouts. All students are willing to communicate with her, never expressing his dislike. [Next]
At the end of the semester we invited her to give a speech at the graduation ceremony. As she walked to the podium, cribs with sheets fell from her hands. Embarrassed, Rose tried to pick them up, but not all collected leaves.
- I beg your pardon, I become so scattered. For the sake of her husband, I quit drinking beer, so I get drunk on whiskey is much faster - she joked. - I do not gather cribs, so let me just say what I think.
As long as the laughter died down, she cleared her throat and began his speech:
- We do not stop playing because we grow. We grow up, because he stopped playing. There are only a few components of your success, youth and happiness. You have to smile every day to find something funny in life. Do you need a dream. When you stop dreaming - you die.
-Vokrug Have so many people who are dead and they do not even know about it!
There is a huge difference between aging and maturing. If you are 19 years old and a year will lie on the couch and do nothing - you would be 20. If I have lain on the couch for a year and will not do anything - I turned 88. There is nothing complicated about to become older. We do not need talent or gift to aging. Gift to open new opportunities for themselves to change. Do not regret anything! Older people usually do not regret what was done, they lament the fact that they do not have time to do. Afraid of death, only those in whom there is a lot of regret.
Having finished his speech with the words "with respect, Rosa," the old woman returned to her place. We were all silent, digesting heard.
A year later, Rose received a higher education, which she had long dreamed.
A week later she quietly died in her sleep.
More than two thousand students came to her funeral, in memory of the fact that this little blond woman taught them to be who they are and want to be.
