The monk-hermit keeps his right hand raised in the past 39 years

sadhus (hermits) Amar Bharti (Amar Bharti) is currently the only Indian saint, who holds his right hand raised in the past 39 years. A hand went up, not for idle experiment, and was dedicated to the god Shiva, and as a result, has become a symbol for believers indiytsev.

Forty years ago, Amar was a common ordinary citizen of India, burdened pleasant burdens of family life, which included his wife and three children. Utility worries like everyone, knurled route work-home shopping and other amenities of the average activity. But one fine night for unknown reasons Amara world has undergone a cardinal change and waking up, he decided to move the family into the background and put on a vacant place to serve God Shive.

Dressed in plain clothes, newly monk walked the roads of India, living on alms and spending days and nights in incessant prayers. After three years of wandering sadhu it thought that he is still a prisoner of worldly delights, which naturally threw the saint in enormous disappointment, and he decided to come up with something pokardinalnee to more uncompromising way to surrender to the service of Shive.

Then, in 1973, and he suffered a right hand that was raised, and never again let down to the present day. If you look at the photos, you can see that the fingers slavnoizvestnoy hand woven into a kind of FICO, which probably indicates Amar all worldly sweets (well, not as Shiva eventually) .

Over 39 years of being in an upright position knuckles of his right hand came to a complete incompetent, so Bharti, even if they really wanted, it could not operate. Nails on a holy hand is not cut off, whether it is subject to ablutions unknown. The owner of the hand admits that at first it was painful, but then the body and used all ustakanilos.

But instead of lost limbs sadhu found harmony with the inner "I" and some other inaccessible mortal spiritual benefits, so that the idea was worth. Also invisible to the eye astral bonuses, Amar had got quite real - became the all-India celebrity and revered by believers as a saint of the highest standard, which no doubt is justified - on such a feat after such a glorious initiative decided by many, but the palm and undeniable endurance record belongs only to him .

In the English-language press has a different interpretation of the holy names, so I'm afraid to make a mistake - whether it Bharati (Bharati), whether Bharti (Bharti). See also: Japanese Robinson Crusoe 20 years living on a desert island. The oldest man in the world was 256 years old. 95-year-old Chinese woman, six days after the death got out of a coffin. In Pakistan, live elephant man.
Source: izum-city.com.ua/2011/05/38-лет-с-поднятой-рукой/