Exposing Rosa Kuleshova, which could “see” with one fingertips

Rosa Kuleshova was one of the first female psychics in the USSR. Long time hers. psychic abilities There was no doubt in people. However, the woman managed to become famous throughout the Union by deception. Even during his lifetime Kuleshova was recognized as a real charlatan. But how did the pseudo-specialist charm the Soviet people and how did they manage to bring her to clean water? Read about it further in the article.

People learned about Rosa Kuleshova from the newspapers. An ordinary woman from the outback has incredible abilities. She can see even with her eyes closed, and her fingers, feet and even elbows help her in this. This phenomenon is called “skin vision”.

Everyone was interested in Kuleshova. Journalists began to learn more about the unusual woman. Everyone wanted to know where her psychic abilities came from. It turned out that Rosa suffered from epilepsy. The illness prevented her from even getting a full secondary education. The girl was brought up by her grandmother, since her father died in the war, and her mother was engaged in her life.

After school Kuleshova managed to get a nurse in the hospital. And when she was 20 years old, she enrolled in a circle for blind people, where she perfectly studied Braille. It was there that she discovered she was different from other people. She began to read through her fingers the usual printed text in books.

One day, Rosa went to the hospital, where she decided to demonstrate her skills to her roommates for jokes. At first, the girls did not believe her and arranged a whole exam for her. However, Kuleshova managed to read each of the proposed texts. When Professor Goldenberg found out about this, he also decided to examine the woman. It amazed him so much that the neurologist described the information in his scientific article.

When the fame of Kuleshova spread throughout the Union, she began to tour. Rose traveled to cities and showed people her abilities. She became a real celebrity and she loved it. Moreover, foreign media began to write about the incredible skills of women.

However, the more famous Rosa became, the more people began to doubt her skills. The Soviet minds of science had to give Kuleshova a logical explanation. In fact, the woman became a guinea pig. Scientists from the Research Institute offered her various tests.

I must say that not all of them gave Rose easy. Sometimes she simply refused to do something. Kuleshova referred to distrust that knocks her working mood down. To finally dissuade the talent of the woman helped experiment with reading text through the screen.

Rose used to read texts with her fingers. However, this time there was a tight screen between the text and her. And it became a hindrance to a woman. It turned out that Kuleshova had eideticism. This is a special ability of a person’s memory to instantly remember what he sees for the first time.


That's the answer! Rosa used to look at a text before reading it blindly. When the doctors realized this, they began to give Kuleshova texts, blindfolding her in advance. She couldn't handle any of them.

Despite the fact that Rosa was a charlatan, she became the ideological inspirer of her time. People are no longer afraid to claim their unusual abilities. In the USSR, more and more psychics and telepaths began to appear. Moreover, Kuleshova had followers.


Rose died early. She was only 38 years old. She had a daughter who, in her mother’s footsteps, did not want to go. But, she said, there were prerequisites. She said her mother always wanted to be special. However, that did not make her happy.

Anyway, Rosa Kuleshova had a gift. Not everyone can remember the text they see before their eyes for the first time. Maybe she could use it differently. But she chose a deceptive path to popularity.

What do you think of this unusual woman?


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